Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 26 AARs for game filter
  • - 26 AARs passed all filters selected

Edelweiss: Expanded (26 AARs)
2010-05-31 vince hughes English EdlX001 3/5 Shadow Of Olympus - Edelweiss Scenario 1
2010-07-07 waynebaumber English EdlX001 3/5 Aussie's crumble against elite mountain troops
2010-11-12 scrane English EdlX001 3/5 Tenacious Australians
2017-04-01 dricher English EdlX001 3/5 Close battle, but the endgame was not exciting
2025-02-24 Grognard Gunny English EdlX001 3/5 Much amiss for the Australians
2012-02-25 JayTownsend English EdlX002 5/5 Edelweiss, scenario #2: Open Sights
2025-03-07 Grognard Gunny English EdlX002 3/5 As advertised - A slow retreat.
2025-03-08 Grognard Gunny English EdlX003 1/5 That was a bust!
2010-11-05 JayTownsend English EdlX004 2/5 Edelweiss Expanded Edition, Scenario #4, Hunters of the Plains
2016-10-19 dricher English EdlX004 3/5 Totally disparate forces makes an interesting challenge
2010-06-11 petermc English EdlX005 2/5 Arctic Frontier
2016-10-29 dricher English EdlX006 2/5 The thin red line
2017-01-15 dricher English EdlX008 3/5 A good puzzle
2010-06-12 vince hughes English EdlX015 3/5 My First Ever PG Battle (and my ftf opponent's too)
2010-06-13 waynebaumber English EdlX015 3/5 My first time
2013-03-06 Matt W English EdlX019 3/5 Closer than it looked, but still not close
2010-06-11 petermc English EdlX020 3/5 Trash Division
2013-03-04 Matt W English EdlX020 4/5 Self Mockery
2017-04-01 dricher English EdlX020 3/5 These guys really are trash, but they can still win
2010-12-12 joe_oppenheimer English EdlX021 3/5 Tougher than it looks
2017-04-08 dricher English EdlX022 1/5 Gandin's Disaster, or Another Broken Italian Scenario
2015-12-27 dricher English EdlX023 1/5 Italians weren't even a speed bump...
2011-11-05 KirkH English EdlX026 1/5 Was That Some Germans We Just Flew Past?
2010-10-28 Nick English EdlX028 4/5 Lost Battalion - Nisei on the March
2010-12-24 Matt W English EdlX031 2/5 "Like crap through a..." Well, you get the idea
2011-03-30 waynebaumber English EdlX032 5/5 Sacred Mountains
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