Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 28th:
Arctic Front Deluxe #36 - Warranty Revoked Peace in Our Time #3 - Harvest of Shame
Fronte Russo #5 - Breakout from Kamenka Peace in Our Time #6 - Fortress Nachod
Heroes of the Soviet Union #17 - Red Parachutes: Rzhishchev Bridgehead Peace in Our Time #7 - Air Pollution
Heroes of the Soviet Union #18 - Red Parachutes: Bukrin Bridgehead Peace in Our Time #9 - Trash Disposal
Peace in Our Time #1 - Austrian Border White Eagles #12 - Hereditary Enemy
Beat my head against a wall.
Author Grognard Gunny (United States)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2024-07-23
Language English
Scenario DrnT002

Definitely a busted offense. The American Commander tried a few approaches to get to the town that held all the "money", to no avail. Ended getting all my troops shot up and the Germans were sitting pretty (STILL!) in the town. Treadasaurusrex showed me his minefield placement after I surrendered.... which didn't even come into play as the Americans couldn't even get to them. A frustrating scenario of the Americans and a day off for the Germans. MOST unbalanced scenario!

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