Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Repelling Cavalry
Franz Josef's Armies #24
(Attacker) Russian Empire vs Austro-Hungarian Empire (Defender)
Formations Involved
Austro-Hungarian Empire 13th Landwehr Infantry Division
Russian Empire 5th Don Cossack Division

Overall balance chart for FrJo024
Side 1 0
Draw 0
Side 2 0
Overall Rating, 0 votes
Scenario Rank: of
Parent Game Franz Josef's Armies
Historicity Historical
Date 1914-08-29
Start Time 09:00
Turn Count 22
Visibility Day
Counters 102
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 0
Maps 4: 103, 105, 3, 6
Layout Dimensions 86 x 56 cm
34 x 22 in
Play Bounty 243
AAR Bounty 222
Total Plays 0
Total AARs 0
Battle Types
Delaying Action
Exit the Battle Area
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Fall of Empires Maps + Counters
Franz Josef's Armies Base Game

While half of Kreysa’s Landwehr division assaulted Miaczyn on a very narrow front, his other two regiments deployed to the north to protect the division’s rear. The Russians had, as he feared, moved to attack his own vulnerable flank and soon enough the Landwehr faced an entire division of Cossacks. The Russians lacked firepower, but had the mobility and the inclination to wreak havoc on the Austrian divisions advancing toward the south-east if only they could get past the infantry.


The Cossacks probed throughout the day, but the Landwehr managed to fend off all but small patrols that filtered past them. Even so, the Austrians had detailed half a division as a flank guard when every man was needed to turn the Russian right flank. The 9th Cavalry Division had been given this task by Auffenberg at Fourth Army, but neither Schemua or Kreysa called on it to fulfill its role, while Archduke Peter dallied at the Hotel Zentral. The Austrians had only a very small window to destroy the Russian Fifth Army, and they were helping to close it themselves.

Display Order of Battle

Austro-Hungarian Empire Order of Battle
Austrian Landwehr
Russian Empire Order of Battle
Imperial Army
  • Towed

Display Errata (1)

1 Errata Item
Scen 24

The last line of the Austro-Hungarian Infantry Leaders should read "1 x Leutnant" in place of "1 x"

(rerathbun on 2022 Apr 28)
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