Counterattack at Dunkirk Fall of France 1 #41 |
(Defender) Germany | vs | France (Attacker) |
Formations Involved | ||
France | ![]() |
137e Régiment d'Infanterie |
Germany | ![]() |
1st Panzer Division |
Overall Rating, 11 votes |
Scenario Rank: 393 of 957 |
Parent Game | Fall of France 1 |
Historicity | Historical |
Date | 1940-05-25 |
Start Time | 09:00 |
Turn Count | 18 |
Visibility | Day |
Counters | 28 |
Net Morale | 1 |
Net Initiative | 2 |
Maps | 2: 29, 33 |
Layout Dimensions | 56 x 43 cm 22 x 17 in |
Play Bounty | 86 |
AAR Bounty | 136 |
Total Plays | 12 |
Total AARs | 6 |
Battle Types |
Rural Assault |
Urban Assault |
Conditions |
Off-board Artillery |
Randomly-drawn Aircraft |
Terrain Mods |
Scenario Requirements & Playability | |
Fall of France 1 | Base Game |
Introduction |
While the Germans were consolidating their bridgeheads across the Aa and resting after Hitler's stop order, the French command at Dunkirk built up strong artillery support groups and ordered a counterattack against the small village of St-Georges to restore their lines. |
Conclusion |
The French counterattack started at 0900 hours and included artillery support and a handful of tanks. The unsupported German recon troops in the village were in no mood to trade shots with tanks, and left after calling in some artillery fire and airstrikes that failed to stop the French. At noon the French infantry reached its main objective (the railway embankment dominating the surrounding landscape) and the Germans fell back to the bridge of St-Folquin. The small victory showed that the French High Command would keep defending Dunkirk to buy time for the Escape from the Continent. |
AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle |
2 Errata Items | |
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In 1940: Fall of France, the units show Direct Fire. All units are Indirect Fire. (rerathbun
on 2015 Jun 06)
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The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France. (plloyd1010
on 2015 Jul 31)
En Avant! | ||||||||||||
An interesting and quick little scenario. This has asymmetric force in that the Germans are understrength but highly mobile while the French have the numbers but are somewhat ponderous with their slow HMGs, yet they have mobility in one platoon of S35 tanks. The Germans chose to delay north of the river with the intent of falling back onto the bridges while defending the main town south of the river. This worked somewhat in the east where the Germans held up the French almost all game in the large town north of the river. But one motorcycle platoon got trapped north of the river in one of the small towns without a leader and thus sat the game defending the town. The Germans managed to fall back on the eastern bridges and dig in. In the center, the German line broke and the Somuas broke through and got to the rail line. All the French needed was to get the last bridge but one half-strength German platoon held out against repeated assault by the anemic French infantry. They would have been better off pulling back and just pounding with artillery. Nevertheless, the French scored a minor victory. |
1 Comment |
Derrota alemana en el Aa |
En este escenario una compañía motociclista alemana debe defender los puentes sobre el río Aa y algunos hexes de población cercanos al río (el río es menor). Los franceses envían un batallón reforzado de infantería, apoyado por una sección de tanques "Somua" (S35), una batería de artillería de "soixante-quinze" y varias baterías de artillería fuera del mapa (2x8, 2x14, 1x20). Los alemanes disponen del apoyo de una batería de artillería fuera del mapa (1x16) y de varias escuadrillas de aviones. Naturalmente, con tan escasos efectivos los alemanes no pueden cubrir todo el sector del río ni los puentes y hexes de población, por lo que se concentran en la ribera norte del Aa en los puentes y los accesos a éstos. Los franceses entran por el borde norte y se dirigen inmediatamente hacia el enemigo, con lo que pronto se generaliza la batalla. La poderosa artillería francesa machaca una posición germana en un puente, y la sección de motociclistas que la defendía se retira pronto desmoralizada y semidestruida. Sin embargo, el resto de alemanes se defiende bien en los hexes de población. Los franceses adolecen de escaso poder ofensivo y lentitud, en especial las secciones de HMG, que sólo pueden desplazarse un hex. Los franceses concentran sus fuerzas de infantería, la sección de tanques "Somua" y su artillería en el sector central, con lo que las unidades alemanas que lo defendían (dos secciones de motociclistas) acaban cediendo y son desmoralizadas y destruidas. El frente alemán se rompe y por el hueco penetran los tanques "Somua" que conquistan a placer dos puentes y varios hexes de población.Al final los franceses consiguen una victoria menor. A pesar de su escaso poder ofensivo, los franceses han demostrado que con paciencia, el apoyo imprescindible de una poderosa artillería y el aprovechamiento de las ocasiones sin asumir demasiados riesgos se puede obtener la victoria. A punto obtuvieron de obtener una victoria "mayor". Buen escenario. |
Hurrah for the gunners | ||||||||||||||
This small two mapper was played in one session against Alan. It has a mainly French INF force with a single tank platoon in support but with excellent OBDA. Facing them is a small force of MTC and a single HMG platoon. The Germans have better morale but have to cover a wide front, the French to win simply have to control more bridge and town hexes the the Boche. There are two main town on to the north of the river and one covering the central bridge, these in my view have to be contested by the Germans, which Alan did for a while but then withdrew from the Northerly town to try and contest several smaller hamlets, I felt then that the initiative had now passed to the French has without having to commit to any real fighting they could send the single tank unit far to the rear to capture town hexes while the INF units kept the pressure on the main German front. Alan's Luftwaffe failed to make much impression compared to the French OBDA who eliminated two steps and caused the MTC units to stay in cover most of the game. The quick speed of the MTC's did cause a few issues but French number prevailed in the end. **A nice thinking scenario with lost of movement and little bloodshed, I believe the the French advantages will normally give them the edge in this one, but I can sure there will be a few German wins down the line. Good scenario. ** |
Not my day | ||||||||||||||
Having played this scenario before and won with the French I had hope that this game would break the continuous German winning streak that Bangla and I have had playing this module. However my hopes lasted all the way to the second turn when I lost 5 steps. Those of you who have had the misfortune to play me know I grumble about the dice a lot, however that's just the way I am, if you read my AAR's there's not many times I attribute the loss/win to poor/good dice. This report is the exception, Bangla had good dice almost throughout the game, I had lousy throughout the game. But being fair Bangla had worked out the correct strategy to follow, which given the French OBA, was to stay in the towns has much as possible giving up ground where necessary. The French have to take towns/bridge hexes and get one unit on to the railway embankment, the French have got one tank and very good OBDA, the Germans are Motorcycles, HMG and have air support for three turns. The French advance on and on the second turn attack a German held town hex, using smoke to cover the advance, however 2 opportunity fire rolls form the defenders result in two step losses, the Luftwaffe make and appearance and account for another 2 step losses and a further step loss ensues with a poor morale throw. After that it would be an uphill battle for the French. In fact there was a faint glimmer of hope when the German commander attacked the lone French tanks left there to entice this very action. This attack though resulted in the French losing a tank step and eventually the only German losses of the game. By the halfway stage the Germans had retreated behind the river, the surviving French advance only to have 30 bombardment points of friendly fire land on them with two more step losses. That was enough for moi to throw in the towel. Some days it just isn't going to be your day. The German A/C, using 4th edition rules which made the 16 firepower he got each time very deadly, were very effective compared to my previous play of this scenario. |
Tense Situation in the Flatlands | ||||||||||||||
This was a very close and fun-to-play, 3-session, play-through with a seasoned and resolute PG expert who led the German side. We used the dismal, Fog of War optional rule, as well as the Consolidation and Smoke rules. I played the counter attacking French 2nd Battalion of the 137th Infantry Regiment against a strong mobileforce from the German 1st Panzer Division that was supported by 3 turns of Luftwaffe combat air. The French objectives included: gaining control of all the bridges along the Minor River (the Aa River?), get a combat unit onto the RR embankment in the southern portion of Map 33, control more town hexes than the Germans, and not lose more than 5 steps in combat! A very tall order, indeed! The Germans benefited from very accurate OBA fire and one amazing sortie by a flight of HE-111 bombers. They also had better morale recovery and combat die rolls throughout this play-through. An early, rather headlong, French dash to cross the river was soundly crushed by well-positioned German units, though the French were eventually able to secure a foothold in the town of St. Georges after a fiercely contested crossing. In the end, this relatively balanced scenario resulted in a draw as both sides were able to claim minor victory status, but with significantly more step loses on the French side of the ledger. I gave this one a 4. |
Almost there! | ||||||||||||||
This is an odd scenario in which I had a solid draw with the terrifying Treadasaurus and his Teutonic Horde going into the last 4 turns, when suddenly Lady Luck abandoned me to the tender mercies of Le Boche. My counter attack collapsed and I managed to throw 9 combat 7-dice rolls in the last 3 turns, along with no succssful morale recoveries in the last 4! The last of the French leaders were eliminated in the next to the last turn in this 4-session play. I give this battle a generous rating of 2, since I did enjoy playing with my formidable and hilarious opponent. This is an unbalanced scenario in favor of the defending Germans, and is probably a better one for solo play. |
Way better than I did, Colonel. I could barely manage a hard-fought draw in this one.