Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Map 41

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Map: 41 for Panzer Grenadier game series
Included in
Overall Rating, 139 votes
Map Rank: 3 of 137

Display Scenario List (78)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 43. Still Dangerous 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 44. Hill 247 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 46. Tolstoye Woods 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 47. An Immediate, Energetic Attack 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 49. Infantry Defends 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 50. With Field-Drill Precision 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland at Kursk 51. The Deadly Woods 0 0 ---
Variant Panthers 7. Kursk - Burning Tigers Scenario 36: Forgotten Success VI: Ferocious Fight 1 1 4
Variant Panthers 8. Kursk - Burning Tigers Scenario 38: Forgotten Success VIII: Bad Moon on the Rise 1 1 4
Variant Panthers 9. Kursk - Burning Tigers Scenario 40: Forgotten Success X: The Eve of Destruction 1 1 4
Burning Tigers 2 1. Tank Battle at Razumnoe 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 3. Counterstrike at Koreniskaia 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 4. Fall of Melikhovo 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 5. Aggressive Defense 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 7. Deadly Toys 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 8. Pre-Emptive Attack 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 9. Afternoon in Hell 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 11. Capture of Teploe 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 12. Relief of Teploye 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 14. After the Ambush 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 15. Ol’khovatka Heights 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 16. Rokossovsky Prevails 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 17. Stand or Perish 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 18. Vienna Division 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 19. Brunswick Lions 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 21. Steel Avalanche 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 23. Holding Ponyri 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 24. Toothless Panzers 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 26. Forest of Berezovy Log 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 27. West of Ponyri 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 28. Counterattack at the State Farm 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 29. Hill 253.3 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 30. Unexpected Success 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 32. South of the River 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 36. Second Line 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 37. Struggle for Syrtsevo 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 38. Heroes of the Soviet Union 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 39. Hill 260.8 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 40. Horseshoe Bend 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 1. Kempf I: Razumnoe Rumble 11 5 3.4
Burning Tigers 3. Kempf III: Almost 11 7 3.5
Burning Tigers 4. Kempf IV: A Glimmer of Hope 6 5 4.6
Burning Tigers 5. Kempf V: That Old Strategic Sense 5 3 3.8
Burning Tigers 7. Storm I: The Storm Division 4 2 4.2
Burning Tigers 8. Storm II: On the Verge 6 4 4.1
Burning Tigers 9. Storm III; Grizzly Bear's Roar 6 5 2.7
Burning Tigers 12. Graveyard of Armor III: After the Ambush 5 2 4
Burning Tigers 13. Graveyard of Armor IV: The High Ground Beckons 4 1 4.4
Burning Tigers 14. Graveyard of Armor V: Rokossovsky Prevails 3 1 4.5
Burning Tigers 15. Graveyard of Armor VI: Teploe Tango 4 3 4.5
Burning Tigers 16. Graveyard of Armor VII: Proud Grenadiers 4 1 4
Burning Tigers 17. Graveyard of Armor VIII: Giving Their All 3 1 4.3
Burning Tigers 18. Graveyard of Armor IX: Unflappable 4 3 4.8
Burning Tigers 19. The Graveyard of Armor X: Against Better Advice 2 1 4.5
Burning Tigers 21. Drive on Ponyri II: The Beat Goes on 3 1 3.8
Burning Tigers 23. Drive on Ponyri IV: Standing Their Ground 3 2 5
Burning Tigers 24. Drive on Ponyri V: 18th Panzer Joins the Fray 1 1 4
Burning Tigers 26. Drive on Ponyri VII: At Long Last? 1 1 5
Burning Tigers 27. Drive on Ponyri VIII: The Fight Continues 1 1 5
Burning Tigers 28. Drive on Ponyri IX: Unawares 3 2 4.3
Burning Tigers 29. Drive on Ponyri X: Hill 253.3 3 1 4.3
Burning Tigers 31. Forgotten Success II: 3rd Panzer Rolls 2 1 4.5
Burning Tigers 34. Forgotten Success V: Scouting the River 2 1 4.5
Burning Tigers 36. Forgotten Success VI: Ferocious Fight 3 2 4.3
Burning Tigers 37. Forgotten Success VII: Struggle for Sirtsev 2 2 5
Burning Tigers 38. Forgotten Success VIII: Bad Moon on the Rise 4 3 4.3
Burning Tigers 39. Forgotten Success IX: Foregoing Good Sense 1 1 5
Burning Tigers 40. Forgotten Success X: The Eve of Destruction 2 2 4
Stalin's Tanks 3. Stiletto of the Proletariat 0 0 ---
Stalin's Tanks 5. White Elephants 1 1 4
Storm Division 1. Deadly Toys 1 1 3
Storm Division 2. Storming Protasova 1 1 3
Storm Division 3. Defending Protasova 1 1 4
Storm Division 5. Pre-Emptive Attack 1 1 3
Storm Division 6. Hill 257 1 1 4
Storm Division 7. Back to Hill 257 1 1 4
Storm Division 8. Afternoon in Hell 1 1 3
Storm Division 9. Those Deadly Hills 1 1 3

Display Games (6)

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