Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
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Djebel el Beida
Big Red One #51
(Defender) Germany vs United States (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Germany 334th Infantry Division
Germany 755th Infantry Regiment
United States 18th "Vanguards" Infantry Regiment
United States 1st "Big Red One" Infantry Division

Overall balance chart for BR01011
Side 1 0
Draw 0
Side 2 1
Overall Rating, 1 vote
Scenario Rank: --- of 936
Parent Game Big Red One
Historicity Historical
Date 1943-04-24
Start Time 05:30
Turn Count 12
Visibility Day & Night
Counters 35
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 1
Maps 1: 77
Layout Dimensions 43 x 28 cm
17 x 11 in
Play Bounty 160
AAR Bounty 222
Total Plays 1
Total AARs 0
Battle Types
Hill Control
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Off-board Artillery
Scenario Requirements & Playability
An Army at Dawn Maps + Counters
Big Red One Base Game

Scenario Fifty-One

The 18th Infantry Regiment's 3rd Battalion came under withering fire on the 23rd when it tried to take Djebel el Beida, Hill 407 on American situation maps. Only a single platoon from Company L reached the German positions. When no other units arrived to support them, the Germans surrounded the small American force and forced them to surrender. The battalion lost 17 dead, 73 wounded and 48 missing in action, and during the night the fresh 1st Battalion passed through them to renew the attack on the 24th.


Following a short artillery barrage, the 1st Battalion stormed up the hill and quickly drove the Germans off the high ground. The majority of the battalion dug in on the djebel to repel any German counterattacks. Other elements supported the 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion's efforts to probe enemy positions to the east.

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
United States Order of Battle

Display Errata (3)

3 Errata Items
Scen 11

Something is wrong with this scenario. The victory conditions refer to control 60-meter hills but there are no 60-meter hills on map 77.

So either the victory conditions from another scenario got copied over and not edited or the wrong map is called for.

I suspect the issue is the victory conditions since the only map in AAaD with 60-meter hills wouldn't fit the layout or hex number described.

(joe_oppenheimer on 2024 Sep 06)
Overall balance chart for 20

The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 63

The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8".

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
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