Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 16th:
Afrika Korps #41 - Failed Foray Fall of France 1 #23 - Unstoppable Force
Afrika Korps #42 - Widening the Breach Fall of France 1 #24 - Secure the Flank!
Alaska's War #7 - Moore Ridge Fall of France 2 #21 - This Machine Kills Fascists
Broken Axis #30 - Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 4: Retaking Serpeni Fall of France 2 #22 - South of Sauville
Broken Axis #31 - Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 5: Collateral Damage Swallows of Death #6 - Défense à la Marocaine
Broken Axis #32 - Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 6: Morning Rockets Swallows of Death #7 - In Napoleon’s Footsteps
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Battle Types Catalog

Long has the Internet echoed with the plaintive cries of "does anyone know a good (insert action) scenario for PG?" Through many weeks of toil, and careful analysis of every scenario yet published, the PG-HQ General Staff developed 17 battle type classifications for Panzer Grenadier.

Some are readily apparent when reading scenario descriptions, others are more subjective in nature. Should you feel that the battle types listed for a given scenario are inaccurate, that little Errors? Omissions? link to the upper right is your path to righteous corrective action.

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