Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Map 8

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Map: 8 for Panzer Grenadier game series
If PG ever releases an alt-hist Space Nazi module, this map would make for a nice lunar landscape.
Included in
Overall Rating, 1,014 votes
Map Rank: 121 of 137

Display Scenario List (259)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Bron Pancerna 4. Bitwa Pancerna 2 2 3.3
49th Mountain Corps 5. Red Collapse 1 0 4
49th Mountain Corps 6. Yazuv Stary 1 0 3
49th Mountain Corps 8. Return to Cold Water 1 0 3
Arctic Front Deluxe 5. Across the Lake 3 1 3.3
Arctic Front Deluxe 6. Stalin's Giants 1 1 4
Arctic Front Deluxe 10. Timoshenko Strikes 2 1 3.5
Arctic Front Deluxe 17. Frozen Tundra 3 1 3
Arctic Front Deluxe 26. Aerosans on the Attack 1 1 5
Arctic Front 4. Blood on the Snow 1: Across the Lake 3 2 3.7
Arctic Front 6. Blood on the Snow 2: Sissi Attack 2 1 3.5
Arctic Front 8. Timoshenko Strikes 2 0 4.5
Arctic Front 13. Tribal Warfare 2 0 3
Arctic Front 14. Tank Attack, Part 2 2 0 3
Arctic Front 18. End of Chivalry 2 0 3
Armata Romana 3. First Tank Battle 5 2 3.6
Armata Romana 6. Tank Battle at Orhei 3 1 3
Armata Romana 15. Romania's Bravest Son 1 0 4
Armata Romana 18. Place of the Skull 3 1 3
Armata Romana 19. National Socialist Ardor 2 1 3.5
Black Helicopters 1. Roadblock 1 1 3
Black Sea Marines 6. Staroe Isthmus 1 1 2
Black Sea Marines 7. Breakthrough at Ishun 1 1 2
Blue Division 6. Una Gesta Heroica 7 3 3.3
Blue Division 15. Las Tropas me Abandonan! 5 2 4.2
C&CV1: War in the East 9. Here We Stand! 5 2 3.4
C&CV1: War in the East 10. Take the Town! 3 1 4
C&CV1: War in the East 12. Armored Clash 2 1 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 14. Breakthrough 2 1 4.5
C&CV1: War in the East 16. Encircled 2 1 4
C&CV1: War in the East 17. Last Stand 2 1 3.5
Divisione Corazzata 4. Il Martello del Proletariato 1 0 4
Divisione Corazzata 6. Roll Over Togliatti 1 0 4
Deluge 5. Anders' Army 2 1 4
Deluge 6. Prussian Blues 2 1 4
Deluge 25. The Slag Heap 1 0 3
Edelweiss 1. Hunters of the Plains 6 2 4
Edelweiss 4. Panzer Panic 4 2 2.3
Edelweiss 6. The Litsa Line 2 1 4
Edelweiss 10. Spring Offensive 1 0 3
Edelweiss 23. Himmler's Sword 1 1 1
Edelweiss IV 10. Hunters of the Plains 1 1 2
Edelweiss IV 15. The Litsa Line 2 1 4
Edelweiss IV 18. The Mius Line 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 19. Spring Offensive 1 0 5
Edelweiss IV 22. Pale Riders 0 0 ---
Edelweiss: Expanded 4. Hunters of the Plains 5 2 2.4
Edelweiss: Expanded 9. The Litsa Line 1 0 4
Edelweiss: Expanded 12. The Mius Line 0 0 ---
Edelweiss: Expanded 13. Spring Offensive 1 0 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 16. Pale Riders 0 0 ---
Eastern Front 1. A Rotten Morning 44 13 3.2
Eastern Front 2. Sneak Attack 43 21 2.2
Eastern Front 9. 28th Tank Attack 15 6 3.1
Eastern Front 10. The Duel 31 13 3.2
Eastern Front 14. The Brandenburgers 22 9 3
Eastern Front 15. Zelva 18 8 3.1
Eastern Front 20. Gorodischtsche 18 9 3.5
Eastern Front 21. West of Rovno 12 5 3.2
Eastern Front 22. The Bridge at Borisov 9 5 3.2
Eastern Front 23. Depot Defense 9 6 3
Eastern Front 24. A Dangerous Situation 10 7 3.8
Eastern Front 25. First Tank Battle 25 13 3.6
Eastern Front 28. Kamienka 10 3 3.9
Eastern Front 29. Bobruisk Bridgehead 6 1 3.5
Eastern Front 30. Senno 9 7 3.6
Eastern Front 38. Timoshenko's Strike 4 1 3.3
Eastern Front 39. The Bridge 9 2 3.1
Eastern Front 43. Red Steel: Tank Battle at Chisinau 24 16 3.3
Eastern Front 49. Spruce Grove 9 4 3.7
Eastern Front 51. The Yelnia Salient 7 2 3.4
Eastern Front 55. Pocketed 8 4 3.5
Eastern Front 58. Odessa: Romania's Bravest Son 5 1 3.4
Eastern Front 61. Odessa: Hill 110 11 7 3.1
Eastern Front 64. Smashing Guderian 5 4 3.3
Eastern Front 68. Odessa: National Socialist Ardor 6 1 3.5
Eastern Front 69. Attack on the Isthmus 4 1 3
Eastern Front 70. Turkish Ditch 4 0 3.8
Eastern Front 71. Riders of the Khan 3 0 3
Eastern Front 72. Dog Day Afternoon 4 2 2.5
Eastern Front 74. Excuses, Excuses 2 0 3
Eastern Front 76. Katukov Rides Again 10 5 3.3
Eastern Front 77. Forgotten Isthmus 9 4 3.3
Eastern Front 82. They Shoot Horsemen, Don't They? 5 3 3.2
Eastern Front 85. Siberian Night Attack 4 1 2.8
Eastern Front 86. Teploye 1 0 4
Eastern Front 87. Aryan Panic 2 1 2.5
Eastern Front 88. A Handful of Tanks 2 1 2.5
Eastern Front 94. Vorontsovo I 4 1 3.5
Eastern Front 95. Vorontsovo II 3 2 3.7
Eastern Front 96. The Snail Offensive 2 0 3.5
Eastern Front 97. Quiet Flows the Vodka 5 4 2.5
Eastern Front 98. Vorontsovo III 4 2 3.5
Eastern Front 99. Khristishche 2 0 2.5
Eastern Front 100. Crimean Winter 5 3 3.4
Eastern Front 101. Crimean Counterattack 2 1 3
Eastern Front 102. Crimean Shield 4 3 3
Eastern Front 103. Tank Battle at Parpach 3 3 3.6
Eastern Front 106. Black Sea Riviera 4 1 3
Eastern Front 107. Gaytolovo 2 1 2.7
Eastern Front 108. Marching to Georgia 3 0 2.3
Eastern Front 110. Attack on Stalingrad 3 1 4.3
Eastern Front 111. High Water Mark 4 1 3.6
Eastern Front 112. Debut 8 5 3
First Axis 9. Slovakia's Battle: Phase One 3 1 3.7
First Axis 10. Slovakia's Battle: Phase Two 3 1 3.7
First Axis 13. Collective Farm 1 1 4
First Axis 16. Isthmus Guard 3 2 3
Fire in the Steppe 10. Duel at Sabinovka 6 5 3.6
Fire in the Steppe 11. Counter-Stroke at Radekhiv 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 22. Directive 018 2 1 3.5
Fire in the Steppe 23. Shoulder Roll 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 38. Brushed Aside 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 39. Broken Horsemen 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 1. First Action 11 5 3.6
Fronte Russo 2. Zaritschanka: Seizing the Bridgehead 4 1 4
Fronte Russo 3. Zaritschanka: Expanding the Bridgehead 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 4. Zaritschanka: The Bloodiest Day 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 10. Rescuing the 80th 2 2 4
Fronte Russo 12. Gates of Chazepetovka 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 13. Suicide Squeeze 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 14. Bulawin Station 3 0 4.5
Fronte Russo 16. The Christmas Battle: The Center 2 1 3
Fronte Russo 18. The Reserves Enter Action 1 0 4
Fronte Russo 19. The Push to the Left 2 0 4
Fronte Russo 20. Germans in Action 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 22. A Bad Start 2 1 3
Fronte Russo 23. Barbo' Group 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 24. Last Battle for Hill 331.7 3 1 4
Fronte Russo 26. To the Point of Conceit 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 27. Serafimovich: Day One 1 1 5
Fronte Russo 28. Serafimovich: Day Two 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 33. A Weak Response 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 34. A Deadly Embrace 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 35. Widening the Breach 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 37. Forward Once Again 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 38. A Coordinated Push 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 40. Danger at Bachmutkin 2 0 2.5
Fronte Russo 45. The Fall of Tcheboratevsky 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 47. A Costly Counterattack 0 0 ---
Uprising 8. Tank Battle at Martin 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 4. Counterattacked 3 2 3.7
Go for Broke 7. Deja Vu All Over Again 2 2 4
Grossdeutschland 1946 2. Dawn Strike 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1946 3. Tank Battle 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1946 4. Delay 1 1 5
Grossdeutschland 1946 5. Over the River 1 1 4
Hammer & Sickle 38. Shocked Troops 0 0 ---
Hopeless, But Not Serious 16. Skoda Panthers 0 0 ---
Heroes of the Soviet Union 14. Cutting Off the Head 6 3 3.2
Heroes of the Soviet Union 18. Red Parachutes: Bukrin Bridgehead 3 1 3.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 19. Stalingrad Fire Brigade 3 1 3.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 20. Kursk: Opening Moves 4 1 3.8
Heroes of the Soviet Union 21. Kursk: Opening Moves II 5 2 3.4
Heroes of the Soviet Union 22. Kursk: Tigers by the Tail 3 1 4.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 23. Kursk: Advance! 4 1 3.3
Indian Unity 10. The Extraordinary Sidney Cotton 4 5 3.2
Iron Curtain 18. Shocked Troops 1 1 3
Iron Curtain 19. Thunder from Heaven 1 1 5
Land Battleships 1. Low Speed Assault 2 2 2.7
Land Battleships 2. Land Battleship Battle 2 1 4
Lithuanian Campaign 10. Mass Attack 0 0 ---
Lions of Finland 4. Blood on the Snow: Across the Lake 2 1 3.5
Lions of Finland 5. Blood on the Snow 2: Sissi Attack 2 1 3.5
Lions of Finland 8. End of Chivalry 2 1 3
Little Saturn 2. Carving the Flank 4 3 3.7
Little Saturn 3. The Ordeal Begins 4 3 3.8
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 2. Bajorai 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 5. Over the Neman 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 13. Gates of Vilnius 2 1 4
Legend of the Iron Wolf 20. Sinister Forces 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 21. Lithuanian Horse 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 25. Tank Engagement 0 0 ---
March on Leningrad 3. Sol'tsy: Tougher Stuff 3 2 4.3
March on Leningrad 5. Sol'tsy: Red Heat 4 3 4.2
March on Leningrad 8. Bol'shie Skvoritsy 2 0 4
Panzer Grenadier 5. They Shoot Horsemen, Don't They? 7 4 2.4
Panzer Grenadier 9. Khristishche 6 2 2.6
Panzer Grenadier 10. A Rotten Morning 4 2 2.5
Panzer Grenadier 11. Katukov Rides Again 6 2 2.6
Panzer Grenadier 12. Black Sea Riviera 3 3 3
Panzer Grenadier 13. Marching to Georgia 2 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 15. Siberian Night Attack 3 2 3.5
Panzer Grenadier 16. Gorodischtsche 4 3 2.6
Panzer Grenadier 17. Bobruisk Bridgehead 3 2 3.8
Panzer Grenadier 19. Gaytolovo 3 1 2.8
Panzer Grenadier 20. Debut 3 2 2.8
Panzer Grenadier 21. The Yelnia Salient 2 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 23. Teploye 3 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 24. High Water Mark 3 1 3.4
Panzer Grenadier 25. Spruce Grove 3 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 26. The Bridge 3 2 2.8
Panzer Grenadier 29. Attack on Stalingrad 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 31. The Brandenburgers 4 2 3.2
Panzer Grenadier 32. 28th Tank Attack 7 2 2.6
Panzer Grenadier 35. A Dangerous Situation 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 36. Dog Day Afternoon 3 1 2.5
Panzer Grenadier 37. Vorontsovo I 2 1 2
Panzer Grenadier 38. Vorontsovo II 3 1 3.5
Panzer Grenadier 39. Vorontsovo III 2 1 2.7
Panzer Grenadier 40. Sneak Attack 8 4 2.2
Panzer Grenadier 41. Zelva 4 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 43. The Duel 4 3 3.5
Panzer Grenadier 44. Excuses, Excuses 3 2 1.5
Panzer Grenadier 45. Senno 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 47. The Snail Offensive 2 1 1.3
Panzer Grenadier 48. Border Battle #6 2 1 1.7
Panzer Grenadier 49. Kamienka 4 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 50. Red Vengeance 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 51. The Bridge at Borisov 2 1 3.3
Power of the East 5. Nomonhan 3 3 3.5
Power of the East 6. Battle of Baintsagan 2 1 3.7
Power of the East 7. On the East Bank 1 1 3
Power of the East 8. Night Attack 2 2 3
Power of the East 9. Panic 1 1 3.5
Power of the East 10. Last Attempt 1 0 3
Power of the East 11. Desert Blitzkrieg 1 1 2.5
Power of the East 12. Samurai Stalingrad 2 2 2.7
Puppet Brigade 2. Slovakia’s Battle; Phase One 1 1 3
Puppet Brigade 3. Slovakia’s Battle; Phase Two 1 1 3
Puppet Brigade 4. Holding the River 1 0 3
Puppet Brigade 5. Christmas Day 1 0 2
Puppet Brigade 6. Collective Farm 1 0 3
Puppet Brigade 9. Isthmus Guard 1 1 3
Red Warriors 17. Nikitinka Station 3 1 4
Red Warriors 18. Shanaurin Strikes Back 1 0 ---
Red Warriors 20. The Bloodiest Fight 2 1 3
South Africa's War 2. Down in Jubaland 3 0 2.7
South Africa's War 3. Battle on the Equator 4 1 3.5
South Africa's War 10. Gialo Oasis 3 1 3.3
Secret Weapons 13. Waves of Steel 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 24. Panzer Grenadier 0 0 ---
Sinister Forces 12. Red Vengeance 4 4 2.3
Sinister Forces 21. Over the River 0 0 ---
Siege of Leningrad 8. Shock Group 1 0 4
Slovakia’s War 3. Slovakia's Battle; Phase One 2 2 2
Slovakia’s War 4. Slovakia's Battle; Phase Two 2 2 2.7
Slovakia’s War 5. Holding The River 2 1 2.7
Slovakia’s War 6. Christmas Day 2 1 2
Slovakia’s War 7. Collective Farm 2 1 2.7
Slovakia’s War 10. Isthmus Guard 1 1 3
Slovakia’s War 18. Slovak Revival 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 19. Slovak Surprise 2 1 1.7
Slovakia’s War 22. Brown Battalions 0 0 ---
Tank Battles 16. Operation MARS #4: Grediakino I 3 3 2.7
Tank Battles 17. Operation MARS #5: Grediakino II 1 1 3
Tank Battles 18. Operation MARS #6: Grediakino III 1 1 3
Tank Battles 19. Operation MARS #7: Grediakino IV: Persistence 2 2 3
Tank Battles 20. Operation MARS #8: To the Highway 2 1 2
Tank Battles 32. Operation MARS #20: Molodoi Tud River Blues III: Tough Ride 1 1 4
Raseiniai 6. Tauroggen 1 1 3
Raseiniai 8. Evening Engagement 1 1 2
Waltzing Matilda 1. Darwin's Theory 4 2 3.8
Waltzing Matilda 3. Dutch Treat 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 10. Unrealistic Expectations 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 15. Opening Moves 3 1 3.7
Workers and Peasants 17. Blocking Force 3 3 3.7
War on the Equator 3. Land, Sea and Air 10 9 3.8
War on the Equator 6. The Road to Guayaquil 4 4 2.8

Display Games (47)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Using this Map
Land Battleships
Land Battleships
Panzer Grenadier
Panzer Grenadier
Power of the East
Power of the East
Puppet Brigade
Puppet Brigade
Fronte Russo
Fronte Russo
Eastern Front
Eastern Front
Grossdeutschland 1946
Grossdeutschland 1946
Slovakia’s War
Slovakia’s War
War on the Equator
War on the Equator
Arctic Front
Arctic Front
Lions of Finland
Lions of Finland
Legend of the Iron Wolf
Legend of the Iron Wolf
March on Leningrad
March on Leningrad
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Heroes of the Soviet Union
49th Mountain Corps
49th Mountain Corps
Bron Pancerna
Bron Pancerna
Armata Romana
Armata Romana
C&CV1: War in the East
C&CV1: War in the East
Black Helicopters
Black Helicopters
Divisione Corazzata
Divisione Corazzata
Little Saturn
Little Saturn
Black Sea Marines
Black Sea Marines
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Waltzing Matilda
Waltzing Matilda
Edelweiss: Expanded
Edelweiss: Expanded
Red Warriors
Red Warriors
South Africa's War
South Africa's War
Fire in the Steppe
Fire in the Steppe
First Axis
First Axis
Arctic Front Deluxe
Arctic Front Deluxe
Tank Battles
Tank Battles
Edelweiss IV
Edelweiss IV
Workers and Peasants
Workers and Peasants
Blue Division
Blue Division
Indian Unity
Indian Unity
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Lithuanian Campaign
Lithuanian Campaign
Siege of Leningrad
Siege of Leningrad
Go for Broke
Go for Broke
Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Sinister Forces
Sinister Forces
Hammer & Sickle
Hammer & Sickle
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