Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Exit the Battle Area

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Battle Type: Exit the Battle Area for Panzer Grenadier game series

One side is hoping for a breakthrough, and then a mad dash for the horizon. The point being to exploitation of success in the larger operational battle.

Overall Rating, 2,508 votes
Battle Type Rank: 13 of 25

Display Scenario List (42)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
August 1914, 2nd Ed 2. Deadly Playground 1 1 1
August 1914, 2nd Ed 4. Last Stand at Bilderweitschen 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 5. Fatherland Security 2 2 2.7
August 1914, 2nd Ed 10. Citizen Soldiers 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 13. Breaking Contact 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 26. Mors! Mors! 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 27. Full Retreat 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 28. Guards to the Rescue 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 31. Clearing the Way 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 34. Horses East 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 35. Saxon Horse 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 37. Siberian Dawn 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 2. Deadly Playground 0 0 1
August 1914, 1st Ed 4. Last Stand at Bilderweitschen 1 0 3
August 1914, 1st Ed 5. Homeland Security 2 0 4
August 1914, 1st Ed 10. Citizen Soldiers 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 13. Breaking Contact 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 22. Mors! Mors! 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 27. Full Retreat 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 29. Guards to the Rescue 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 31. Clearing the Way 1 0 3
August 1914, 1st Ed 33. Siberian Dawn 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 34. Horses East 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 40. Saxon Horse 0 0 ---
Chihuahua Incident 4. Counterattack 1 1 3
Fall of Empires 2. Cavalry Screen 2 0 3.5
Fall of Empires 5. Hussar Defense 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 9. The Cossacks Are Coming 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 11. Foot Cavalry 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 1. The Charge at Stójanów 3 0 4.5
Franz Josef's Armies 24. Repelling Cavalry 0 0 ---
To Hell With Spain! 6. Yauco 2 1 3
To Hell With Spain! 8. Silva Heights 2 1 3.3
Imperial & Royal Panzers 3. Motorized Cavalrt 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 4. Des Kaisers Reiterei 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 7. Turtles All The Way Down 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 2. Almost, But Not Quite 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 5. Sacrifice at Paju 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 10. The River Gambler Craps Out 0 0 ---
Winter's Battle 4. Holy Madness 0 0 ---
Winter's Battle 5. Advance from Grodno 0 0 ---
Winter's Battle 7. The Tsar’s Cavalry 0 0 ---

Display Games (9)

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