Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
Errors? Omissions? Report them!
Night of the Guards
Eastern Front #11
(Defender) Romania vs Soviet Union (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Romania 6th Guard Infantry Regiment
Soviet Union 25th Guards Rifle Division
Soviet Union 5th Cavalry Division

Overall balance chart for EFDx011
Side 1 3
Draw 1
Side 2 11
Overall Rating, 15 votes
Scenario Rank: 710 of 936
Parent Game Eastern Front
Historicity Historical
Date 1941-06-23
Start Time 00:00
Turn Count 36
Visibility Night
Counters 80
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 1
Maps 4: 3, 5, 6, 7
Layout Dimensions 86 x 56 cm
34 x 22 in
Play Bounty 85
AAR Bounty 124
Total Plays 15
Total AARs 8
Battle Types
Bridge Control
Rural Assault
Urban Assault
Off-board Artillery
Terrain Mods
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Eastern Front Base Game

On the war's first day the Romanian Royal Guard Division had seized several bridgeheads over the river Prut, for use when the main offensive opened a week later. The Soviets did not sit quietly, and made furious attempts to drive the interlopers back over the river.


A ferocious, close-quarters clash including numerous incidents of hand-to-hand fighting left hundreds of casualties on both sides. Soviet cavalrymen got very close to the bridge, but were driven back by a moonlit bayonet charge by the regiments 9th Company that killed dozens of Red Army troops and captured four machine guns and 13 rifles. The Guard kept its bridgehead; the Soviets pulled back to reform and try again.

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).
  • AFV's are activated by tank leaders (3.2, 3.3, 5.42, 6.8). They may also be activated as part of an initial activating stack, but if activated in this way would need a tank leader in order to carry out combat movement.
  • AFV's do not block Direct Fire (10.1).
  • Full-strength AFV's with "armor efficiency" may make two anti-tank (AT) fire attacks per turn (either in their action segment or during opportunity fire) if they have AT fire values of 0 or more (11.2).
  • Each unit with an AT fire value of 2 or more may fire at targets at a distance of between 100% and 150% of its printed AT range. It does so at half its AT fire value. (11.3)
  • Efficient and non-efficient AFV's may conduct two opportunity fires per turn if using direct fire (7.44, 7.64). Units with both Direct and AT Fire values may use either type of fire in the same turn as their opportunity fire, but not both (7.22, 13.0). Units which can take opportunity fire twice per turn do not have to target the same unit both times (13.0).
  • Demoralized AFV's are not required to flee from units that do not have AT fire values (14.3).
  • Place a Wreck marker when an AFV is eliminated in a bridge or town hex (16.3).
  • AFV's do not benefit from Entrenchments (16.42).
  • AFV's may Dig In (16.2).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables. Do not take step losses from Direct or Bombardment Fire. If X or #X result on Fire Table, make M morale check instead (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Provide the +1 modifier on the Assault Table when combined with infantry. (Modifier only applies to Germans in all scenarios; Soviet Guards in scenarios taking place after 1942; Polish, US and Commonwealth in scenarios taking place after 1943.) (ACC)
  • Tank: all are closed-top and provide the +1 Assault bonus, when applicable

Display Order of Battle

Romania Order of Battle
Armata Română
  • Towed
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)
  • Mechanized
  • Towed

Display Errata (3)

3 Errata Items
Scen 11

This scenario has river crossing numbers and a major river, but no engineers! (see Rule 5.7: major rivers can only be crossed at bridges or with engineer assistance). Let all units attempt to cross as if an engineer were there (boats, fords, pre-planned wading attempts, etc.) using the crossing numbers as if an engineer were present.

(Shad on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 11

Romanians have no wagons. Set up is correct.

(Shad on 2010 Apr 29)
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)

Display AARs (8)

Night of the Guards – Or was it? Romanians and Russians duke it out!
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2009-02-11
Language English
Scenario EFDx011


June 23, 1941. As the attacks along the Russian borderlands began the Romanians established some bridgeheads, one such bridgehead is being held by elements of the Romanian 6th Guard Infantry Regiment. A Russian counter-attack by elements of the 5th Cavalry and 25th Rifle Divisions attempts to dislodge the residing Romanians. Our action begins at midnight…

The main objectives: 1. Capture/Hold the town 2. Capture/Hold the Bridgehead 3. Avoid taking casualties (Romanians only)

Note: Score will be denoted by (x), where x=number of Romanian steps lost. Russians achieve their victory condition if they inflict 12 or more Romanian step losses.

000 (visibility=1 hex)

Romanians are feeling vastly outnumbered. They need to hold two positions (town and bridgehead) while taking minimal losses. The Russians are bound to hit them hard…

The Russians spend the first 45 mins advancing their troops and poising their cavalry for the charge.

Romanian foot troops fall back to defend the AT Guns.


Russian foot troops advance against the Romanian HMGs in the town. The result is slaughter as a total of two platoons of Russian infantry and HMG are cut down!

As the Romanian forces are preoccupied, 6 platoons of Russian cavalry charge into the city! The cavalry are broken against the staunch Russian defenders and suffer minor losses. But a Romanian HMG is demoralised, and, although costly, the Russians have gained a foothold in the city!

By the river, Russian infantry rushes the Romanian AT guns as artillery shells begin to fall.

The Bloodbath has begun.


At the Bridge the Romanians manage to hold off the Russians. The armour advances and a T-37 platoon is damaged.

In the town both sides begin to rally. The Romanians counter-attack. They are disrupted but eliminate half a cavalry platoon. But the Russians send in reinforcements!


Romanian AT gun hits another T-37 as their infantry assaults the Russian armour.

Meanwhile in the town, more cavalry charges in and the first Romanian half platoon is lost. (1) Russian foot troops begin to encircle the town.

Romanian reserves in the woods move to reinforce the bridgehead.

An artillery strike hits the Romanian infantry caught in the open. (2)


Remaining T-37s are eliminated in close assault.

Russian assaults eliminate half Romanian Infantry platoon by the bridge (3). The Romanian Locotenent flees the assault and is killed by an artillery shell.

Night chaos leads to an abrupt end as the Fog of War takes affect.


Russian forces try to surround the dug-in Romanians as the Guards reinforce from the woods. But the Romanian HMG reinforcement is shattered by friendly artillery fire!

Meanwhile, the action begins to stagnate in the town…


At the town, the Romanians lose a half platoon of infantry in an assault (4), as some Russian cavalry are eliminated by some 81mm mortar fire.

By the bridgehead, some T-26 are laid to waste by AT Gun fire as they are busy fighting off Romanian infantry!


The Romanians eliminate a Russian infantry platoon in close assault by the bridge as a second Russian platoon flees. More T-26s fire at the Romanian infantry and a half platoon is lost (5).


Russian Cavalry is decimated by Romanian bombardment. One and a half platoons are lost!


Russian artillery and small arms fire combine to eliminate a platoon of Romanian infantry. (7)

A brave Romanian Locotenent breaks ranks to lead some men towards the Russian artillery emplacement.


Fighting remains fierce near the bridge.

Russian artillery continues to pound Romanian forces and a half platoon and locotenent are eliminated (8).

sidenote: This really hurt the Romanians. A lack of leaders by the bridge (with two locotenents killed) severely limits the Romanians ability to initiate assaults or call in off-board artillery. It also meant the brave locotenent driving north had to quickly return to the bridgehead.

The town begins to quiet down.


Russian cavalry charges the Romanian mortar battery in the woods, disrupting it.


Another Romanian infantry by the bridge is reduced (9). The broken Romanians are trying to hold on to their bridgehead, but it is beginning to look hopeless.


The Romanian 81mm mortar is lost. (10)


At the bridgehead, in a massive counter-attack, Romanian forces strike out: AT Gun cuts down some Russian infantry. Dug-in Infantry counterattacks and 2 Russian HMGs are lost. Another Russian infantry lost by the bridge.

The Russians lost many men, and suddenly the bridgehead situation is looking less dire for the Romanians as the Russians are fleeing into the night.


At the bridgehead, Russian forces begin to regroup to the Northwest as Romanians begin to dig-in once more.


The Romanians lose a half platoon to the last Russian captain still in close assault. (11). They respond with a risky artillery strike which smashes the Russian assaulters.

Sensing complete loss for his men, the Russian captain responds by calling down his own artillery directly upon himself. The gambit pays off, and the other Romanian half infantry platoon is lost! (12)

Gamenote: The Soviets have just completed a victory condition of eliminating 12 Romanian steps. In order to obtain a draw, the Romanians must now drive the Russians out of the town and away from the bridgehead.


Waiting for dawn to break, Russian forces which are rallying to the northwest begin to dig-in.


Message from Soviet High Command: We no longer care about casualties. You must hold either the town or the bridgehead! Nothing else matters!

Gamenote: Random Event: Change in orders: Halt! If enemy doesn’t win, you do. Which means that there is no draw condition. If Romanians do not fulfil their objective of keeping the town and bridgehead clear, the Russians win.

Broken Romanian forces flee the town and are smashed by Russian artillery (lost half HMG and half Inf). The Romanian AT Gun is eliminated by friendly fire.

By the bridge, the Russian Captain is killed.

The Sun begins to rise. Now it’s going to get violent.

0530 (visibility=2)

By the bridge the Romanians initiate fire first, and a half Russian platoon is cut down.

In the town, Romanian forces initiate an assault and both sides lose a half platoon.

0545 (visibility=4)

By the bridge, the Romanian AT Gun takes out some T-26s. Return small arms fire demoralised the Gun crews and an infantry half platoon is lost.

In the town some of the Romanians begin to rout.

0600 (visibility=6)

By the bridge, the last Romanian locotenent is eliminated by artillery fire! The Romanians are now completely leaderless at the bridgehead.

Gamenote: So theY can’t close assault the T-26!

In the town, the Romanians hold out in the south-eastern quarter. The rest of the town is lost as a Captain and his half platoon are cut down trying to flee.

0615 (visibility=8)

Outside the town Russian cavalry eliminates more fleeing Romanians.

At the bridgehead, the T-26s are eliminated by an anti-tank gun battery when Russian small arms fire couldn’t suppress it.

Surprisingly, the Bridgehead has been saved while the town has been lost!

0630 (visibility=10)

Romanian HMG unhorses some cavalry in the town as Russian artillery bombards them.

0645 (day)

81mm mortar and 76.2mm artillery combine with the Regimental off-board batteries routing the Romanian infantry. The Romanian HMG is reduced by charging Russian cavalry.


Reserve Romanian infantry by the bridge head towards the woods with the hope to find a leader who can help them re-take the town.

A Russian Lagg3 arrives and cuts down some fleeing Romanian infantry.

The Romanian AT Gun is finally silenced by Russian artillery fire.

By the bridge, only one Russian platoon is left as the rest flee from Romanian small arms fire. They set another rally point to the northwest.


Russian cavalry charge into the HMG which is eliminated. The Romanian Major is captured!

The only Romanian leader still present is a Colonel in the southeast quarter of the town protected by only one infantry platoon!

Meanwhile by the bridgehead, another Romanian infantry platoon is eliminated by combined mortar and regimental artillery.

With a lack of available leadership, and seeing no hope in retaking the town, the Romanian forces surrender.


Although titled Night of the Guards, this scenario was very hard for the Romanians to hold out.

In essence, this scenario contains two separate battles, one at the town and the other at the bridgehead. It is up to the commanders to determine which battle will be best served by the artillery and other forces.

One possible Russian set-up would be to ignore one of the two objectives and just slam all your forces into the bridgehead or town. But where’s the fun in that!

1 Comment
2021-03-14 15:22

How were the cavalry able to charge at night with a visibility of only 1? Cavalry can only charge what they can spot, and charges start two hexes away.

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Sangriento río Prut
Author enrique
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2011-02-04
Language Español
Scenario EFDx011

En esta acción cinco compañías de infantería de la Guardia Real rumana deben defender un puente y una ciudad de un contraataque soviético. Los soviéticos disponen de una fuerza mixta de cuatro compañías de infantería, tres escuadrones de caballería, cuatro pelotones de tanques T-26 y T-37 y artillería y morteros.

La batalla tiene lugar de noche.

Dado que los rumanos tienen una moral superior, los soviétios utilizan tres compañías de infantería para fijar a la fuerza rumana que protege la ciudad y el resto se dedica a atacar el sector del puente sobre el río Prut. Los rumanos han formado un perímetro en torno a éste, que es inmediatamente atacado por los blindados soviéticos. La única batería AT rumana no puede intervenir por falta de visibilidad (sólo un hex).

La combinación del ataque blindado, del bombardeo de artillería, de las cargas de caballería y de los asaltos de la infantería llevados a cabo por los soviéticos acaba rompiendo la línea defensiva rumana.

Al final del turno 8 los rumanos han sufrido 12 steps de bajas y con sus escasas fuerzas son incapaces de desalojar a los soviéticos de las proximidades del puente.

Victoria soviética en menos de la cuarta parte de la duración prevista para este escenario. No obstante, la partida ha sido instructiva.

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Combate nocturno junto al Prut
Author enrique
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-11-22
Language Español
Scenario EFDx011

Es la tercera vez que juego este escenario.

Una selecta fuerza rumana, compuesta por los efectivos aproximados de un batallón de infantería más algunas unidades de apoyo (tres secciones de cañones AT de 47mm y una sección de morteros), debe defender una cabeza de puente en la ribera este del río Prut. Enfrente se encuentra una fuerza mixta soviética integrada por un batallón de infantería, medio regimiento de caballería, una compañía de tanques ligeros (T-26 y T-37), tres secciones de morteros y dos batería de artillería (cañones de 76,2 mm). Ambas fuerzas disponen de artillería fuera del mapa de respetable potencia (3 x 12 los rumanos y 4 x 10 los soviéticos). Los rumanos gozan de una moral superior.

La batalla se desarrolla de noche. Los rumanos despliegan sus unidades protegidas en pozos de tiradoe o resguardadas en la población del mapa 7. El despliegue inicial favorece a los rusos, que pueden elegir el blanco de sus ataques en las posiciones aisladas enemigas, ya que los rumanos han tenido que distribuir sus fuerzas en pelotones aislados en torno a su perímetro defensivo. En efecto, la combinación de la artillería, el fuego directo de los tanques y la oscuridad nocturna -que impide un fuego defensivo eficaz por parte de los defensores- permite que la infantería soviética asalte con éxito las posiciones rumanas.

La situación de los rumanos empieza a ser preocupante cuando su comandante ordena repentinamente un cambio de táctica y pasar al contraataque. Sin embargo, ya es tarde. Los rumanos consiguen algunos éxitos parciales, pero sus fuerzas se encuentran demasiado diseminadas y sus líderes son demasiado escasos.

La batalla entra aquí en una fase caótica.Los soviéticos también padecen escasez de líderes, que unido a la oscuridad impide que en varios turnos puedan aprovechar su artillería. No obstante, al final la situación es desesperada para los rumanos, con un perímetro defensivo perforado por múltiples boquetes por el que se filtran las unidades de caballería soviética.

A las 0315 el comandante rumano se da por vencido y cruza con los supervivientes a la orilla occidental del Prut.

Escenario interesante, aunque desnivelado (los soviéticos han ganado las tres partidas).

Paso el rating de 3 a 4.

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A vicious struggle from start to finish
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-01-15
Language English
Scenario EFDx011

In this scenario the Romanian 6th Guard Infantry Regiment is given the ardous task of holding on to 4 town hexes on the southeastern map; not only controlling the town but keeping any Soviet units from occupying it. Also, they have to keep the bridge area on the Northeastern map clear of Soviet units within a 4 hex radius. Not only that, but they have to keep their losses down to less than 12 steps to prevent a Soviet victory.

In the cover of darkness the Soviets split their forces into two groups; The 5th Calvary, supported with some infantry attack in the north, by the bridge and most of the other foot units attack the town in the south with a mix of T-26 and T-37 tanks. The Romanians by the bridge have dug-in in a half circle spaced apart by 1-2 hexes, 4 hexes out with 3 x 47mm AT guns evenly dispersed amongst the INF and HMG units. The rest of the Romanian units occupy the town.

The northern Soviet attack gets off to disasterous start when the calvary is sent in first to charge dug-in postions and soon enough, with little or any gain, 2 of the 3 calvary leaders are gone; one eliminated and one deserting. The third calvary leader, a Lieutenant with a mere 6-0-0 rating, remained either demoralized or disrupted most of the battle until just about dawn before he recovered back to good order. This left a lot of the remaining calvary units leaderless for quite some time, scattered around in the darkness. The other two regular leaders refused to break off from their flank attack to lead or assist those calvary units as they were having to keep rallying their own units to press on the main bridgehead attack. This worked out well enough as the calvary would be held in reserve until they were needed the most.

The Soviet assault on the town went much better during the night phase. Romanian units took most of the early step losses there and the Soviets were able to keep one urban assault going for quite a few hours. The nighttime (-1) direct and indirect fire modifiers favored the attackers and kept Soviet casualties down. The Soviet tanks split up; the T-26s moved around the town and tried to sneak their way in towards the bridgehead while the T-37s remained outside the town to mow down any demoralized, fleeing units. The T-26s don't make it too far before they are wiped out by a swarm of INF but they succeeded in dividing the enemy's forces up which were already spread dangerously thin.

The battle rages on for hours and both sides are locked in a stalemate until dawn. The Romanians are holding out in both areas and able to keep losses down. Eventually the Soviets get pushed out of the town from a counterattack and the attacking forces by the bridgehead have been pushed back into retreat. For a shortwhile it looks like the Guards will be able to hang on and at least end this battle in draw. As soon as visibilty increased past 2 hexes with the morning light the tide finally turned in favor of the Soviets. On board and off board artillery begins to tear apart Romanian dug-in postions in the north and the calvary, now reformed and regrouped makes more successful charges. The dug-in Romanian lines are breached while some straggling INF units that had fled the town assault earlier have regrouped and approach the bridge area from the south. By 07:00/turn 29, the Soviets have inflicted the required 12 Romanian step losses and now look to just hold back maintaining a presence within 4 hexes of the bridge to keep their victory.

The remaining Romanian guards do all they can to push the Soviets back again but their fighting strength has been severely reduced and are now too far spread out to keep all bases covered. By the end of the battle, after 36 turns, the Soviets have 5 steps of INF within the 4 hex radius of the bridge and win this deathmatch. It was not an easy victory and the Romanian 6th Guards Regiment put up a fierce resistance. They could at least boast that they drove the horde of Bolsheviks out of the town when outnumbered there at least 2-1 and won one of the two battles going on; unfortunately they needed to win both of the battles and the bridge was also of far more strategical value. This was a nice challenge for a solo play and as such, rated a '4' as it was a real cliffhanger. In a shared play, a better Romanian strategy may be to choose just one of two areas to defend but that would be likely pushing for a draw. Even then, it will be hard to keep step losses down to less than 12, especially once dawn breaks and full visibility is gained.

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Night of the Guards - Italian AAR
Author maverik
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2011-07-16
Language English
Scenario EFDx011

Scenario in prevalenza notturno. Il russo si avvicina senza grandi timori sfruttando l'oscurità. Il fuoco difensivo rumeno farà ben poco. L'assalto delle unità sovietiche nei pressi della zona del ponte è spietato e sanguinoso. Il rumeno lentamente perderà terreno su terreno. Intanto la cavalleria prende posizione difronte la città pronta a caricare alle prime luci dell'alba. Le unità di mortai e l'artiglieria sovietica si prepara anch'essa a colpire le posizioni difensive dell'asse all'alba. Una strage da ambo le parti, i russi prendono la città, infliggono 14 step all'asse e vincono la partita.

I rumeni hanno poco da fare, a mio parere non possono vincere. Le condizioni di vittoria per il rumeno sono al limite del possibile, Una buona strategia è puntare a un pareggio fin dallo schieramento iniziale : NON PERDERE PIU' di 12 STEP. Il rumeno deve sfruttare l'artiglieria anche di notte sfruttando la migliore copertura del DUG IN e rischiando "il fuoco amico".

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pretty good but a bit of a slog
Author t1M0t8yk
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2021-03-21
Language English
Scenario EFDx011

The most likely path to RKKA major victory is elimination of 12 Romanian steps. The Romanians must keep the Reds more than four hexes from the board 3 bridge, and none occupying any board 7 town hex. Supplemental victory conditions I used are RKKA minor victory for capturing the board 3 bridge or complete control of the board 7 town, and Romanian minor victory for keeping the Reds more than 3 hexes from the bridge and Romanian control of two board 7 town hexes.

Five Romanian platoons set up on the eastern side of the town. The remainder create an unbroken perimeter four hexes from the bridge and east off the river. HMG and AT guns man the north, northwest, and southwest corners.

The Red Army plan is to attack west side of the bridge perimeter first using AFVs to disrupt or demoralize defenders before sending in infantry. Remaining forces will take positions two hexes from the rest of the perimeter without attacking during the night, pinning the Romanian defenders lest they concede any portion of the perimeter. A portion of the infantry supplemented by one of the T-37s will position between the Romanian-occupied town and the perimeter, in the event those Romanians try to reinforce the bridge perimeter. The Romanian plan is to hold the perimeter positions until the RKKA meaningfully break the perimeter. At that point they will withdraw at least two platoons back to the bridge. The Romanians just outside the town will fall back into the town if attacked. If not they will bide their time before considering possibly flanking the RKKA perimeter attack.

The first several turns are mostly uneventful. The German AFVs do eliminate a couple of Romanian infantry steps. Other troops position themselves for dawn, digging in outside the perimeter. Two Romanian platoons transfer from east of the town to north of the town and also dig in to their new positions. Meanwhile the Reds methodically attack the small portion of the east side of the perimeter.

As dawn breaks only two Romanian steps have been eliminated. A portion of the cavalry finally gets into action, charging the northeast corner of the perimeter. They soon get the worst of it, as the Romanian defender are helped by OBA. Meanwhile, at 0630 RKKA infantry have pushed through to three hexes from the bridge, and two platoons close to assault range on the southeast corner, now defended only by the AT battery.

Hard hit on the Romanians at 0630, when German OBA scores a double hit on a full HMG platoon positioned to defend the bridge. At 0730 the battke is devolving to a race to 12 Romanian casualty steps; only six turns left, and four casualties to go.

Finally, the last turn and only one step left to eliminate... and the Reds come in under the wire, taking out their 12th step with an early assault!

This was a pretty good scenario, and I believe the closest PG battle I've ever seen. That being said, even with the supplemental victory conditions I think it's difficult for the Romanians to win. It also drags a bit, which seems common for PG given its combat system of slowly building cummulative effects and scenarios with countless turns. The Romanians did come very close to acheiving a draw. Some might argue I was hypercautious with the Soviets, but my plan played out to their success. In retrospect perhaps the RKKA cavalry needed to be a lot more aggressive. They are very vulnerable to the strong Romanian OBA after dawn. Consequently take your chances with opportunity fire and charge with all cavalry at dawn.

1 Comment
2021-03-22 09:31

Many of the newer games force a faster tempo on the attacker. Kursk: Burning Tigers is especially good in this regard but you're talking mostly large scenarios which are not everyone's cup of tea.

Mike Perryman is the best designer as to estimating the right duration of a scenario. I rarely changed the duration of his scenario submissions and when I did, it was by 2 turns only. Mike Bennighof wrote interesting scenarios but I often cut their duration by 10 tp 20% to make the attackers feel time pressure.

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From My 'Make Believe' Official Romanian Reporter Papers
Author vince hughes (Romania)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2009-04-04
Language English
Scenario EFDx011

I received a telegram from my editor. I was to be immediately dispatched to my next assignment. I would be joining the elite 6th Guards Infantry Regiment. On the morning of 23rd June 1941, with excitement and a mix of trepidation, I began my journey to join the Guards who were located on both the east & west side of the River Prut.

The Royal Guard Division had seized a number of important bridge-heads over the Prut and encamped themselves around Falciu and Bogdanesti in preparation for the morrow’s advance of the main part of the Rumanian Army. On the west side of the river, I was given a tent of my own set amongst a company of guardsmen. I placed my sparse belongings from my reporter’s case inside my new canvas covering and prepared myself for an evening of comforting sleep after the long travels of the day.

Around midnight, I was roused from what felt like a deep sleep by the frantic cries of “Stand To, Stand To”. Emerging from my tent, I took the arm of the first soldier that tried to run past me. “What’s going on” I asked.

“The Russians, they’re making a night attack, they’re advancing towards us, now let me get my things, I need to join my platoon comrades”. This soldier was just one of our brave men making ready amidst a cacophony of muddled sound. Mess tins being rattled, rifles grabbed, backpacks and other accoutrements frantically being strapped on against a background of the harsh voices of the NCO’s barking out orders, directions and instructions.

I soon learnt that a mixed force of Russian soldiers scraped up from the 5th Cavalry Division and 25th Rifle Division supported by tanks were advancing right at us in a daring night assault. Already, the sounds of immediate orders and intermittent rifle and artillery fire could be heard in the distance on the eastern side of the Prut. The 6th Guards, also known as the Mihai Viteazul Regt had the mission to keep the bridgehead open over the Prut and to hold the nearby town where so many supplies were coming through. Whatever happened, they were not to allow themselves to be pushed back over to the west side of the river at any cost.

NIGHT OF THE GUARDS (Eastern Front Scenario No.11)

Upon arrival to the area of action I saw an impressive defence of the town set up by the guards. They had dug-in all the way round in a complete defence of the town and had left the route to the bridge wide open. The logic obviously being that the main body of the Romanian Army were across that bridge and any Soviet incursion there would probably have been thrown straight back over.

In the pitch black it was a matter of awaiting the Russian forces. A mixed bag of infantry, tanks and cavalry advanced on the Romanian guards and after a nerve-jangling 90 minutes, contact was finally made. Soviet infantry began aggressive probing at our dug-in guardsman and in the process of an hour, lost 150 men. Romanian casualties were a measly 25. Taking the rebuff, the Soviets tried again at 0245 hrs. Another 100 Russians fell in this attack though 50 or so guardsmen lost their lives in the cause.

By 0300 hours, the Soviet Commander realized he would not force the Romanians back over the river, and yet, the guards did not have the ability to push the invaders from the bridge. Both sides retired and were happy to accept a stalemate.

I reached my tent by 0500 and was able to grab a precious four hours sleep. For the next week I had the joy of marching through Bessarabia with this fine unit as they liberated our fellow Romanians from Communist enslavement. Such glee I have never seen as our own people greeted the guardsman as their saviours. What fine times these are!

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Bore Draw
Author waynebaumber (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2009-04-04
Language English
Scenario EFDx011

As the title of this AAR indicates not very impressed with this scenarion. This may be of course the way we played it. Vince in effect gave up the bridge position and defended the town with nearly all his troops. As the Soviet playe I ensured that Itook the area around the bridge and though I tried a little sortie against the town I pulled back after making little headway. Stalemate then ensued and we called it a draw with neither player having the strength or will to go for it. Realstic prehaps but not thrilling!

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