Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Britain Army Truck

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Britain Army Truck for Panzer Grenadier game series
Unit Counter Data
Historical Name Truck
Movement Class Motorized
Movement Points 8
Armor Rating -1
Overall Rating, 697 votes
Unit Rank: 1186 of 1647

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Unit
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).

Display Scenario List (180)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Afrika Korps 08. Ambush! 9 3 3.1
Afrika Korps 10. Er Regima 8 0 2.8
Afrika Korps 12. Tank Battle at Mechili 15 5 2.9
Afrika Korps 13. Beda Fomm One 11 0 2.6
Afrika Korps 14. Beda Fomm Two 15 5 3.2
Afrika Korps 17. Catanzaro Division, Southern Sector 14 5 3.1
Afrika Korps 18. Catanzaro Division, Eastern Sector 14 5 3.5
Afrika Korps 19. The Escape 20 7 3.5
Afrika Korps 20. On the Run 8 2 2.1
Afrika Korps 24. Repulsed at Tobruk 10 2 3
Afrika Korps 26. The Road from Derna 6 0 3
Afrika Korps 28. "Meet Me at the Pass" 9 3 3.2
Afrika Korps 30. Operation BREVITY: The Scots Guards 10 3 3.4
Afrika Korps 31. Operation BREVITY: The Rifle Brigade 9 2 3.2
Afrika Korps 43. Africa Korps Advances 6 2 3
Afrika Korps 46. Operation BREVITY: Sidi Azeiz 9 1 3.1
Afrika Korps 47. Operation SKORPION 7 1 3.6
Afrika Korps 48. Beda Fomm: Tank Attack 6 3 3.3
Afrika Korps 50. Fort Capuzzo 23 8 2.8
Africa Orientale Italiana 04. The El Wak Job 3 1 3.7
Africa Orientale Italiana 09. Ghana Forever 2 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 12. War on the Equator 2 1 3.5
Africa Orientale Italiana 24. Gateway to Nowhere 1 0 3
Africa Orientale Italiana 26. Big Hill 1 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 27. Amhara Cavalleria 1 0 3
Africa Orientale Italiana 30. Road to Barentu 2 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 31. Point 1892 2 0 3
Africa Orientale Italiana 32. The Defense of Gogni 3 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 34. Tanks at Barentu 2 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 38. Roadblock in Dongolaas Gorge 2 1 3.5
Britain's Bulge 05. Win or Die: Bure and Wavreille, Belgium 2 2 3.3
Beyond Normandy 01. Cheux 11 6 3.1
Beyond Normandy 02. St. Mauvieu 12 4 3.4
Beyond Normandy 03. Operation Epsom, The First Day 3 2 3.3
Beyond Normandy 05. 227th Brigade Takes Over 6 1 3.6
Beyond Normandy 06. St. Manvieu Counterattack 14 8 2.9
Beyond Normandy 07. St. Manvieu Counterattack II 9 4 3.3
Beyond Normandy 08. Highland Light Infantry Repulsed 9 3 3.4
Beyond Normandy 09. Colleville 2 1 3.5
Beyond Normandy 10. Counterattack at Cheux 5 3 3.2
Beyond Normandy 11. Grainville 1 4 2 2.8
Beyond Normandy 13. The Gavrus Bridge 4 1 3.3
Beyond Normandy 14. The Bridgehead I 2 1 3.5
Beyond Normandy 16. Mouen 2 0 3.3
Beyond Normandy 17. Grainville 2 1 0 4
Beyond Normandy 19. 10th HLI at Mouen 2 1 2.5
Beyond Normandy 20. 28 June : Battle For The Corridor 0 0 ---
Beyond Normandy 21. 43rd (Wessex) Division Attacks 4 3 3.2
Beyond Normandy 22. Hohenstaufen Attacks 1 0 1
Beyond Normandy 23. Frundsburg Attacks 3 3 3.3
Beyond Normandy 24. II SS Panzer Corps Attacks 3 2 4.7
Beyond Normandy 26. Night Attack : Frundsberg 1 0 4
Beyond Normandy 27. Night Attack : Hohenstaufen 1 0 3
Beyond Normandy 28. Night Attack : II SS Panzer Corps 1 1 5
Beyond Normandy 29. JUPITER : 130th Brigade 2 0 4
Beyond Normandy 30. JUPITER : 129th Brigade 2 2 3.5
Beyond Normandy 31. JUPITER : 46th Brigade 1 1 3
Beyond Normandy 32. Operation JUPITER : AM 1 1 4
Beyond Normandy 33. Counterattack at Maltot 3 2 3.3
Beyond Normandy 34. "...a terrible decision." 1 1 4
Beyond Normandy 35. " is the pivot for the whole front." 1 0 5
Beyond Normandy 36. Counterattack at Eterville 3 1 3.7
Beyond Normandy 37. Again 1 1 4
Beyond Normandy 39. Gavrus and Hill 113 0 0 ---
Beyond Normandy 40. Cahier 3 2 3.6
Beyond Normandy 41. Gavrus and Bougy 0 0 ---
Beyond Normandy 43. Operation Express 1 0 2.5
Black SS 09. Truth be Told 0 0 ---
Cassino '44 27. Hitting the Road 5 2 4.2
Cassino '44 32. Campaign Two: The Fourth Battle of Cassino 4 1 4.5
C&CV2: The King's Officers 02. Operation Compass 5 4 3.2
C&CV2: The King's Officers 05. Beda Fomm 3 2 3
C&CV2: The King's Officers 08. Operation Brevity 1 1 3
C&CV2: The King's Officers 09. Halfaya Pass 1 1 4
C&CV2: The King's Officers 10. Operation Crusader 4 2 3.8
C&CV2: The King's Officers 12. Another Libyan Town 2 1 3.5
C&CV2: The King's Officers 15. Ruweisat Ridge 1 1 4
C&CV2: The King's Officers 16. Alam Halfa 1 1 4
C&CV2: The King's Officers 18. War in the Hedgerows: Operation Epsom, 1944 4 2 5
Divisione Corazzata 09. Standard Bearers of Fascism 1 0 3
Desert Rats 02. Grande Vittoria Italiano 15 4 3.2
Desert Rats 11. Gabr Saleh 4 3 2.8
Desert Rats 15. Sidi Rezegh: Counter-Attack 4 3 3.5
Desert Rats 20. Shabash Gora Paltan 5 3 2.3
Desert Rats 26. Link Up 4 2 3
Desert Rats 28. Jock Column 4 1 2.8
Desert Rats 29. The Tide Turns 8 8 3.9
Desert Rats 40. Agedabia: The South Flank 1 1 3
Desert Rats 41. Rugbet el Hagina 6 4 2.7
Desert Rats 42. "A whole bloody German armoured division" 5 1 3.4
Desert Rats 44. Road of Slaves 7 2 3.9
Desert Rats 45. South of Gazala 2 2 3
Desert Rats 46. Ariete Attacked 2 1 3.5
Desert Rats 47. Khamsin 1 1 4
Desert Rats 48. On the Trigh Capuzzo 4 2 3.3
Desert Rats 49. Sidra Ridge 3 2 2.3
DAK '44 01. Opening Moves 3 2 3.3
DAK '44 02. Armored Thrust 2 1 3.5
DAK '44 03. Piecestrike 2 1 3.5
DAK '44 05. Left Jab 1 0 4
DAK '44 06. Taking the High Ground 1 0 3
DAK '44 07. Taking Back the High Ground 1 0 4
DAK '44 08. Rommel Resurgent 1 0 4
DAK '44 10. Out of Gas 2 1 4
Edelweiss IV 06. Open Sights 1 1 5
Edelweiss IV 07. Schwimmjäger 0 0 ---
Indian Unity 08. Violent Resistance 3 3 3.8
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 01. Surprise at Le Hamel 1 0 4
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 02. Malta Brigade 1 0 3
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 05. St. Gabriel 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 06. Beyond Sword Beach 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 12. The Green Howards 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 15. Windy’s Attack 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 22. The Capture of Bras 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 24. Frontal Assault at Troarn 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 25. Cymru am Byth 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 26. Sept Vents 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 29. Renewed Assault on St. Martin des Besaces 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 33. Minden Day 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 35. Battle Group Paetsch 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 38. Black Sunday 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 39. Estry 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 40. Guards Armoured Division 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944 01. Surprise at Le Hamel 13 4 3.6
Liberation 1944 02. A Good Day 9 5 3.6
Liberation 1944 05. St. Gabriel 9 3 2.8
Liberation 1944 06. One-Two Punch 4 2 4
Liberation 1944 12. The Green Howards 2 1 3.5
Liberation 1944 15. Germans Encounter Windy's Gale 3 0 3.7
Liberation 1944 22. Operation Goodwood: A Textbook Example 4 0 4
Liberation 1944 24. Operation Goodwood: Terrible Times at Troarn 4 1 3.8
Liberation 1944 25. Operation Goodwood: Maneuver Room 3 0 4
Liberation 1944 26. Operation Bluecoat: Sept Vents 1 0 5
Liberation 1944 29. Operation Bluecoat: St. Martin des Besaces 3 0 3.7
Liberation 1944 33. Operation Bluecoat: Minden Day 1 0 4
Liberation 1944 35. Operation Bluecoat: Kampfgruppe Paetsch 1 0 4
Liberation 1944 38. Operation Bluecoat: Black Sunday 1 0 3
Liberation 1944 39. Operation Bluecoat: Estry 1 0 4
Liberation 1944 40. Guards Armoured Division 2 1 4.5
Nihon Silk 04. Palembang 7 4 3
Panzer Lehr 2 01. Curtain Up at Ellon 2 1 3.5
Panzer Lehr 2 06. Through the Woods 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 2 08. A Warm Afternoon in Hottot 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 01. Curtain Up at Ellon 5 4 3.7
Panzer Lehr 06. Through the Woods 3 3 3
Panzer Lehr 08. A Warm Afternoon in Hottot 2 1 4.7
Road to Dunkirk 07. Surrounded 4 0 3.8
Road to Dunkirk 08. Poplar Ridge 3 0 4.3
Road to Dunkirk 10. Piper to the End 4 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 12. Retreat from Beaurains 2 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 13. Parallel Wars 2 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 19. Boulogne Must be Held 3 0 3.3
Road to Dunkirk 25. Prelude to Dunkirk 4 0 4.3
Road to Dunkirk 26. Reliable Friends 5 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 27. 350,000 Rations 4 0 3
Road to Dunkirk 28. Royal Horse Artillery 3 0 3.3
Road to Dunkirk 29. They Wore Skirts 3 1 3.7
Road to Dunkirk 31. Squeezed Like Sardines 2 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 32. Extra Protection 3 1 3.3
Road to Dunkirk 34. Costly Rearguard 3 1 4
Road to Dunkirk 41. A Grim Affair 1 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 46. How Many Sailors 0 0 ---
Road to Dunkirk 47. A Gallant Battalion 0 0 ---
South Africa's War 02. Down in Jubaland 3 0 2.7
South Africa's War 03. Battle on the Equator 4 1 3.5
South Africa's War 04. Crusader: First Contact 6 1 3.8
South Africa's War 06. Transvaal Scottish 4 2 3.3
South Africa's War 07. Rear Echelon 2 0 3
South Africa's War 08. Ons Is Helsems 4 1 3.5
South Africa's War 09. Sunday of the Dead 3 0 2.7
South Africa's War 11. Sit Jou Kop . . . 3 1 3.3
South Africa's War 12. Driven by Germans 4 1 3.3
South Africa's War 15. Applying Ginger 2 0 3
South Africa's War 16. With the Utmost Vigour 3 2 4.3
South Africa's War 18. Dingaan's Day 5 2 3.6
South Africa's War 19. Assault on Bardia 4 2 2.5
Secret Weapons 19. Slow but Steady 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 26. Spring Offensive, Northern Flank 2 1 4.5
Secret Weapons 28. Spring Offensive - Killer Rabbits 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 10. Thunder Clouds 0 0 ---

Display Games (21)

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1 Errata Item

Ignore the direct fire values.

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
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