Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Errors? Omissions? Report them!
Fall of Petrikovka
Fronte Russo #6
(Attacker) Italy vs Soviet Union (Defender)
Formations Involved
Italy 79º Reggimento Fanteria "Roma"
Italy 8º Reggimento Artiglieria
Italy 9ª Divisione Fanteria "Pasubio"
Soviet Union 273rd Rifle Division

Overall balance chart for FrRu006
Side 1 4
Draw 0
Side 2 12
Overall Rating, 16 votes
Scenario Rank: 238 of 957
Parent Game Fronte Russo
Historicity Historical
Date 1941-09-29
Start Time 13:30
Turn Count 24
Visibility Day
Counters 61
Net Morale 0
Net Initiative 2
Maps 2: 4, 5
Layout Dimensions 56 x 43 cm
22 x 17 in
Play Bounty 116
AAR Bounty 118
Total Plays 16
Total AARs 9
Battle Types
Delaying Action
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Urban Assault
Off-board Artillery
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Eastern Front Maps + Counters
Fronte Russo Base Game

On the morning of the 29th, Soviey defense along the Oredj line collapsed; Pasubio Division's headquarters ordered units to advance quickly and surround as many enemy troops as possible. Colonel Biasoli, commander of the 79th Regiment, personally led a motorized column to Petrikovka. Upon reaching the outskirts of town, the Italians came under mortar and machine gun fire.


Italian trucks unloaded their infantrymen and rushed back to load more troops. As reinforcements and increased artillery support arrived, the battle shifted in the attackers favor. The Italians captured the town of Petrikovka with heavy Soviet casualties and many prisoners taken. Even the Soviet divisional headquarters just barely escaped. With the exception of a few small mopping up actions, the fall of Petikovka ended fighting in this sector.

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).
  • AFV's are activated by tank leaders (3.2, 3.3, 5.42, 6.8). They may also be activated as part of an initial activating stack, but if activated in this way would need a tank leader in order to carry out combat movement.
  • AFV's do not block Direct Fire (10.1).
  • Full-strength AFV's with "armor efficiency" may make two anti-tank (AT) fire attacks per turn (either in their action segment or during opportunity fire) if they have AT fire values of 0 or more (11.2).
  • Each unit with an AT fire value of 2 or more may fire at targets at a distance of between 100% and 150% of its printed AT range. It does so at half its AT fire value. (11.3)
  • Efficient and non-efficient AFV's may conduct two opportunity fires per turn if using direct fire (7.44, 7.64). Units with both Direct and AT Fire values may use either type of fire in the same turn as their opportunity fire, but not both (7.22, 13.0). Units which can take opportunity fire twice per turn do not have to target the same unit both times (13.0).
  • Demoralized AFV's are not required to flee from units that do not have AT fire values (14.3).
  • Place a Wreck marker when an AFV is eliminated in a bridge or town hex (16.3).
  • AFV's do not benefit from Entrenchments (16.42).
  • AFV's may Dig In (16.2).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables. Do not take step losses from Direct or Bombardment Fire. If X or #X result on Fire Table, make M morale check instead (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Provide the +1 modifier on the Assault Table when combined with infantry. (Modifier only applies to Germans in all scenarios; Soviet Guards in scenarios taking place after 1942; Polish, US and Commonwealth in scenarios taking place after 1943.) (ACC)
  • Tank: all are closed-top and provide the +1 Assault bonus, when applicable

Display Order of Battle

Italy Order of Battle
Regio Esercito
  • Mechanized
  • Motorized
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)
  • Motorized

Display Errata (3)

3 Errata Items
Scen 6

Give 9th Pasubio one tank leader.

(Shad on 2010 Apr 29)
Overall balance chart for 101

The L3/35 with ID# 1505 has the incorrect movement factor printed on it. The movement factor should be 7, not 8.

(plloyd1010 on 2014 Nov 24)
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)

Display AARs (9)

Italian Grinders
Author Zouave
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2007-09-03
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

This AAR is notable for me, because it was the first scenario I played after reintroducing myself to the Panzergrenadier system. I tried the original game, was not impressed and put it away. The 3rd edition rules and the new modules, caught my interest. Fronte Russo was what probably tipped me over the edge.

I wanted to start off with a relatively simple scenario, and chose FR Scenario 6 – The Fall of Petrikovka. Two boards, small counter density, and a little Italian L5 tankette. Also, it seemed like the classic situation found in many PG scenarios – an attacking force trying to dislodge some defenders from a town.

Set-up and strategy

The Soviets put most of their units in the town on board 4, with the two mortar units in the back to avoid being hit by bombardment. They also put an entrenchment, leader and reduced MG unit on the hill in the NE corner of board 4 to serve as spotters (an error I later realized, as the town gets the same elevation bonus), and two entrenchments, a leader, several INF units and a MG unit in the woods north of the town to deny the Italians easy access to this limited terrain. The idea is that the Italians will either fail to dislodge the defenders from the city by Turn 24, or lose too many steps trying.

Turns 1-7

The Italians survey the set up, and decide to rush their initial forces down the eastern side of boards 5 and 4 to attack the woods and set up some sighting positions for the heavy artillery arriving on Turn 8.

The first few turns consist of the Italians chain-activating and moving south. The Soviets respond by moving a leader and MG unit east in the woods, and by moving the spotters on the hill toward the town. As the Italians come in range of the mortars, one stack is hit and an infantry unit is disrupted.

Things then get interesting as the Italians get a lucky initiative die roll and can make three activations. They move the L5 tankette, an INF unit and a leader up adjacent to a stack of two reduced Soviet INF units on the eastern edge of the woods. The Soviets manage to disrupt the leader with OpFire, thereby delaying the inevitable assault. The other leaders and INF swarm forward, coming under OpFire from the Soviet MG. The two Italian MG units also move up to within range of the woods, while the 47mm AT gun unlimbers right behind them. On the next turn, the Italians manage to get a leader, an INF unit, a Motorcycle unit and the L5 in good order next to the two reduced Soviet INF units. The Soviets and Italians trade mortar, MG and AT fire, with a few disruptions (an Italian captain later deserts on his recovery roll; I hope it wasn’t Capitano Aceto). Unfortunately for the Soviets, the Italian assault stack is now out of the LOS of any leader, so will be safe for a while from mortar fire.

On the ensuing turn, the Italians win the initiative by one and advance to assault. I had to double check to confirm that the L5 did not provide a +1 bonus per the player aid. The Italians fight ferociously, rolling a 6 and eliminating one unit and demoralizing the second. The Soviet roll has no effect. Meanwhile a bit to north, the Soviet MG manages to disrupt the two Italian MGs, and then the Italian 47mm gun lands an incredibly lucky shot, rolling a 3 and disrupting the Soviet MG and INF unit in the woods, despite the presence of a 10/1/1 Colonel. The Soviet force that started on the hill has now reached the town, reinforcing it.

So the Italians have gained a foothold in the woods, and the Soviet defenders there will be under pressure. In retrospect, I see that it would have been better for the Soviets to have placed all three entrenchments on the SE edge of the woods to deny that area to Italian spotters.

Turns 8-23

The Italian artillery arrives, and sets up outside of mortar range and LOS of Soviet units. Combined, they pack a Fire Value of 44. Meanwhile, the Italian units in the woods advance toward the Soviet entrenchments to the west. The Soviet mortar unit proves to be a genuine nuisance, disrupting units and making the Italian side waste time bringing them back. The Italians eventually assault the positions on the western edge of the forest, routing the defenders with little or no loss. There now ensue several turns of trading fire at two-three hex range, with the mortar and artillery chipping in. Slowly but surely, the Italians’ fire superiority tells, especially after the MGs are brought up to form a deadly three-hex fire group led by a Colonel [editor's note: this was mistake - I later realized he could form only a two-hex group]. The Soviet stacks in the city hexes facing the woods soon become interspersed with disrupted and demoralized defenders. What’s worse, Soviet losses have now reduced their initiative to zero.

When the Italian player gets a multi-segment activation, he bombards the city, fires on it with his fire group, and then advances a Captain and two INF units to assault position. The attackers survive OpFire, but one hex is disrupted by the mortars. On the next turn, more Italians charge from the woods to get into assault position. This time, the mortars miss, and on the subsequent turn motorcycle troops and an MG unit advance into close combat. Soon, more stacks advance into the city. The city’s back hexes have become clogged with demoralized defenders. It’s a long and grinding fight, but eventually, with only one turn to spare, the last defender (one of the mortars) is eliminated from the city and the exhausted Italian troops take a well deserved rest.

Post Mortem

This was fun; it was good scenario to relearn the system. I’m not sure I played the Soviet side all that well. I was pretty passive, hoping they could hang on until time ran out. But then again, they came within one turn of winning. Two things about the system really became clear with this session: 1) artillery is absolutely the key to taking positions (or for that matter, defending them, as the Soviet mortars showed); as an attacker you must think about getting good spotting positions to take advantage of it; and 2) you must have patience. Combat results take a while to accumulate, and you have to wait until the defense is properly suppressed before rushing out into open terrain.

I give it a 5, because it was fun, balanced and being my first AAR has sentimental value.

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So the Italians aren't really all that bad, huh?
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2009-05-16
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

This was my first Fronte Russo scenario played and guaranteed that others will hit the table. The Soviets set up their defense in depth with the intent of slowing the Italians and possibly disrupting their artillery superiority (remember that all Italian artillery is one board and susceptible to disruption, etc. The Italians have just the troops they need to pull off the victory, even their AFV is a huge help when used correctly. The Soviets need to know when to fall back to Petrikovka in order to bolster its defense. Too early and you permit the Italians to crush the defense with artillery, too late and the troops will get ground to dust outside of the town leaving the remaining troops with the need to cover too much ground to be effective. As the Soviet commander I selected the second option and ended up losing the last hex of the town on Turn 22 of 24. Just a few more troops and the Soviets hold...

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Za Rodinu!
Author Redarmyman (Italy)
Method Face to Face
Victor Soviet Union
Participants unknown
Play Date 2011-03-21
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

Fun little scenario! As the Soviets i put a small OP w/ a couple infantry and a HMG / leader on the forward hill, and concentrated my defense around the town. The Italians then ran around my right flank, forcing me to pull my OP bvack to town -- and just in time. The Italian reinforcments arrived, and he placed his arty units on the backside of the hill for fear of my mortars. Lack of transport made the Italian advance very slow and they were forced to use arty for smoke to cover their advance, as a result they started bombarding the town too late -- in addition the Italians tried an ill=advised assault on the town before all available forces were up. This caused considerable casualties to the Italians, who finally managed to get the reinforcements into the fight too little too late -- at game's end the Soviets still held the north and northeast sides of town.

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La caída de Petrikovka
Author enrique
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2010-06-10
Language Español
Scenario FrRu006

En este escenario se enfrentan fuerzas del cuerpo expedicionario italiano en Rusia (CSIR, Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia) a fuerzas del ejército regular soviético. El combate tuvo lugar al mediodía del 29 de septiembre de 1941 en el contexto del ataque de las fuerzas del Eje sobre la línea soviética del Orelj. Los italianos deben tomar la población de Petrikovka, que se encuentra en manos soviéticas. Los italianos disponen de entrada de varias unidades de infantería, motocicletas, morteros ligeros, tanquetas modelo L3/35 y ametralladoras, encuadradas en el regimiento 79º de la división motorizada "Pasubio". Posteriormente, a partir del turno octavo, contarán como refuerzo con varias unidades más de infantería y ametralladoras y de baterías de artillería de 100 mm y de 75/27 del 8º regimiento de artillería. Los soviéticos, por su parte, disponen de varias secciones de infantería, subfusiles y ametralladoras (algunas de ellas con la mitad de sus plantillas), y de dos baterías de morteros de 82 mm. Se benefician, además, del fuego de una batería de artillería pesada. Ambos bandos tienen una moral y adiestramiento similar: 7/6 los italianos y 7/5 los soviéticos. Excepcionalmente, la sección de motocicletas y las batería de artillería italianas gozan de una moral superior (8/7).

El objetivo de los italianos, como ya se ha indicado, es tomar Petrikovka. El de los soviéticos, naturalmente, impedirlo. Ganan los italianos si al cabo de seis horas (24 turnos) consiguen ocupar completamente la población sin tener más de ocho "steps" de bajas. Cualquier otro resultado supone una victoria soviética. Los soviéticos se despliegan primero sobre el terreno. Los italianos entran por el norte del campo de batalla. El comandante soviético ha decidido desplegar una primera línea defensiva que bloquee el paso hacia la población, con la idea de demorar en lo posible el avance italiano. Destina a este objetivo sus mejores unidades (dos secciones de infantería, dos de ametralladoras y dos baterías de morteros), que se protegen enterradas en pozos de tirador. El comandante soviético ha establecido, además, un sistema de puntos fuertes atrincherados alrededor de Petrikovka, que ha guarnecido con unidades de segunda clase (medias secciones de infantería y ametralladoras). El líder rojo planea una defensa elástica en la primera línea, de manera que cuando se vea superada, sus unidades se irán retirando paulatinamente a la población. Una vez aquí, la defensa se tornará desesperada y sus fuerzas lucharán casa por casa hasta el último hombre.

El comandante italiano, coronel Biasoli, planea forzar la línea defensiva soviética mediante el fuego concentrado de sus secciones de infantería y ametralladoras, dado que tienen más potencia de fuego y alcance que sus rivales. Además, su Servicio de Información le ha indicado que los soviéticos carecen de armamento antitanque, por lo que hará avanzar a su sección de tanquetas por la carretera y hacer fuego a quemarropa sobre las unidades enemigas que bloqueen el paso. Una vez forzado éste, las tanquetas se dirigirán hacia las baterías de mortero enemigas, a las que silenciará. El coronel Biasoli confía haber forzado la línea defensiva enemiga antes de la llegada de refuerzos. Llegados éstos, avanzará directamente sobre la ciudad para desalojar a los soviéticos en el período de tiempo más breve posible y con el menor número posible de bajas.

Veamos ahora cómo se desarrolló la batalla.

Turno 1 Entran los italianos por el borde norte. En vanguardia va la sección de tanquetas L3/35, que avanza decididamente por la carretera hasta toparse con la primera resistencia soviética: una sección de infantería semioculta en pozos de tirador. Le sigue una sección de ametralladoras montada en camiones. A una distancia prudencial, esta sección desmonta y avanza, pero es blanco del fuego enemigo y se desmoraliza. El resto de unidades italianas va avanzando a pie hacia el enemigo.

Turno 2 Conscientes de la situación, la batería de artillería pesada y las baterías de morteros soviéticas hacen fuego sobre la sección italiana desmoralizada. El resultado es halagüeño para los soviéticos: los italianos pierden media sección de ametralladoras. El resto de fuerzas italiana sigue avanzando, recibiendo el fuego directo enemigo, que desmoraliza una sección de infantería.

Turno 3 Los italianos siguen avanzando y poniéndose en posición de hacer fuego efectivo sobre el enemigo, pero las secciones de ametralladoras soviéticas siegan el terreno con fuego intenso y certero y dos secciones de infantería italiana más son desmoralizadas. Por el parte el fuego de las ametralladoras de las tanquetas hasta el momento no ha conseguido desalojar a los soviéticos de sus posiciones en la carretera.

Turno 4 Sigue el intenso fuego directo soviético, aunque sin consecuencias, ya que ahora las unidades italianas se han pegado mejor al terreno y están más protegidas. Las unidades italianas desmoralizadas van siendo reorganizadas poco a poco por sus oficiales.

Turno 5 El fuego italiano empieza a concentrarse y a resultar eficaz. La sección soviética que cortaba la carretera es blanco del fuego de las tanquetas y de fusiles y ametralladoras, hasta el punto de que se desmoraliza y huye, por lo que deja el camino expedito hacia Petrikovka. No obstante, el resto de la línea soviética se mantiene firme. Se nota la ausencia de apoyo de artillería a las unidades italianas.

Turno 6 La sección de tanquetas italiana avanza sin resistencia por la carretera. El fuego se intensifica en ambos bandos, pero sin más consecuencias.

Turno 7 La sección de motocicletas italiana y un capitán se encaminan por la carretera recién abierta y se dirigen hacia las baterías de mortero soviéticas, que están haciendo un eficaz fuego de contención. El movimiento de las motocicletas ha sido coordinado con el de las tanquetas, que se dirigen al mismo punto para hacer fuego sobre los morteros soviéticos.

Turno 8 Entran los refuerzos italianos y en concreto cuatro baterías de artillería, que se despliegan rápidamente en un bosquecillo al noreste del campo de batalla. La sección de motocicletas italianas y las tanquetas concentran su fuego sobre las baterías de mortero soviéticas. Una de estas baterías es desorganizada y junto con la otra deben retirarse al interior de un campo de cultivo para evitar mayores males. La situación de los soviéticos en la línea defensiva se vuelve crítica, al haberse interrumpido casi todo el fuego de apoyo y por la llegada de refuerzos y artillería a los italianos.

Turno 9 La artillería italiana empieza a hacer fuego sobre la línea soviética. Una de las secciones de ametralladoras soviéticas que guarnecía la línea no ha podido impedir que varias unidades italianas se acerquen a distancia de asalto, que puede producirse en el próximo turno. Unidades italianas llegadas de refuerzo cruzan la línea soviética por la carretera, ya que nadie les impide el paso. La otra sección de ametralladoras soviética que defendía la línea sale de sus posiciones para proteger las baterías de mortero acosadas por el enemigo. Este movimiento es detectado por las tanquetas, que se dirigen a interceptarles el paso. La línea soviética empieza a colapsarse.

Turno 10 La sección de ametralladoras soviética que permanecía en posición es asaltada por varias unidades italianas. Los soviéticos se defienden bien, pero al final pierden media sección y su capitán es hecho prisionero. Al otro lado de la carretera los italianos se preparan para asaltar la única unidad soviética que en estos momentos se mantiene incólume en la línea. Se trata de una sección de infantería protegida en pozos de tirador. La línea soviética, como tal, ha sido desarticulada. Sólo unidades aisladas, aquí y allí, ofrecen esporádicos focos de resistencia ante el enemigo.

Turno 11 La sección italiana de motocicletas sigue haciendo fuego sobre las baterías de mortero soviéticas, pero sin resultado verdaderamente resolutivo. No obstante, el capitán italiano que dirige las motocicletas comunica la posición de los morteros a la artillería. Acto seguido, una cortina de fuego cae sobre las morteros soviéticos, que son completamente destruidos junto con sus transportes. La aislada sección de infantería soviética que aún permanecía en posición es asaltada por tres secciones de infantería italiana. La lucha es sin cuartel y al final la unidad soviética es aniquilada hasta el último hombre. No obstante, los observadores de artillería soviéticos han visto la acción y comunican la posición de los asaltantes italianos a la artillería pesada. La consiguiente lluvia de proyectiles desmoraliza dos secciones italianas y desorganiza otra. La línea soviética ha dejado de existir, junto con casi todas las unidades que la componían, pero los italianos han pagado un alto precio. Ahora hay vía libre hasta Petrikovka.

Turno 12 La sección de ametralladoras soviética que había ido a proteger sus baterías de mortero, ha conseguido ocultarse en un campo de cultivo próximo y dispara a quemarropa cuando se aproximan dos secciones de infantería italiana. Los italianos pierden media sección y el resto se desmoraliza. A continuación la artillería pesada soviética hace blanco sobre estas unidades, aniquilando otra media sección y a un teniente italiano. Esta repentina acción atrae la atención del resto de fuerzas italianas del sector. La artillería italiana localiza la posición de las ametralladoras soviéticas, que se desorganizan tras recibir un diluvio de fuego. A continuación la sección de tanquetas dispara sobre éstas, desmoralizándolas. Bajas hasta el momento: los italianos han sufrido tres "steps", los soviéticos nueve "steps".

Turno 13 La sección de tanquetas asalta a la desmoralizada sección de ametralladoras italianas y la aniquila, junto con el teniente que la dirigía. Una compañía italiana avanza por la carretera y llega a las inmediaciones de Petrikovka. Lo suficientemente cerca para que un observador de artillería que les acompaña dirija el fuego sobre las posiciones exteriores de la población, en concreto el hex atrincherado Norte. Cuando se disipa el fuego del bombardeo italiano, el comandante soviético puede ver que las fuerzas que defendían estas trincheras (media sección de ametralladoras y una sección de infantería) están desorganizadas o desmoralizadas. El líder soviético hace balance de la situación: su primera línea defensiva ha desaparecido, y si bien ha demorado bastante el ataque final italiano, sus fuerzas han sido aniquiladas o dispersas, con lo que ninguna de ellas ha podido ganar la ciudad para colaborar en la defensa. Ahora sólo dispone de varias medias secciones de infantería y ametralladoras, de moral más que quebradiza, de una sección de subfusiles y de otra infantería (recién desmoralizada por el bombardeo). Los italianos van avanzando y se preparan para atacar. No obstante, su marcha de aproximación es interferida por el fuego de la artillería soviética, que desmoraliza una sección de infantería.

Turno 14 La sección de motocicletas italiana, haciendo uso de su velocidad, rodea la ciudad por el Este intentando penetrar en ella por un hex desguarnecido. Los soviéticos detectan rápidamente este movimiento y cubren con sus mermadas fuerzas todo el perímetro de la población. Entre tanto, las fuerzas italianas van tomando posiciones para el asalto final.

Turno 15 La artillería italiana sigue bombardeando el hex atrincherado Norte que protege el acceso a la ciudad por carretera. Los soviéticos pierden media sección de infantería a resultas de este fuego. La vanguardia italiana (dos secciones de ametralladoras y una de infantería) se prepara para asaltar esta posición. Consciente de la situación, el comandante soviético manda allí como refuerzos sus últimas reservas dignas de este nombre: una sección completa de subfusiles. El resto de las fuerzas italianas se aproximan al perímetro de la población estudiando los puntos débiles para atacarlos.

Turno 16 Las dos secciones italianas de ametralladoras hacen un fuego devastador sobre el hex atrincherado Norte y desmoralizan a la unidad de subfusiles soviética. A continuación la infantería italiana se lanza al asalto. Los soviéticos resisten de momento como pueden. Los italianos aún no han puesto pie en la ciudad.

Turno 17 Continúan los duros combates en el hex atrincherado Norte. Los soviéticos aún resisten allí. En el sector Oeste de la población los italianos desencadenan un nuevo ataque, que es frenado en seco por el fuego directo soviético, que desorganiza una sección de infantería y desmoraliza a otra. El hex atrincherado Este es asaltado repentinamente por la sección italiana de motocicletas, aunque los soviéticos se mantienen en sus posiciones de momento. Dos secciones italianas de infantería salen del bosque próximo con idea de asaltar un hex de la población. Los soviéticos están demostrando tener una piel muy dura de pelar. Los italianos aún no han puesto los pies en la ciudad y quedan solamente siete turnos.

Turno 18 Los soviéticos aún resisten en el hex atrincherado Norte, pero están sufriendo pérdidas constantes. La sección italiana de motocicletas que había asaltado el hex atrincherado Este sale de él para entrar directamente en Petrikovka. Ello le hace experimentar un denso fuego soviético de dentro y fuera de la población, y media sección es aniquilada en el acto. No obstante, los supervivientes consisten ocupar el hex de población. En el perímetro Norte dos secciones italianas de infantería desencadenan un asalto sobre un hex de Petrikovka defendido por una débil unidad soviética, que es eliminada. Los italianos han conseguido ya controlar dos hexes de la población, aunque han pagado un elevado precio por ello.

Turno 19 Tremendos combates en todo el perímetro. Tras una durísima pugna, el disputado hex atrincherado Norte es al final ocupado por los italianos. Un hex contiguo de población, donde los soviéticos conservaban su última unidad íntegra es asaltado por los italianos y ocupado, siendo aniquilada la resistencia soviética. El coronel soviético que dirigía la resistencia huyó in extremis a un hex adyacente. Pero los soviéticos no se dan por vencidos. Un hex de Petrikovka recién ocupado por italianos es blanco de la artillería pesada soviética, que desmoraliza a una sección italiana y desorganiza a otra. En estos momentos los italianos ocupan ya tres hexes de la población y tienen asaltado otro.

Turno 20 Siguen los intensos combates en la ciudad. Los soviéticos pierden otro hex. Ya sólo les quedan dos. Las bajas de los soviéticos son aterradoras, ya que luchan hasta el último hombre. Bajas: los italianos han sufrido 4 “steps” y los soviéticos 22.

Turno 21 En un enésimo asalto, los italianos consiguen vencer el penúltimo foco de resistencia soviético en la ciudad. El coronel soviético es hecho prisionero. Ya ha cesado toda resistencia organizada dentro de la ciudad. Únicamente hay pequeñas bolsas de resistencia en un único hex. Algunas unidades soviéticas dispersas de los alrededores, dirigidas por un sargento, intentan entrar subrepticiamente en Petrikovka.

Turno 22 El fin. Un definitivo asalto aniquila las últimas bolsas de resistencia soviética. Petrikovka ha caído. Los italianos ocupan todo el perímetro de la ciudad. Las escasas y débiles fuerzas soviéticas del exterior se retiran desordenadamente. Bajas definitivas: los italianos han sufrido 4 “steps” y los soviéticos 24.

Victoria italiana

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Ivan Hangs on - Barely
Author KirkH
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2010-08-02
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

Soviets set up solely on board 4 with units in the town and entrenchments to the left, forward, and to the right of the town. The Italians entered from the north along the road. They quickly approached the entrenchments, but the Soviets surprisingly held strong. The Italian reinforcements entered on turn 8 as the initial forces continued to struggle with the entrenched Soviets a few hexes north of the town. Two thirds of the way through the game the Italians had yet to approach the town and still struggled with the Soviet perimeter defenses. By games end the Italians had gotten to the town and had taken two hexes of it, but were too demoralized and scattered to make a serious attack on it. The Soviet defenders were also at the breaking point as well and didn't have much left to defend with. A Soviet victory, but this scenario definitely warrants replay.

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Fragile Italian morale key to defeat
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2013-08-26
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

This scenario was played solo in two short sessions. VC are simple the Italians must capture the title town and not lose 8 steps in the process, failure will mean a Soviet victory. IMHO the Soviet player must concentrate his defense solely on the town, perhaps putting one sacrificial unit on Board 5 as a road block and a second entrenched road block on Board 5 just to stop the Axis forces steaming up the road. The two 82mm MTR's are the most potent weapon in the Red Army's arsenal in this scenario, I placed them in the woods, meaning the Italian commander would have to divert units away from the main point of attack to deal with them. The Italian's should have plenty of time in this scenario (24 turns) to cross 1 1/2 boards and take the town. They outnumber the Soviet's but the Italian forces come in on two waves, and have no OBDA and what, artillery they have will not arrive till 90 mins after the start of the battle. The Italin plan was to flank the first road block, surround the town, wait for the reinforcements and squeeze the trap shut on the hapless Russians. The first few turns saw the Italian moving swiftly past the road block and taking positions around the second road block, however the Soviet mortars and OBDA (strength 10) disrupted several units and even demoralized the Italian commander (Col1011). This caused some consternation to the attacking forces and a company was in the end detached to deal with those pesky mortars. With the arrival of the Italian reinforcements the attack recommenced but this is where the fragile morale came in, as Soviet OF while not being devastating cause numerous disruptions and a couple of demoralization's including the Italian commander again. This meant that the Italian attack was never properly coordinated and although a foothold was gained in Petrikova it was a very tenuous one at best. The final turns saw some desperate Italian assaults and Russian counter attacks in the town, Soviet losses were high (12 steps to the Italians 6 steps) but by game end only half the town had been taken by the Italians. **Good exciting scenario, played through to the end as it only obvious by GT22 that the Soviet forces would hang on. By then there were 7 Italian units either disrupted or demoralized and more than three hexes away from the action, who were in effect out of the game, and the remaining units were not strong enough to force the issue. **

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Tough Nut
Author Fanghawk
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2018-04-17
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

The Italians were able to reach the town quickly and virtually untouched. Both sides had terrible leadership but I still thought the Russians would be disposed of rather easily. Unfortunately, the Italians weren't able to get effective fire on the town and when they did, the Russian troops just shrugged it off, passing Morale Check after Morale Check while the Italians, once actually assaulting the town couldn't hold it together.

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Non capitulazione di Petrikovka
Author filbox (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Soviet Union
Participants unknown
Play Date 2011-09-21
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

At the end of September 1941, the Soviet defense along the Orelj River collapsed and the Italians were ordered to seize initiative and to surround as many enemy troops as possible. Colonello Biasoli, commander of the 79th Regiment personally led the motorized column to Petrikovka.

When the 9th Pasubio got in sight of Petrikovka, they were met by a Russian defense in depth to harass the Italians and to give the defenders of the town ample time to dig trenches. The Italians know that their artillery is arriving along the road so they cannot afford to bypass the Russian forward guard, so they split their force into two blocks, about a third is to attack the Russians on the road while the rest takes the scenic route towards Petrikovka.

Well, the Italians were in for a shock: those Russian road defenders turned out to be the most accurate and tenacious warriors of the Soviet Army. The Italian attack along the road cost extremely dearly in time as well as lives. Those Russians shrugged off all incoming fire and whilst leaving a few units behind to secure the road, the rest pulled back towards the town. During all this mayhem,Col Biasoli reached the eastern side of the town, came under murderous mortar fire and decided to push on. Mortar fire and accurate opportunity fire stopped this attack at least 400 yards from the outskirts of Petrikovka. Col Biasoli took a morale blow during this shamble and demoralized he tried to regroup his troops while hunkering down in the bushes northeast of the town. He decided to await his artillery column that would soon demolish those blasted defenders, all was not lost.

The Italian artillery rode on the battlefield in true splendid style, headed for a nearby hill and started to unlimber. At that moment a Russian artillery round hit a Bullseye, struck the Italian ammunition truck and vaporized both 100mm artillery units. Bye bye Italian artillery support! When word of this reached the Colonel (well he could see and feel the near atomic blast for himself), the old man tore out most of his already fading hairline, sank to his knees sobbing and had to be relieved of command. Maggiore Ferrari took over and immediately ordered a combined attack on both sides of (a now practically laughing their heads off) Petrikovka. The Italians clearly hadn’t suffered enough when these attacks once again petered down when morale broke of about all the attacking units.

At 5 o clock, Italian casualties were already so high that HQ ordered a retreat, telling the Italians that on the morrow a German contingent would do the job properly. Ferrari, frustrated that not a single Italian foot had entered the town, ignored this order and sent every man towards the town, threatening to shoot them in true Commissar fashion! Amazingly, for once, the Italians got in the town and even secured a small piece of it, but when a stupid rifle bullet took out the commander of the AFV’s, their morale broke and that was the last straw.

The vastly superior Russians cheered when the Italians surrendered , knowing that their splendid defense was never threatened and Maggiore Ferrari is now on the lookout for some new hotdice, cause the ones from this lovely game ended where they belonged, in the toilet bowl!

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Urban assault slugfest, not too interesting
Author errebi15
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2010-10-19
Language English
Scenario FrRu006

The Soviets set up with the bulk of their forces in the town, a few units in entrenchments 3 hexes to the north along the road and a small delaying force on the hill to the north-east.

The Italians attacked these outposts with their first units and then, after placing their artillery behind the hill, made good use of their transports (and of 1 MC unit) to outflank the entrenchments and send part of their forces to attack the town from the south.

The Soviet mortars were relatively effective in delaying the advancing Italian units, which managed to enter the town and clear 4 hexes, but could not dislodge the remaining defenders, who refused to give in despite heavy losses, helped by a 10-1-1 colonel placed in the central hex.

Overall not a very interesting scenario and not much for the Soviets to do except direct their OBA and mortars.


USSR: 5 INF plts, 2 HMG plts, 1 HMG step, 1 82mm MRT, 2 trucks, 2 wagons, 1 LT

ITALY: 1 INF plt, 3 INF steps, 1 truck

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