Korean War: Pusan Perimeter

AP Series | Panzer Grenadier |
Designer | Townsend |
Game Type | Standalone |
Format | Boxed |
Release Date | 2014-06 |
Availability | In Print |
Scenarios | 48 |
Counters | 517 |
Counter Type | Die-cut |
Maps | 4 |
Overall Rating, 196 votes |
Standalone Rank: 3 of 42 |
Popularity: Ownership & Activity | ||||
Status | Owned by 13% | Played by 7% | AAR'd by 8% | Medaled by 1% |
Rank | 63rd of 173 | 36th of 162 | 30th of 158 | 27th of 98 |

Total | |
Side 1 | 71 |
Draw | 17 |
Side 2 | 104 |
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On June 25, 1950, North Korean forces surged across the 38th Parallel into South Korea, starting what would become the Korean War. Now you command the troops and tanks as American and South Korean forces battle the North Korean People's Army in 48 separate scenarios set during the epic first months of the Korean War. The easy-to-learn, interactive game system will remind you what wargame fun is all about. |
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AFV Rules Pertaining to this Game's Order of Battle |
15 Errata Items | |
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On the newest release/printing of Pusan Perimeter the all errata's have been corrected. (JayTownsend
on 2015 Dec 25)
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Scenario 14: Across the Han: Errata: I never noticed this before but all the bridges should be blown up/destroyed for this scenario that is why the North Koreans have 6 boat units and 2 Engineer units. (JayTownsend
on 2018 Aug 29)
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Errata for scenarios: 22 and 32 were corrected on the second edition or second printing of the game. (JayTownsend
on 2018 Aug 30)
Scen 13 |
The South Korean M20 counter presented in the game, and the special rules associated with it, are erroneous. Click on the unit in the Order of Battle to be taken to unit's page for further explanation and replacement counters. (plloyd1010
on 2023 Feb 01)
Scen 14 |
Scenario #14 Errata: I never noticed this before but all the bridges should be blown up/destroyed for this scenario that is why the North Koreans have 6 boat units and 2 Engineer units. (JayTownsend
on 2018 Aug 29)
Scen 15 |
The South Korean M20 counter presented in the game, and the special rules associated with it, are erroneous. Click on the unit in the Order of Battle to be taken to unit's page for further explanation and replacement counters. (plloyd1010
on 2023 Feb 01)
Scen 16 |
If AP ever does a reprint of the Pusan Perimeter, I would like to change scenario Sixteen. Task Force Smith, I would like to make two changes, first the North Korean reinforcements should enter on turn 8 not turn 12 and for the North Koreans initial force, there should be 6 x T34/85s not 5. (JayTownsend
on 2021 Feb 15)
Scen 16 |
Not errata, just restudying the subject again. (JayTownsend
on 2021 Feb 16)
Scen 19 |
The South Korean M20 counter presented in the game, and the special rules associated with it, are erroneous. Click on the unit in the Order of Battle to be taken to unit's page for further explanation and replacement counters. (plloyd1010
on 2023 Feb 01)
Scen 22 |
Scenario #22, The Perfect Assault: The NKPA setup should read: Enter any map edge on Board 92 and/or 95 on Turn One or later, but at least 10 units must enter on each map. (Not each edge, as there are not enough units for that)! (JayTownsend
on 2015 Jan 01)
Scen 32 |
Scenario #32, All so New: The maps need to be rotated right 90 degrees to right to make the scenario work for setup and victory conditions. (JayTownsend
on 2015 Jan 01)
Scen 32 |
Scenario #32, All so New: The maps need to be rotated right 90 degrees to right to make the scenario work for setup and victory conditions. (JayTownsend
on 2015 Jan 01)
Scen 32 |
The errata was corrected in the second release of Pusan in scenario #32: All So New! So please ignore earlier errata for scenario #32 is you have a newer version of the game, as the maps no longer need to be rotated 90 degrees unless you have the first released copy of the game. (JayTownsend
on 2017 Jun 23)
Scen 41 |
The scenario calls for 2 US Sergeants but there is only 1 Sergeant counter. I left the sergeant in the on-board force and added another random Lieutenant to the retreating force that enters on turn 1. (thomaso827
on 2015 Apr 17)
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These are single-step units. The back of the counters in Pusan Perimeter should be blank. (rerathbun
on 2014 Nov 04)
Nations at War - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
North Korea |
North Korea |
United States |
United States |
South Korea |
South Korea |
Battle Types - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Inflict Enemy Casualties |
Inflict Enemy Casualties |
Exit the Battle Area |
Exit the Battle Area |
Urban Assault |
Urban Assault |
Delaying Action |
Delaying Action |
River Crossing |
River Crossing |
Bridge Control |
Bridge Control |
Breakout |
Breakout |
Ambush |
Ambush |
Hill Control |
Hill Control |
Road Control |
Road Control |
Rear Guard |
Rear Guard |
Meeting Engagement |
Meeting Engagement |
Conditions - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Smoke |
Smoke |
Off-board Artillery |
Off-board Artillery |
Randomly-drawn Aircraft |
Randomly-drawn Aircraft |
Reinforcements |
Reinforcements |
Illumination |
Illumination |
Terrain Mods |
Terrain Mods |
Entrenchments |
Entrenchments |
Severe Weather |
Severe Weather |
Joint Forces Battle |
Joint Forces Battle |
Minefields |
Minefields |
Naval Bombardment |
Naval Bombardment |
Hidden Units |
Hidden Units |