Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Poland Wojska Lądowe HMG

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Poland Wojska Lądowe HMG for Panzer Grenadier game series
Unit Counter Data
Historical Name Polish HMG
Movement Class Foot
Movement Points 2
Direct Fire 8-4 4-4
Overall Rating, 255 votes
Unit Rank: 688 of 1647

Display Scenario List (100)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Bron Pancerna 01. Polish Surprise 1 1 4
Bron Pancerna 02. Counter Attack 2 2 3.7
Bron Pancerna 03. Plains of Poland 1 1 4
Bron Pancerna 04. Bitwa Pancerna 2 2 3.3
C&CV1: War in the East 01. The More Things Change... 7 4 3.7
C&CV1: War in the East 03. Blitzkrieg 4 3 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 04. Clash of Armor 3 2 3.3
C&CV1: War in the East 05. Home Guard 3 2 4
C&CV1: War in the East 06. Gates of Warsaw 2 1 3.5
Deluge 01. Cavalry 7 2 4.1
Deluge 02. Prepared Defense 5 1 4
Deluge 03. National Socialist Ardor 4 2 3.8
Deluge 04. Throwing Good After Bad 4 3 3
Deluge 06. Prussian Blues 2 1 4
Deluge 07. Train in Vain 3 2 2.8
Deluge 09. Tuchola Forest 2 1 3.5
Deluge 10. The Rytel Position 1 1 4
Deluge 11. Wojtaszewski’s Battalion 2 2 3.3
Deluge 13. Manteuffel’s Crossing 3 2 4
Deluge 14. The Crossing at Tczew 1 1 4
Deluge 15. Osa River Line 1 1 4
Deluge 16. Reinforcing Failure 1 1 4
Deluge 18. Smialy the Bold 1 1 3
Deluge 19. Crossroads of Parzymiechy 1 1 2
Deluge 20. Flying Carp 3 2 4
Deluge 21. Rommel’s Response 3 3 3.5
Deluge 22. Bron Pancerna 3 3 2.4
Deluge 23. Polish Armor 1 0 4
Deluge 24. Panzers Repulsed 1 0 3
Deluge 25. The Slag Heap 1 0 3
Deluge 26. Fortress Poland 1 1 3
Deluge 27. Carpathian Panzers 1 1 4
Deluge 28. Stolen Plunder 1 0 4
Deluge 29. Trench Warfare 1 0 4
Deluge 30. Sinister Rails 2 2 3.3
Deluge 31. Weekend at Pless 1 0 3
Deluge 32. Clash at Jordanow 1 1 4
Deluge 33. Dark of Night 1 1 2
Deluge 34. Panzers at Dawn 1 1 4
Deluge 35. Raczkowski’s Counter-Attack 2 0 4
Deluge 36. Fast Division 1 1 5
Deluge 37. Morning Encounter 1 0 4
Deluge 39. Polish Prussia 1 1 4
Deluge 40. First Axis 1 1 4
First Axis 06. Slavik Brotherhood 7 2 4.1
Iron Wolves 03. Holy Vilnius 2 1 4
Iron Wolves 04. Common Cause 2 1 3.5
Iron Wolves 05. Staggered Assault 6 5 3.2
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 01. Polish Legions 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 02. Bajorai 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 03. Tanku Musis 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 04. The Kaunas Stampede 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 09. Holy Vilnius 1 1 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 10. Axis Horse 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 12. Last Reserve 1 0 3
Polish Exiles 02. Cavalry to the Rescue 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 03. Overwhelmed 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 05. Polish Revenge 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 09. Last Stand of the Podhale Rifles 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 10. Grenadiers in Action 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 11. Marne-Rhine Canal 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 12. For Warsaw! 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 13. First to Fight 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 14. Clos du Doubs: Right Flank 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 15. Clos du Doubs: Left Flank 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 05. Air Assault 1 0 4
White Eagles 01. Contradiction in Terms 14 7 3.5
White Eagles 02. Fortress Poland 14 9 3.7
White Eagles 03. Life Guards 8 2 3.9
White Eagles 04. Weapons of Mass Destruction 8 4 3.4
White Eagles 05. Failed Counterattack 2 1 4
White Eagles 07. Suburban Commandos 2 1 3.5
White Eagles 08. Kopal's Legacy 3 2 3.8
White Eagles 09. Children of Warsaw 1 0 3
White Eagles 10. Poland's Bravest Son 3 1 3
White Eagles 11. Black Monday 6 3 3.4
White Eagles 12. Hereditary Enemy 1 0 4
White Eagles 13. Borderlands 5 2 3.2
White Eagles 14. Cavalry 6 3 3.4
White Eagles 18. Drawn Sabers 6 3 3.6
White Eagles 19. Polish Prussia 4 2 3.5
White Eagles 20. The Last Battle 3 3 3
White Eagles 22. The Black Brigade 5 3 3.2
White Eagles 23. Polish Armor 4 1 3.8
White Eagles 24. Annopol Bridgehead 2 0 3.5
White Eagles 25. Gates of Brest 4 1 4
White Eagles 26. Black on Black 2 0 4
White Eagles 28. Tank Battle 6 3 3.6
White Eagles 29. Night Action 1 1 4
White Eagles 30. Smialy the Dragon 1 0 3
White Eagles 31. Train in Vain 2 1 3
White Eagles 32. Sinister Rails 2 0 3
White Eagles 33. Train of Death 1 1 3
White Eagles 34. Tuchola Forest 1 1 2
White Eagles 35. Fifth Column 1 1 4
White Eagles 36. Carpathian Panzers 2 0 3
White Eagles 37. Flying Carp 2 2 4
White Eagles 38. Weekend at Pless 1 0 3
White Eagles 39. 700 1 0 3
White Eagles 40. Overrun 1 0 4

Display Games (9)

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