Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 26 AARs for game filter
  • - 26 AARs passed all filters selected

South Africa's War (26 AARs)
2011-04-08 JayTownsend English SAWa001 2/5 South Africa’s War, scenario #1: South African Armour
2013-10-18 Brett Nicholson English SAWa001 4/5 Somali defiance: thorn forests and boogeymen.
2013-12-02 Brett Nicholson English SAWa003 4/5 A monumental struggle
2012-11-02 Arensivia Español SAWa004 4/5 El Alegre paseo por el desierto de los coches blindados
2011-04-07 JayTownsend English SAWa005 4/5 South Africa’s War, scenario #5: Irish Eyes
2011-07-26 caryn English SAWa005 2/5 Italian Confusion
2013-03-29 Matt W English SAWa005 2/5 Boer Sighting
2013-09-25 Brett Nicholson English SAWa005 3/5 Boer commando tactics make a Springbok victory decisive
2014-07-18 thomaso827 English SAWa005 4/5 When Irish Eyes are Smiling
2013-06-14 vince hughes English SAWa006 2/5 Bad Choice Of Plan By Germans versus Unshakeable Boks
2013-12-20 Brett Nicholson English SAWa006 3/5 Boks unbreakable despite horrific losses
2013-12-23 Brett Nicholson English SAWa008 4/5 Transvaal Scottish live up to motto -("We are tough bastards")
2012-02-26 JayTownsend English SAWa010 4/5 South Africa’s War, scenario #10: Gialo Oasis
2013-12-28 Brett Nicholson English SAWa011 3/5 Axis falls prey to it's own trap
2014-01-12 Brett Nicholson English SAWa012 4/5 Throttled by "Ariete"
2011-07-17 waynebaumber English SAWa014 4/5 Mayhem in the Desert
2011-07-17 vince hughes English SAWa014 4/5 Australia Wished They Wern't There !
2012-04-14 waynebaumber English SAWa016 4/5 With the Utmost Incompetence
2012-04-14 vince hughes English SAWa016 5/5 Big Scenario, Lots of Nations, Loads of Decisions - Quite Simply a PG Classic !
2011-02-05 waynebaumber English SAWa017 3/5 Night of Confusion
2011-11-04 KirkH English SAWa017 1/5 Anybody Got a Spare Sherman?
2014-01-29 Brett Nicholson English SAWa018 3/5 In their own private Gallipoli
2019-08-01 waynebaumber English SAWa018 3/5 Dingaan's Day
2011-11-04 KirkH English SAWa019 2/5 Playing In The Sand
2014-02-04 Brett Nicholson English SAWa019 3/5 Fortress Bardia defiant till the bitter end
2014-02-14 Brett Nicholson English SAWa020 3/5 No quarter asked or given at Sollum
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