Airborne - Introductory Edition

AP Series | Panzer Grenadier |
Designers | Bennighof, Knipple |
Game Type | Standalone |
Format | Boxed |
Release Date | 2006-04 |
Availability | Out of Print |
Scenarios | 21 |
Counters | 165 |
Counter Type | Die-cut |
Maps | 1 |

- 2010-11-28 campsawyer
- 2011-06-12 beast013
- 2011-08-09 mike perryman
- 2012-01-16 McKinley
- 2014-03-05 Brett Nicholson
- 2022-02-27 metfan
- 2022-12-05 triangular_cube
- 2023-03-07 Schoenwulf
Overall Rating, 425 votes |
Standalone Rank: 36 of 42 |
Popularity: Ownership & Activity | ||||
Status | Owned by 27% | Played by 25% | AAR'd by 19% | Medaled by 4% |
Rank | 13th of 173 | 7th of 162 | 8th of 158 | 7th of 98 |

Total | |
Side 1 | 173 |
Draw | 84 |
Side 2 | 153 |
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Panzer Grenadier is a series of games based on platoon-level combat during World War II. Pieces represent troops, tanks and weapons of the many nations that participated, placing you in command of these forces. Airborne is a complete game designed to introduce new players to this world of gaming fun and to excite veteran players as well. |
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Scenario | Plays | AARs | Rating |
01. Orange Hero | 63 | 23 | 2.6 |
02. Battery Position at Holdy | 48 | 20 | 3.4 |
03. Defiant Russians | 32 | 16 | 3.1 |
04. Distraction at Dawn | 24 | 12 | 3.1 |
05. The Lock | 19 | 10 | 3.4 |
06. Cassidy's Battalion | 20 | 13 | 2.5 |
07. Low Odds Attack | 14 | 7 | 2.9 |
08. Second Try | 17 | 8 | 3.7 |
09. Holding the Lock | 18 | 10 | 3 |
10. Third Time's the Charm | 13 | 6 | 3.1 |
11. The Merderet Crossing | 13 | 5 | 3.3 |
12. Vierville -- Again! | 10 | 3 | 3.2 |
13. Crossroads Defense | 16 | 8 | 3.4 |
14. Line Infantry | 20 | 14 | 3.1 |
15. Montebourg Station | 13 | 7 | 3.7 |
16. Georgia On My Mind | 15 | 9 | 2.5 |
17. Securing Ste. Mere-Eglise | 13 | 5 | 3.1 |
18. VII Corps Advances North | 9 | 2 | 2.9 |
19. VII Corps Advances Again | 10 | 4 | 2.4 |
20. Advance Along the Douve | 11 | 4 | 2.8 |
21. D-Day Behind the Beaches | 12 | 4 | 3.4 |
AFV Rules Pertaining to this Game's Order of Battle |
36 Errata Items | |
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Use the 3rd Edition series Terrain Effects Chart for swamp. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
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Hedgerows are -1 for direct fire, not -2. Spotting Range is 1 hex. Therefore you must be adjacent to see the other side of the hedgerow, unless the unit fires and gets marked as spotted, at which point normal daylight or night spotting ranges would apply. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
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Defender First Fire due to hedgerows only applies when the attacker assaults through a hedgerow hex side as they move into the defender's hex. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
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Reinforcing units assaulting alone through a hedgerow hex side into an existing assault hex suffer Defender First Fire. However, if the attacker's units already in the assault hex join them for a combined attack there is no DFF. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
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There is no number "13" on the Airborne-IE map. It should be in hex 0201. (rerathbun
on 2012 Jan 31)
Scen 2 |
The leaders for the paratroops doesn't make much sense, nor does it fit with the counter mix. I suggest 1x CAPT & 1 2nd LT with the at start group, 1x 1st LT with the first reinforcements, and 1x 2nd LT with the last reinforcement group. All leaders are para. (plloyd1010
on 2013 Oct 16)
Scen 3 |
German Reinforcement Time/Turn indicated do not line up. I used turn #. (triangular_cube
on 2022 Nov 22)
Scen 6 |
Enjoyed the scenario. It has given me some ideas on a combined Airborne/Invasion 1944 scenario. (Gunny0351
on 2017 Nov 26)
Scen 8 |
Use SdKfz222 for the SPW251 counter. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 8 |
There are not enough PARA units for the scenario. Use INF with PARA values for the reduced PARA units. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 9 |
Replace Special Rule 3 with the following: The Germans were shaken by their sudden change in fortune. The American player may ask the German player to surrender at the beginning of any turn. When asked, the German player rolls two dice, subtracts his or her current initiative value and adds the current number of German eliminated and demoralized units (not steps) AND leaders. If the result is greater than the morale value of the highest ranking German leader (or more than 6 if all German leaders have been eliminated), play ends. If the result is less than or equal to the highest ranking leader's morale, the Germans do not surrender, German initiative increases by one and play continues. (rerathbun
on 2010 Jun 29)
Scen 10 |
Leaders may enter with any reinforcements. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 10 |
If both sides achieve a victory, the result is a draw. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 10 |
Turn (time) for bridge destruction is out of sync. I used turn # (triangular_cube
on 2022 Nov 29)
Scen 11 |
Leaders may enter with any reinforcements. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 11 |
Visibility on turns 1 to 6 is one hex. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 11 |
German 75mm in the northern reinforcement group is will be trapped on the edge of the map due to hedge terrain rules, barring extreme effort with another formation's wagons. I allowed this to enter the nearby road at 1101 so the unit could participate in a logical manner. (triangular_cube
on 2022 Nov 30)
Scen 12 |
Turn(time) is out of sync for the last group of American reinforcements. I used turn #. (triangular_cube
on 2022 Dec 02)
Scen 15 |
German reinforcements are told to enter the map in an off play area. I had them enter the prescribed area and walk onto the valid map area so as not to instantly "teleport" them into action. I don't know that this is correct, but you will have to figure out something... (triangular_cube
on 2022 Dec 02)
Scen 18 |
"No units may setup in or enter hexes ##12 or ##02". But the US setup specifies in hexes "in or adjacent to 1202". The setup instructions should have a parenthetical note at the end saying "(except as noted in setup instructions)." The units that are specifically allowed to setup in the otherwise prohibited hexes may do so, but may not re-enter those hexes once they move out of them. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 18 |
Delete one reduced PARA platoon from the US reinforcements. Delete one PARA CAPT and one PARA 1st LT from the 505th's OOB. (counter-mix limitations) (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 18 |
The 70th Tank Battalion enters at Turn 45, 19:30. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 18 |
American Morale: Tanks 8/7, all others 8/8 || American Initiative: 4 || American OBA: 2 x 16, 1 x 24 (campsawyer
on 2010 Aug 25)
Scen 18 |
There is not enough space on the board for the Americans to set up even fully stacked at the beginning of the game. I had the 325th Glider Regiment start off board and enter on turn 1 so troops were not stacked 6 units deep in a hex. (triangular_cube
on 2022 Dec 04)
Scen 19 |
There aren't enough PARA CAPTs and 1st LTs in the counter mix to fill out this scenario. Remove the 2 CAPTs and 1 LT from the reinforcement group (official ruling). Unofficially, let the American player choose where to trim the OOB of leaders, as the official ruling really cuts into the reinforcement group. (Shad
on 2010 Apr 29)
Scen 19 |
There are not enough units to fulfil the OOB in the 'Airborne' counter mix; the Germans are short one HMG and the Americans less one PARA. (Brett Nicholson
on 2014 Feb 19)
Scen 19 |
Americans set up and reinforce from areas that are out of play. I followed the scenario instructions and allowed them to walk into the play area along direct routes. (triangular_cube
on 2022 Dec 04)
Scen 20 |
Germans setup west of the ##08 hex line only. (campsawyer
on 2010 Aug 25)
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Two 105mms (ID#s 1204, 1205) have "16-31" fire values in black (direct fire), when they should be in white (indirect fire). (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France. (plloyd1010
on 2015 Jul 31)
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The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8". (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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All SPW 251s have an armor value of 0. (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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Strongpoints are single step units and can be eliminated with X results like any other single step unit. (Shad
on 2010 Dec 15)
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The standard mix of strongpoints may be downloaded from Avalanche Press: This is the standard mix found in Airborne, Airborne-IE, and Edelweiss Expanded. The strongpoint mix in Cassino '44 is different from that of other PG games. (plloyd1010
on 2012 Feb 01)
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Strongpoints are affected by the terrain in their hex just like any other unit.
Even though they can't move, they can attack using Assault Combat if an enemy unit moves into their hex.
They may not dig in or benefit from entrenchments.
on 2014 Apr 21)
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The movement allowance on the counters in Airborne is misprinted. It should be "3." (rerathbun
on 2012 Jan 30)
Nations at War - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Germany |
Germany |
United States |
United States |
Battle Types - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Urban Assault |
Urban Assault |
Inflict Enemy Casualties |
Inflict Enemy Casualties |
Rural Assault |
Rural Assault |
Road Control |
Road Control |
Bridge Control |
Bridge Control |
Surprise Attack |
Surprise Attack |
Paradrops |
Paradrops |
Exit the Battle Area |
Exit the Battle Area |
Conditions - Scenario Appearance Percentages | ||
Off-board Artillery |
Off-board Artillery |
Reinforcements |
Reinforcements |
Terrain Mods |
Terrain Mods |
Hidden Units |
Hidden Units |