Iron Curtain: Red & White

AP Series | Panzer Grenadier |
Designer | Stafford |
Game Type | Expansion |
Format | Book |
Release Date | 2014-08 |
Availability | Out of Print |
Scenarios | 40 |
Counters | 77 |
Counter Type | Die-cut |
Maps | 0 |
Overall Rating, 1 vote |
Expansion Rank: 107 of 120 |
Popularity: Ownership & Activity | ||||
Status | Owned by 7% | Played by 1% | AAR'd by 1% | Medaled by 0% |
Rank | 94th of 173 | 159th of 162 | 157th of 158 | TBD |
Expansion Game Requirements & Playability | |
40/40 | Red & White |
39/40 | Road to Berlin |
38/40 | Cassino '44 |
36/40 | Hammer & Sickle |
31/40 | Elsenborn Ridge |
7/40 | Iron Wolves |
7/40 | Patton's Nightmare |
1/40 | White Eagles |

Total | |
Side 1 | 0 |
Draw | 0 |
Side 2 | 1 |
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Shortly after the Allies jointly vanquished Nazi terror, the former partners settled into two mutually opposing camps and began a four-decade-long Cold War. At the heart of that protracted struggle lay the fate of the central and eastern European countries "liberated" by the Soviet Union. One of those unfortunate countries, Poland, had been cynically divided between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany via the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, as the opener for World War II. Despite the valor and sacrifice of over 200,000 Poles fighting for the Allies, their interests were betrayed at the Yalta and Potsdam conference, and as a consequence, the Soviet Union ruled Poland through a puppet Socialist government for the next 45 years. Unlike most other Panzer Grenadier titles, Red & White explores one of the "what ifs" of history; in this case, what if the Poles had been able to return home and set up their own government in the postwar era? Looking at the turbulent history of uprisings in the territories under Soviet rule, perhaps a conflict would have emerged pitting a rearmed Poland, supported again by America and the rest of NATO, against the Red Army. We offer you some more historical background, and 40 scenarios to see if Poland can keep its sovereignty against the Soviet Union. Red & White includes 77 mounted and die-cut Polish playing pieces. The 40 scenarios require the use of the pieces and boards from our Cassino, Elsenborn Ridge, Hammer & Sickle, Patton's Nightmare and Road to Berlin games. Note: Ownership of Iron Curtain can be substituted for ownership of both Hammer and Sickle, and Patton's Nightmare as the counters included in Iron Curtain were used in H&S and PN. Similarly, the countersheet for Polish Steel is identical to Iron Curtain: Red & White 77 counter set. |
AFV Rules Pertaining to this Game's Order of Battle |
7 Errata Items | |
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The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4. (plloyd1010
on 2015 Jul 31)
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Kommissars never get morale or combat modifiers. Ignore misprints. (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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These units should have a Direct Fire rating of 2-3, just like the RKKA and NKVD counterparts. (danradz
on 2011 May 04)
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All Guards JS-IIs should have AT fire values of 8-8. (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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Kommissars never get morale or combat modifiers. Ignore misprints. (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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All Guards T-34/85 tanks should have AT fire values of 7-7. (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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The M18 has a special rule in Battle of the Bulge but it applies globally: "A two-step M18 unit can fire one anti-tank shot and move half its movement allowance (retain fractions) in a single impulse. The order in which it does these two actions is the player's choice." (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
Nations at War - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Soviet Union |
Soviet Union |
Poland |
Poland |
United States |
United States |
Battle Types - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Inflict Enemy Casualties |
Inflict Enemy Casualties |
Urban Assault |
Urban Assault |
Exit the Battle Area |
Exit the Battle Area |
Hill Control |
Hill Control |
Road Control |
Road Control |
River Crossing |
River Crossing |
Rural Assault |
Rural Assault |
Surprise Attack |
Surprise Attack |
Paradrops |
Paradrops |
Entrenchment Control |
Entrenchment Control |
Meeting Engagement |
Meeting Engagement |
Ambush |
Ambush |
Breakout |
Breakout |
Rescue |
Rescue |
Airfield Control |
Airfield Control |
Conditions - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Smoke |
Smoke |
Off-board Artillery |
Off-board Artillery |
Randomly-drawn Aircraft |
Randomly-drawn Aircraft |
Illumination |
Illumination |
Terrain Mods |
Terrain Mods |
Reinforcements |
Reinforcements |
Anti-infantry Wire |
Anti-infantry Wire |
Entrenchments |
Entrenchments |
Minefields |
Minefields |
Severe Weather |
Severe Weather |
Joint Forces Battle |
Joint Forces Battle |
Hidden Units |
Hidden Units |
Naval Bombardment |
Naval Bombardment |