Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 16th:
Afrika Korps #41 - Failed Foray Fall of France 1 #23 - Unstoppable Force
Afrika Korps #42 - Widening the Breach Fall of France 1 #24 - Secure the Flank!
Alaska's War #7 - Moore Ridge Fall of France 2 #21 - This Machine Kills Fascists
Broken Axis #30 - Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 4: Retaking Serpeni Fall of France 2 #22 - South of Sauville
Broken Axis #31 - Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 5: Collateral Damage Swallows of Death #6 - Défense à la Marocaine
Broken Axis #32 - Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 6: Morning Rockets Swallows of Death #7 - In Napoleon’s Footsteps
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Maps Catalog

While the Panzer Grenadier counter artwork has remained consistent throughout the series - a remarkable feat given the multitude of different units - map styles have steadily evolved. The first generation of maps were geomorphic depictions of western Russia and are characterized by a limited palette of bright colors... then came the oatmeal and red wine desert maps. More recent releases have been characterized by intricate and colorful designs that approach, and in places surpass, the quality of the counter artwork.

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