Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 3rd:
Black Panthers #12 - Champagne Breakfast Heavy Metal #3 - Black Princes
Carpathian Brigade #4 - Fraternal Assistance Jungle Fighting #41 - Patrol Action
Conquest of Ethiopia #39 - Addis Ababa - Djibouti Railway VII Siege of Leningrad #9 - Winter Wonderland
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Winter Fury 2: The Sausage War
Arctic Front #3
(Attacker) Finland vs Soviet Union (Defender)
Formations Involved
Finland 16th Infantry Regiment
Finland 3rd Machinegun Company
Soviet Union 139th Rifle Division
Soviet Union Finnish People's Army Detachment

Overall balance chart for AFro003
Side 1 1
Draw 1
Side 2 4
Overall Rating, 6 votes
Scenario Rank: 896 of 940
Parent Game Arctic Front
Historicity Historical
Date 1939-12-11
Start Time 02:00
Turn Count 8
Visibility Night
Counters 19
Net Morale 2
Net Initiative 2
Maps 1: 6
Layout Dimensions 43 x 28 cm
17 x 11 in
Play Bounty 134
AAR Bounty 159
Total Plays 6
Total AARs 3
Battle Types
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Severe Weather
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Arctic Front Base Game
Eastern Front Maps + Counters

Under the cover of darkness, several companies of Soviet ski troops slipped through the Finnish lines and attacked the rear-area elements of Group Talvela. The local commander, Lt. Col. Pajari, organized a counter-attack while the Soviets consumed the contents of a field kitchen captured with its sausage soup. Fighting grew so severe that one Finnish officer reported hearing the ancient Finnish battle cry "Hakkaa Paalle — Cut Them Down!"


Though the "Sausage War" is mentioned in most popular accounts of the Winter War, these tales seldom make much sense: equipped with skis, the Soviets (apparently actually "Red Finnish" scouts) had the discipline and skill to penetrate dozens of kilometers behind the Finnish lines undetected, yet suddenly lost all sensibility when confronted by soup. What is clear is that the Finnish Communists died to the last man. How many of them died fighting is not so clear.

Display Order of Battle

Finland Order of Battle
  • Towed
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)
  • Foot

Display Errata (1)

1 Errata Item
Overall balance chart for 993

Kommissars never get morale or combat modifiers. Ignore misprints.

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)

Display AARs (3)

¡¡¡Se nos escapan de entre las manos!!!
Author Pijusmagnificus
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-02-06
Language Español
Scenario AFro003

Escenario rápido de jugar, los rusos tienen la ventaja numérica y los finlandeses la calidad e iniciativa. Las dos compañías soviéticas empiezan al sur del bosque cerca de la carreta que cruza el mismo, el plan es dividir las 6 secciones de infantería en dos grupos, el primero con el comisario es enviado hacía la carretera del oeste para llegar lo antes posible al norte, los otros dos mueven a la par con el capitán y el teniente al mando de cada uno de ellos. Cuando se inicia el primer turno los fineses obtienen tres impulsos seguidos, las cuatros secciones de esquiadores con el Eversti y un Leutenatti consiguen llegar al norte del bosque antes de que los rusos salgan del mismo; las HMG se han dejado atrás, (demasiado lentas para lo que se quiere), en el turno 4 ya tenemos a los rusos en disposición de alcanzar el norte del mapa pero los finlandeses se han desplegado de tal forma que no pueden salir directamente sin recibir fuego de oportunidad, a pesar de eso el ruso envía a dos secciones a intentar penetrar la posición defensiva, una es detenida al pasar a disrupted y la otra consigue salir. Otras dos secciones con el teniente son asaltadas por dos secciones de fineses y el Eversti, en el combate resultante, las dos secciones rusas son disrupted al pasar el 2M que sale, los finlandeses salen indemnes. Un poco más al oeste una sección finlandesa es desmoralizada al no pasar el MC por más de 3, esto permite al ruso al ganar la iniciativa en el siguiente turno sacar dos secciones más por el norte del mapa sin que el enemigo pueda impedirlo.

Un escenario sencillo que se resuelve en favor de los rusos en el penúltimo turno, único en el que ese bando ha ganado la iniciativa.

2014-02-06 20:36

Thank you for becoming our fourth AAR author to write in Español! Please contribute as much as possible! :-)

2014-02-07 12:30

Pijusmagnificus, very interesting AAR. I recommend you Arctic Front Deluxe. It is a lot better. Where are you from? I am Spaniard as well.

(Bonito apodo el tuyo)

2014-02-08 10:28

Enrique soy de Barcelona, el apodo es de la película 'La vida de Brian' b

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Never watch this being made
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-09-15
Language English
Scenario AFro003

If you have played the scenario in Arctic Front Deluxe realize that this is an entirely different situation and feel than that one. The only similarity is the title.

A small battalion of Soviets must negotiate the length of the board and exit while a smaller group of Finns are charged with the task of eliminating the Soviets entirely. Since the soviets start out with a positional advantage the Finns have some hard work even keeping the Soviets on the board. Ultimately this one will come down to initiative rolls and the Soviets ability to get away from assaults. If the Soviets are caught they will not survive (the bonus for Finnish infantry in assault is critical). In my case a group of 3 full strength platoons was caught and assaulted by two Finnish platoons near the board edge. The Soviet commander left the assault hex with two platoons to exit the board but the Soviets could not get the 5th and 6th step off board.

This is a quick play scenario but it seems wired to have a draw. If the Soviets spread out the Finns do not have enough time to kill them all while the Soviets do not have the leadership to get enough units to exit. I give it a "2".

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Arctic Front #3
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2021-05-16
Language English
Scenario AFro003

This is the second time playing through this scenario (it appears unaltered from Lions of Finland). Both plays worked out entirely the same.

The soviets start deployed on the road ready to bolt west and then north around the forest and off the board.

The Finns set up as far and west as possible with the goal of bolting north then west around the woods hoping to cut off the Soviets.

The problem is all units move at the same speed. The Finns, if deployed as thing and wide as possible once reaching the blocking position will have one turn to assault the head of the Soviet column (assuming they dont lose initiate of the crucial turn). You will likely win the assault, but it wont matter as the Soviets will still ski past you here and exit the board with, in my case 8 steps.

Maybe I am missing something, but both plays were exactly the same aside from immaterial leader draws.

These types of race off the board scenarios really dont work in the PZG system as ultimately the units move at the same speed and cant create a pseudo ZOC to effectively block.

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