Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Errors? Omissions? Report them!

Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Soviet Union Army (RKKA) Lt. Colonel for Panzer Grenadier game series
Unit Counter Data
Historical Name
Movement Class Leader
Movement Points 4
Overall Rating, 769 votes
Unit Rank: 847 of 1647

Display Scenario List (312)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
49th Mountain Corps 03. Oleszyce Castle 3 2 3
49th Mountain Corps 05. Red Collapse 1 0 4
49th Mountain Corps 10. Bridge to Terebovlya 1 0 4
Arctic Front Deluxe 05. Across the Lake 3 1 3.3
Arctic Front Deluxe 06. Stalin's Giants 1 1 4
Arctic Front Deluxe 10. Timoshenko Strikes 2 1 3.5
Arctic Front Deluxe 12. Grave of Three Generals 1 0 4
Arctic Front Deluxe 13. Wretched of the Earth 2 1 2
Arctic Front Deluxe 18. Into Karelia 1 0 3
Arctic Front Deluxe 21. Tribal Warfare 1 1 5
Arctic Front Deluxe 28. The Horse Lords 0 0 ---
Arctic Front Deluxe 35. Finnish Soil 1 1 5
Arctic Front 01. Cavalry Screen 5 4 3.4
Arctic Front 04. Blood on the Snow 1: Across the Lake 3 2 3.7
Arctic Front 13. Tribal Warfare 2 0 3
Arctic Front 16. Dead of Winter 2 0 4
Army Group South Ukraine 02. False Hope 3 2 3.7
Army Group South Ukraine 04. Beyond the Prut 2 1 4
Army Group South Ukraine 07. A Worthless Diversion 2 2 3
Army Group South Ukraine 10. Panzer Lion III: A Promising Start 3 2 4.7
Armata Romana 09. Steppe and Sky 1 0 3
Armata Romana 11. Tighina Bridgehead 3 2 3.3
Armata Romana 15. Romania's Bravest Son 1 0 4
Armata Romana 19. National Socialist Ardor 2 1 3.5
Armata Romana 20. Ride of the Seventh 2 1 3.5
Blue Division 01. Los Novios de La Muerte 9 2 3.2
Blue Division 03. Falangist Honor 5 3 3.8
Blue Division 04. Ispanskii Kaput! 9 4 3.6
Blue Division 10. Valley of Death 4 3 3.5
Blue Division 14. Cara al Sol 4 2 2.4
Blue Division 15. Las Tropas me Abandonan! 5 2 4.2
Broken Axis 03. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 1: Botoshany Crossroads 5 1 3.5
Broken Axis 06. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 4: Grossdeutschland Arrives 2 0 5
Broken Axis 07. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 5: Furie Romana 2 0 4.5
Broken Axis 09. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 7: Into the Hun's Teeth 1 1 4
Broken Axis 11. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 9: Standing Tall at Timisesti 1 0 4
Broken Axis 12. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 1: Preliminaries 3 0 4.3
Broken Axis 16. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 5: Failure on the Flanks 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 24. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 13: A Fire-Spewing Fortress 2 0 3
Broken Axis 26. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 15: Redemption 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 33. Operation Katja Scenario 1: Commencing Operation Sonja 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 35. Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja 1 1 4
Broken Axis 36. Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 38. Operation Katja Scenario 6: South of Iepureni 1 1 5
Broken Axis 40. Operation Katja Scenario 8: Zahorna 1 1 4
Broken Axis 42. Romania Mare Scenario 2: Beyond the Beautiful Valley 1 1 3
Broken Axis 43. Romania Mare Scenario 3: Zmev: Glory or Shame 3 1 3
Broken Axis 45. Romania Mare Scenario 5: Hero of Stalingrad 1 1 3
C&CV1: War in the East 08. Across the Border 4 2 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 11. Secure the Bridge 2 1 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 15. Counter-Blow 3 1 4
C&CV1: War in the East 16. Encircled 2 1 4
C&CV1: War in the East 17. Last Stand 2 1 3.5
Divisione Corazzata 03. A Strong Armored Component 1 0 4
Divisione Corazzata 04. Il Martello del Proletariato 1 0 4
Divisione Corazzata 05. Close Assault 1 0 3
Divisione Corazzata 06. Roll Over Togliatti 1 0 4
Edelweiss 04. Panzer Panic 4 2 2.3
Edelweiss 05. Black Day of the Rainier Regiment 1 0 3
Edelweiss IV 12. National Socialist Ardor 1 0 4
Edelweiss IV 13. Panzer Panic 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 14. Black Day of the Rainier Regiment 1 1 3.5
Edelweiss IV 18. The Mius Line 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 40. Sacred Mountains 0 0 ---
Edelweiss: Expanded 06. National Socialist Ardor 3 1 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 07. Panzer Panic 1 0 2
Edelweiss: Expanded 08. Black Day of the Rainier Regiment 2 1 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 12. The Mius Line 0 0 ---
Edelweiss: Expanded 32. Sacred Mountains 1 1 5
Eastern Front 01. A Rotten Morning 44 13 3.2
Eastern Front 22. The Bridge at Borisov 9 5 3.2
Eastern Front 23. Depot Defense 9 6 3
Eastern Front 24. A Dangerous Situation 10 7 3.8
Eastern Front 29. Bobruisk Bridgehead 6 1 3.5
Eastern Front 38. Timoshenko's Strike 4 1 3.3
Eastern Front 46. Steppe and Sky 6 1 3.3
Eastern Front 48. Tighina Bridgehead 8 3 3.3
Eastern Front 49. Spruce Grove 9 4 3.7
Eastern Front 58. Odessa: Romania's Bravest Son 5 1 3.4
Eastern Front 62. First Guards 8 4 3.1
Eastern Front 63. Moscow Proletarian Advance 3 0 3.7
Eastern Front 73. Odessa: Ride of the 7th 5 3 3.6
Eastern Front 85. Siberian Night Attack 4 1 2.8
Eastern Front 88. A Handful of Tanks 2 1 2.5
Eastern Front 105. Night Ride through the Caucasus 4 1 3.3
Eastern Front 106. Black Sea Riviera 4 1 3
Eastern Front 107. Gaytolovo 2 1 2.7
Eastern Front 109. Infantry Attacks 7 4 2.9
First Axis 10. Slovakia's Battle: Phase Two 3 1 3.7
First Axis 15. Crimean Gateway 1 1 2
First Axis 16. Isthmus Guard 3 2 3
Fire and Sword 14. Landing at Ercsi 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 27. Attack from the South 1 1 3
Fire and Sword 28. Outflanking Székesfehérvár, From the West 0 0 ---
Fire in the Steppe 02. Across the Bug 12 6 3.9
Fire in the Steppe 03. Into the Trap 7 2 3.6
Fire in the Steppe 04. Swift Response 3 2 4
Fire in the Steppe 05. Recon Routed 7 4 3.4
Fire in the Steppe 06. The Road to Lutsk 5 4 4.2
Fire in the Steppe 07. The Road to Lokachi 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 14. Red Banners 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 18. The Seventh to the Rescue 4 1 3.3
Fire in the Steppe 19. Ryabishev Returns 3 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 20. Infantry Attacks 2 1 3.5
Fire in the Steppe 21. Like a Spear 2 1 4.5
Fire in the Steppe 22. Directive 018 2 1 3.5
Fire in the Steppe 24. The Commissar's Command 3 1 2
Fire in the Steppe 25. Night Moves 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 26. Rear Guard 4 2 4
Fire in the Steppe 27. For the Night is Dark 2 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 29. After Dark 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 34. Marching East 2 1 3.5
Fire in the Steppe 40. Assault Gun Assault 2 3 4.3
Fire in the Steppe 41. Counter Strike at Tarnopol 1 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 42. Spirit of the Defensive 1 1 3
Fronte Russo 10. Rescuing the 80th 2 2 4
Fronte Russo 14. Bulawin Station 3 0 4.5
Fronte Russo 15. The Christmas Battle: Blackshirts Under Attack 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 18. The Reserves Enter Action 1 0 4
Fronte Russo 19. The Push to the Left 2 0 4
Fronte Russo 22. A Bad Start 2 1 3
Fronte Russo 26. To the Point of Conceit 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 28. Serafimovich: Day Two 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 31. Serafimovich: on the Defensive 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 33. A Weak Response 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 34. A Deadly Embrace 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 36. Lancieri di Novara at Jagodny 3 2 3.7
Fronte Russo 37. Forward Once Again 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 38. A Coordinated Push 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 39. "Epic Beauty" 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 40. Danger at Bachmutkin 2 0 2.5
Fronte Russo 44. Blackshirts Ambushed 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 03. Lucky Thirteen 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1944 07. At the Seam 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 12. Up on Căuşeni Hill 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 19. Tank Battle at Ruginoasa 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 45. Vatutin’s Riposte 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 46. Tolstoye Woods 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 47. An Immediate, Energetic Attack 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 48. Repeated Failure 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 49. Infantry Defends 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1946 03. Tank Battle 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1946 06. Down to the Waterline 2 2 2.5
Grossdeutschland 1946 07. Drive on Kirkuk 1 1 2
Variant Panthers 01. Kursk - South Flank Scenario 5: Manhandled 1 1 3
Variant Panthers 03. Kursk - South Flank Scenario 13: Where Have All the Soldiers Gone? 1 1 5
Variant Panthers 05. Kursk - South Flank Scenario 34: With Reckless Abandon 1 1 3
Variant Panthers 08. Kursk - Burning Tigers Scenario 38: Forgotten Success VIII: Bad Moon on the Rise 1 1 4
Hammer & Sickle 07. Over the River and Through the Americans . . . 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 11. Mainz Counterattack 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 12. The Mud and the Blood and the Beer 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 14. Battle Royale 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 16. Ant Hill 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 38. Shocked Troops 0 0 ---
Heroes of the Soviet Union 17. Red Parachutes: Rzhishchev Bridgehead 3 1 3
Red & White 04. Forcing the Nogat 0 0 ---
Red & White 06. Here Come the Yankees 0 0 ---
Red & White 08. Slugfest 0 0 ---
Red & White 10. Attrition Warfare 0 0 ---
Red & White 12. Kaliningrad Raid 0 0 ---
Red & White 13. Split Them in Two 0 0 ---
Red & White 15. Bialystok Defense 0 0 ---
Red & White 16. Run and Gun 0 0 ---
Red & White 17. Beat Down 0 0 ---
Red & White 19. Southern Pincer 0 0 ---
Red & White 20. Northern Pincer 0 0 ---
Red & White 22. Closing In 0 0 ---
Red & White 26. Flank of the Karkonosze Mountains 0 0 ---
Red & White 33. Intersection at Zory 0 0 ---
Red & White 34. Steel Thrust 0 0 ---
Red & White 39. This is Not 1939! 0 0 ---
Iron Curtain 18. Shocked Troops 1 1 3
Iron Curtain 19. Thunder from Heaven 1 1 5
Iron Wolves 08. Bet Lietuvis Neprazus 2 1 5
Burning Tigers 2 05. Aggressive Defense 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 06. Dominoes Fall 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 08. Pre-Emptive Attack 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 12. Relief of Teploye 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 13. Firefight at Butyrki 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 19. Brunswick Lions 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 20. Ferdinand Attacks 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 21. Steel Avalanche 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 22. Storm Panzers 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 38. Heroes of the Soviet Union 0 0 ---
Dogs of War 01. Death's Head at Oleksandrivka 1 1 4
Dogs of War 02. Murafa Bridgehead 1 1 3
Dogs of War 03. The Oleksandrivka Crossing 1 1 4
Burning Tigers 05. Kempf V: That Old Strategic Sense 5 3 3.8
Burning Tigers 06. Kempf VI: Like Dominoes They Fell 4 3 4.2
Burning Tigers 08. Storm II: On the Verge 6 4 4.1
Burning Tigers 10. Graveyard of Armor I: Firefight at Butyrki 9 6 4.1
Burning Tigers 16. Graveyard of Armor VII: Proud Grenadiers 4 1 4
Burning Tigers 19. The Graveyard of Armor X: Against Better Advice 2 1 4.5
Burning Tigers 20. Drive on Ponyri I: Grand Ambitions 6 2 4
Burning Tigers 21. Drive on Ponyri II: The Beat Goes on 3 1 3.8
Burning Tigers 22. Drive on Ponyri III: If at First... 2 1 4
Burning Tigers 38. Forgotten Success VIII: Bad Moon on the Rise 4 3 4.3
South Flank 05. Manhandled 9 5 4.2
South Flank 13. Where Have All the Soldiers Gone? 7 5 4.1
South Flank 27. Who’ll Stop the Rain? 3 3 4.6
South Flank 34. With Reckless Abandon 3 2 3.8
South Flank 39. Daydream Believers 3 1 3.8
Land Battleships 01. Low Speed Assault 2 2 2.7
Land Battleships 02. Land Battleship Battle 2 1 4
Lions of Finland 01. Cavalry Screen 3 2 3.3
Lions of Finland 04. Blood on the Snow: Across the Lake 2 1 3.5
Little Saturn 08. The End of Hope 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 13. Gates of Vilnius 2 1 4
Maple Leaf Brigade 01. No Time 2 1 4
Maple Leaf Brigade 03. Fly By Night 2 1 4
Maple Leaf Brigade 05. Taking Care of Business 2 1 3
Maple Leaf Brigade 06. Signs 1 1 3
Maple Leaf Brigade 08. One Week 1 1 4
Maple Leaf Brigade 11. Putting out the Fire 2 2 2.5
Maple Leaf Brigade 12. Piercing the Soviets 1 1 3
March on Leningrad 05. Sol'tsy: Red Heat 4 3 4.2
March on Leningrad 06. Mga Station: The Marshal Giveth 4 3 3.4
March on Leningrad 09. Dudergof 3 1 4.3
Panzer Grenadier 10. A Rotten Morning 4 2 2.5
Panzer Grenadier 12. Black Sea Riviera 3 3 3
Panzer Grenadier 14. Night Ride through the Caucasus 3 2 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 15. Siberian Night Attack 3 2 3.5
Panzer Grenadier 17. Bobruisk Bridgehead 3 2 3.8
Panzer Grenadier 19. Gaytolovo 3 1 2.8
Panzer Grenadier 25. Spruce Grove 3 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 35. A Dangerous Situation 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 48. Border Battle #6 2 1 1.7
Panzer Grenadier 51. The Bridge at Borisov 2 1 3.3
Patton's Nightmare 04. Crunch 0 0 ---
Patton's Nightmare 06. Lucky Charms 2 1 3
Patton's Nightmare 19. Getting Desperate 0 0 ---
Patton's Nightmare 20. Bloody Sunrise 0 0 ---
Polish Steel 01. Returned Across the Sea 1 1 4
Polish Steel 02. Ways to Victory 1 1 3
Polish Steel 03. And Poles We Shall Be 1 1 3
Polish Steel 09. Our People are Beating the Drums 0 0 ---
Power of the East 02. "Maybe Comrade Marshal Doesn't Understand..." 2 1 2.7
Power of the East 03. Zaozyornaya in Flames 1 1 2.5
Power of the East 04. Punch Line with the Bayonet 2 2 3.7
Power of the East 06. Battle of Baintsagan 2 1 3.7
Power of the East 10. Last Attempt 1 0 3
Power of the East 11. Desert Blitzkrieg 1 1 2.5
Power of the East 12. Samurai Stalingrad 2 2 2.7
Puppet Brigade 03. Slovakia’s Battle; Phase Two 1 1 3
Puppet Brigade 08. Crimean Gateway 1 0 2
Puppet Brigade 09. Isthmus Guard 1 1 3
Panzer Lion 08. A Profitable Diversion 5 5 3.8
Panzer Lion 10. Hill 192 2 2 4
Red Warriors 06. To the Highway! 1 0 4
Red Warriors 08. Molodoi Tud River Blues 3 1 4
Red Warriors 09. Luchesa River Valley Blues 1 0 ---
Romanian Soil 01. Booted from Botosani 5 3 3.6
Romanian Soil 03. Slowing the Juggernaut 5 3 4.3
Romanian Soil 05. Situation Under Control 3 2 4
Romanian Soil 08. Forward Again 2 1 4.5
Romanian Soil 09. And Again 2 1 4.5
Road to Berlin 06. Viking Halted 4 0 3.8
Road to Berlin 07. Viking Renewed 4 1 3
Road to Berlin 12. Tigers at Zamoly 2 1 3.5
Road to Berlin 19. Szekesfehervar Airport 6 5 4.5
Road to Berlin 20. Drive on Baraska 9 5 2.2
Road to Berlin 23. Night of the Tiger 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 36. South Wind 5 2 2.8
Road to Berlin 45. Courland Pocket 1 1 3
Road to Berlin 46. South of Balaton 1 0 3
Road to Berlin 56. Life Guards 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 67. Canal Line 2 1 3.5
Road to Berlin 71. Horst Wessel's Last Verse 3 1 3.8
Road to Berlin 75. Final Panzer Battle 7 4 3.7
Secret Weapons 03. Behind the Beaches 1 1 4
Secret Weapons 04. Stinging Hummingbird 1 1 3
Secret Weapons 12. Panzer Maus 1 1 5
Secret Weapons 29. Rugged Defense 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 30. Tank Hunters 0 0 ---
Sinister Forces 03. Into the Breach 9 3 3.3
Sinister Forces 07. Neva Rumble 2 3 3
Sinister Forces 16. Hill 125.6 1 0 4
Sinister Forces 22. Demyansk Pocket 3 3 2.5
Sinister Forces 23. Kurochkin's Attack 1 1 4
Sinister Forces 29. Road to Tuapse 3 2 3
Sinister Forces 39. Red God of War: Counter-Attack 7 6 2.9
Siege of Leningrad 05. Surprised at Sitomila 1 0 5
Siege of Leningrad 10. Krasnaia Gorka 1 0 4
Slovakia’s War 04. Slovakia's Battle; Phase Two 2 2 2.7
Slovakia’s War 09. Crimean Gateway 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 10. Isthmus Guard 1 1 3
Stalin's Tanks 06. Mass Action in Kursk Oblast 1 1 5
Storm Division 02. Storming Protasova 1 1 3
Storm Division 03. Defending Protasova 1 1 4
Storm Division 04. Drive on Lunika 1 1 4
Storm Division 05. Pre-Emptive Attack 1 1 3
Storm Division 09. Those Deadly Hills 1 1 3
Tank Battles 20. Operation MARS #8: To the Highway 2 1 2
Tank Battles 22. Operation MARS Scenario # 10: Hell's Fury II 1 1 2
Tank Battles 23. Operation MARS Scenario # 11: Hell's Fury III 3 4 2.5
Tank Battles 38. Operation MARS #26: Luchesa River Valley Blues IV: Katov Resumes Attack 1 1 4
Raseiniai 06. Tauroggen 1 1 3
Raseiniai 07. Roadblock at Skaudvile 1 1 4
Raseiniai 09. Flank March 1 1 3
White Eagles 12. Hereditary Enemy 1 0 4
White Eagles 13. Borderlands 5 2 3.2
Workers and Peasants 01. On Their Own 7 5 3.5
Workers and Peasants 07. Buying More Time 2 0 3.5
Workers and Peasants 08. A Stroke of Luck 2 1 4.5
Workers and Peasants 10. Unrealistic Expectations 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 13. Still Trying 2 3 4.7
Workers and Peasants 14. Pogar Bound 1 0 4
Workers and Peasants 15. Opening Moves 3 1 3.7
Workers and Peasants 17. Blocking Force 3 3 3.7
Workers and Peasants 21. Turning the Tables 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 22. Yelnia Falls 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 23. A Stronger Effort 2 2 3.5

Display Games (55)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Featuring this Unit
Land Battleships
Land Battleships
Dogs of War
Dogs of War
Maple Leaf Brigade
Maple Leaf Brigade
Power of the East
Power of the East
Storm Division
Storm Division
Fire in the Steppe
Fire in the Steppe
Romanian Soil
Romanian Soil
Grossdeutschland at Kursk
Grossdeutschland at Kursk
Variant Panthers
Variant Panthers
Workers and Peasants
Workers and Peasants
Army Group South Ukraine
Army Group South Ukraine
Divisione Corazzata
Divisione Corazzata
Red & White
Red & White
Polish Steel
Polish Steel
Fronte Russo
Fronte Russo
Broken Axis
Broken Axis
Puppet Brigade
Puppet Brigade
Blue Division
Blue Division
Grossdeutschland 1946
Grossdeutschland 1946
March on Leningrad
March on Leningrad
49th Mountain Corps
49th Mountain Corps
Armata Romana
Armata Romana
Burning Tigers 2
Burning Tigers 2
Burning Tigers
Burning Tigers
Arctic Front Deluxe
Arctic Front Deluxe
Arctic Front
Arctic Front
C&CV1: War in the East
C&CV1: War in the East
Grossdeutschland 1944
Grossdeutschland 1944
Lions of Finland
Lions of Finland
Patton's Nightmare
Patton's Nightmare
Panzer Lion
Panzer Lion
Siege of Leningrad
Siege of Leningrad
Panzer Grenadier
Panzer Grenadier
Sinister Forces
Sinister Forces
Road to Berlin
Road to Berlin
Eastern Front
Eastern Front
Stalin's Tanks
Stalin's Tanks
Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons
Edelweiss: Expanded
Edelweiss: Expanded
Hammer & Sickle
Hammer & Sickle
Red Warriors
Red Warriors
Slovakia’s War
Slovakia’s War
South Flank
South Flank
Edelweiss IV
Edelweiss IV
First Axis
First Axis
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Iron Wolves
Iron Wolves
Little Saturn
Little Saturn
Tank Battles
Tank Battles
Fire and Sword
Fire and Sword
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
White Eagles
White Eagles
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Errors? Omissions? Report them!
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