Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
When Irish Eyes are Smiling
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-07-18
Language English
Scenario SAWa005

Well, after reading over other AARs on this one and wanting to get my feet wet with this book, I jumped right in, having chosen to take the whole force towards the southern hill after a faint down the middle. As the South Africans, I had chosen to set up the 3in mortars with the 18pounders to help with possible disruptions to the Italian armor, anyway, and defended the western approaches with plenty of dug-in infantry. I did a pretty good job of playing against myself, placing my AT guns front and center in a place that later on they had little chance to shoot from. As the Italians made it to the spot that they turned and committed themselves to the southern most hill, the northern 18 and mortar got a hit on one of the 4 stacks, disrupting the one with the tank leader and brining those platoons to a stop for the moment, separating them a bit from the rest of the unit. The Italians moved around and attacked the hill from the East, throwing into disarray the dug in positions, and easily killing the 18pdr there by direct fire, and demoralizing the mortar crew. That was about the moment, in turn 5, that the dice started rolling middling numbers, which pretty much stuck for the rest of the game. Lots of assaults, lots of disruptions and a few demoralizations, and lots of recoveries with little additional loss. In the end, The South Africans lost 8 steps of infantry and the one 18pdr and 1 7-0-0 LT, and the Italians had lost 2 steps of armor, cheating either side out of a complete win. With the obvious need for both sides to break away for their noon tea time, the game ended in a draw. This was a good game to work with the new rules for hills and contour lines, and otherwise didn't play much differently than Afrika Korps games I had already played.

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