Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 10th:
Blackshirt Division #4 - Counter Attack
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Blackshirts at Sarandë
Legions of Zog #3
(Attacker) Italy vs Albania (Defender)
Formations Involved

Overall balance chart for LZog003
Side 1 1
Draw 0
Side 2 1
Overall Rating, 2 votes
Scenario Rank: --- of 954
Parent Game Legions of Zog
Historicity Historical
Date 1939-04-07
Start Time 07:00
Turn Count 26
Visibility Day
Counters 23
Net Morale 0
Net Initiative 0
Maps 1: 89
Layout Dimensions 43 x 28 cm
17 x 11 in
Play Bounty 154
AAR Bounty 166
Total Plays 2
Total AARs 1
Battle Types
Bridge Control
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Road Control
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Conquest of Ethiopia Maps + Counters
Legions of Zog Base Game

The southernmost Italian landing, at Sarandë (Santi Quaranta to the Italians) right across the strait from Greek-held Corfu, was the only one to feature the Blackshirts of the MVSN, Mussolini’s party militia. The Albanians fought for Sarandë, the main port of a region inhabited by mostly Greek Orthodox Albanians with a large component of ethnic Greeks. They had no more love for Italy than the Muslims living to the north.


The Blackshirts were little better than the Albanians – a collection of poorly-trained militia with corrupt, apathetic officers. They would need the help of the regular army’s elite Bersaglieri to bring firm control to this section of Albania. Undeterred, the Fascist Party quickly began recruiting for a Blackshirt Legion made up of Albanian Fascists, offering cash inducements when enlistment lagged.

Display Order of Battle

Albania Order of Battle
Italy Order of Battle
Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale

Display AARs (1)

An impossible dream!
Author Grognard Gunny
Method Solo
Victor Albania
Play Date 2023-11-08
Language English
Scenario LZog003

The two sides being nearly equal in strength, gave the Albanians a distinct advantage over the Italians in the scenario.... with predicable results. A bit of a glitch in this one.... the map listed in the scenario book had absolutely NO rivers. The only map WITH a river was 87 (again), so I used that one. (Perhaps the results would have turned out differently if they used 89?) Bit of a quandary there. I went with 87, but I was NOT happy about it. On the other hand, the whole scenario was a bit of boredom.

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