Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 28th:
Arctic Front Deluxe #36 - Warranty Revoked Peace in Our Time #3 - Harvest of Shame
Fronte Russo #5 - Breakout from Kamenka Peace in Our Time #6 - Fortress Nachod
Heroes of the Soviet Union #17 - Red Parachutes: Rzhishchev Bridgehead Peace in Our Time #7 - Air Pollution
Heroes of the Soviet Union #18 - Red Parachutes: Bukrin Bridgehead Peace in Our Time #9 - Trash Disposal
Peace in Our Time #1 - Austrian Border White Eagles #12 - Hereditary Enemy
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The Breach at Monschau
Dragon’s Teeth #2
(Defender) Germany vs United States (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Germany 89th Infantry Division
United States 60th Infantry Regiment

Overall balance chart for DrnT002
Side 1 4
Draw 0
Side 2 0
Overall Rating, 5 votes
Scenario Rank: 932 of 938
Parent Game Dragon’s Teeth
Historicity Historical
Date 1944-09-14
Start Time 14:00
Turn Count 20
Visibility Day
Counters 46
Net Morale 0
Net Initiative 1
Maps 2: 22, 24
Layout Dimensions 56 x 43 cm
22 x 17 in
Play Bounty 173
AAR Bounty 153
Total Plays 4
Total AARs 4
Battle Types
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Urban Assault
Anti-infantry Wire
Off-board Artillery
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Dragon’s Teeth Base Game

Seeking to penetrate to the Roer River dams, the U.S. VII Corps first had to widen the break in the German “West Wall” fortifications at Monschau. A battalion from the 60th Infantry Regiment, reinforced with tanks and tank destroyers, had the task of taking the ridge from the hastily-assembled German division holding the sector. While the West Wall positions – here called the Scharnhorst Line - were known to the Americans, unknown to them the German division command had assigned its only experienced troops to the sector.


The American attack met heavy fire from well-concealed German fortifications, and without tank or air support they could not break through the Scharnhorst Line. Lt. Col. Lee W. Chatfield pulled his troops back as night fell to await reinforcements and try again the next morning. The German Army had been shattered during the summer, but now that it fought on German soil a new determination was evident.

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
United States Order of Battle

Display Errata (3)

3 Errata Items
Overall balance chart for 20

The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 63

The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8".

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
Overall balance chart for 54

The movement allowance on the counters in Airborne is misprinted. It should be "3."

(rerathbun on 2012 Jan 30)

Display AARs (4)

Hold Monschau at All Costs, Colonel!
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants Grognard Gunny (AAR)
Play Date 2024-07-23
Language English
Scenario DrnT002

This was an exciting, 2-session play-through with the dauntless and determined, Grognard Gunny, on offense leading elements of the US 9th Infantry Division (60th Infantry Regiment), while I defended with elements of the German 89th Infantry Division.

Both sides drew decent sets of leaders, and we used the defense-favoring FOW, as well as the smoke optional rule in this 20-game turn infantry fight. In addition, we used this house rule: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units - All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units.

The first session (game turns 1-5) featured a 2-pronged, left & right flank US movement to contact. The scrambling Boche quickly took over all but the last hex in the large town on Map 24, while the leading platoon of GIs liberated the westernmost town hex. The GIs on the left flank feinted going up the north-south will with the village on the south end, and then reversed course during game turn 3. The strength of the US attack shifted to the right flank and up the lightly wooded 20-meter hill that contained the Boche mortar company. Only a single American infantry unit was eliminated in this relatively bloodless scenario, so far. A combined SEVEN combat 7-die rolls were thrown this session. The victory points were now: 24 for the defending Germans and 2 for the scrambling US side.

Our second session (game turns 6-8) was to be our last. By mutual agreement, we called it during the 8th game turn when it was apparent that a US victory was no longer possible. This was an unbalanced scenario that is very difficult for the Americans to win against a decent Axis opponent, so we can't recommend it for SHARED play. I give this one a rating of 2 in shared play and do not recommend it for SOLO play due to the number of minefields that the Jerry player gets to place on the map.

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Beat my head against a wall.
Author Grognard Gunny (United States)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2024-07-23
Language English
Scenario DrnT002

Definitely a busted offense. The American Commander tried a few approaches to get to the town that held all the "money", to no avail. Ended getting all my troops shot up and the Germans were sitting pretty (STILL!) in the town. Treadasaurusrex showed me his minefield placement after I surrendered.... which didn't even come into play as the Americans couldn't even get to them. A frustrating scenario of the Americans and a day off for the Germans. MOST unbalanced scenario!

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Tooth Bustin'
Author petermc
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2024-08-24
Language English
Scenario DrnT002

I gave this scenario a "2" in the rating slot, for competitive play. For history it's much better. Historically the US commander called off the attack.

If the Germans setup well I think the best the US could hope for here is a dicey, assault-based draw. There's not enough time nor enough forces to take 6 or 7+ entrenched towns, and keep your losses even or better.

The German setup is interesting, for solo players I'd say just set it up and see.

Notably the US force here is weaker than Scenario 1, and their objectives are more difficult. For fun, add two US 6-3 INF and two US 5-3 ENG to the US side and play it as written. That's equivalent to the force from Scenario 1.

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German Defense is Easy
Author Dan_Huffman (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2024-09-12
Language English
Scenario DrnT002

The Germans have 10 entrenchments, 8 wire markers , and 10 minefields. Then there is the defensive benefits of the villages/towns. I place the various "defense" support markers through out both maps.

Even though I played the Germans, I feel the US Army needs to move faster. Limit its goals to the first map. That map has more town hexes and are closer to map entry hexes. US Army has 3 X 18 artillery points. I would advance a stack with in 3 hexes of towns or entrenchments. Then start dropping all 3 sets of art. Then DF the hex afterward. Having two adjacent stack to combine stacks for more DF points. Then that will disrupt the Nazis and next turn move in for assault combat. Could even have third ready to move if positive combat occurs. I do not consider this scenario balanced. Yet Somone may find better US Army play.
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