Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Errors? Omissions? Report them!

Map 4

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Map: 4 for Panzer Grenadier game series

A 7 hex town sits in the middle of this map. A large field fills one corner, and a small cluster of trees another.

Included in
Overall Rating, 1,032 votes
Map Rank: 108 of 137

Display Scenario List (363)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Bron Pancerna 1. Polish Surprise 1 1 4
Bron Pancerna 3. Plains of Poland 1 1 4
Bron Pancerna 4. Bitwa Pancerna 2 2 3.3
49th Mountain Corps 1. The Attack Rolled 3 2 3.7
49th Mountain Corps 3. Oleszyce Castle 3 2 3
49th Mountain Corps 4. Second Line 1 1 3
49th Mountain Corps 5. Red Collapse 1 0 4
49th Mountain Corps 6. Yazuv Stary 1 0 3
49th Mountain Corps 7. North of Lvov 2 1 3
49th Mountain Corps 8. Return to Cold Water 1 0 3
49th Mountain Corps 9. Race for Brezezany 1 0 3
49th Mountain Corps 10. Bridge to Terebovlya 1 0 4
49th Mountain Corps 11. Militia Activity 2 0 3
Arctic Front Deluxe 12. Grave of Three Generals 1 0 4
Arctic Front Deluxe 26. Aerosans on the Attack 1 1 5
Arctic Front Deluxe 33. Guards Assault 0 0 ---
Arctic Front 2. Winter Fury 1: Mökhö 3 1 3.7
Arctic Front 4. Blood on the Snow 1: Across the Lake 3 2 3.7
Arctic Front 5. Christmas Morning 2 1 3.5
Arctic Front 8. Timoshenko Strikes 2 0 4.5
Arctic Front 14. Tank Attack, Part 2 2 0 3
Arctic Front 15. Siberian Stand 2 0 2.5
Arctic Front 17. Black Day of the Finnish Army 2 0 3.5
Arctic Front 18. End of Chivalry 2 0 3
Airborne 8. Second Best 4 2 2.8
Airborne 17. Juncture 4 2 1.8
Airborne 18. Juncture II 4 3 2.8
Airborne 19. Making the Best of a Bad Situation 4 3 3
Armata Romana 1. Fontana Alba 3 1 3.3
Armata Romana 12. Crossing the Rubicon 1 0 4
Armata Romana 13. Ride to Odessa 4 2 4
Armata Romana 14. The First Assault 1 0 3
Armata Romana 19. National Socialist Ardor 2 1 3.5
Black Helicopters 2. Breakthrough 1 1 4
Black Helicopters 4. Air-Landing Division 1 1 4
Black Sea Marines 1. Defense of Vyhoda 2 1 3.5
Black Sea Marines 3. Stand at Fontanka 2 1 3
Black Sea Marines 5. East of Fontanka 1 0 3
Black Sea Marines 9. Kacha River Bridges 0 0 ---
Black Sea Marines 10. Counter-Attack at Duvankoi 0 0 ---
Blue Division 14. Cara al Sol 4 2 2.4
Blue Division 15. Las Tropas me Abandonan! 5 2 4.2
C&CV1: War in the East 8. Across the Border 4 2 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 9. Here We Stand! 5 2 3.4
C&CV1: War in the East 14. Breakthrough 2 1 4.5
C&CV1: War in the East 17. Last Stand 2 1 3.5
Divisione Corazzata 3. A Strong Armored Component 1 0 4
Divisione Corazzata 4. Il Martello del Proletariato 1 0 4
Divisione Corazzata 5. Close Assault 1 0 3
Deluge 1. Cavalry 7 2 4.1
Deluge 2. Prepared Defense 5 1 4
Deluge 3. National Socialist Ardor 4 2 3.8
Deluge 5. Anders' Army 2 1 4
Deluge 6. Prussian Blues 2 1 4
Deluge 7. Train in Vain 3 2 2.8
Deluge 9. Tuchola Forest 2 1 3.5
Deluge 11. Wojtaszewski’s Battalion 2 2 3.3
Deluge 13. Manteuffel’s Crossing 3 2 4
Deluge 14. The Crossing at Tczew 1 1 4
Deluge 15. Osa River Line 1 1 4
Deluge 16. Reinforcing Failure 1 1 4
Deluge 17. Criminal Entry 1 1 2
Deluge 18. Smialy the Bold 1 1 3
Deluge 19. Crossroads of Parzymiechy 1 1 2
Deluge 21. Rommel’s Response 3 3 3.5
Deluge 24. Panzers Repulsed 1 0 3
Deluge 29. Trench Warfare 1 0 4
Deluge 31. Weekend at Pless 1 0 3
Deluge 38. Night Terrors 2 1 2.3
Deluge 40. First Axis 1 1 4
Edelweiss 1. Hunters of the Plains 6 2 4
Edelweiss 11. Ski Battle 1 1 1
Edelweiss 14. Novorossisk Breakout 2 2 3
Edelweiss 20. Taking Out The Trash 2 1 3
Edelweiss IV 10. Hunters of the Plains 1 1 2
Edelweiss IV 20. Sinking Skiers 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 21. On the Shoulder 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 22. Pale Riders 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 27. Novorossisk Breakout 1 0 4
Edelweiss IV 34. Taking Out the Trash 2 1 2
Edelweiss: Expanded 4. Hunters of the Plains 5 2 2.4
Edelweiss: Expanded 14. Sinking Skiers 1 0 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 15. On the Shoulder 1 2 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 16. Pale Riders 0 0 ---
Edelweiss: Expanded 19. Novorossisk Breakout 5 1 2.8
Edelweiss: Expanded 26. Taking Out the Trash 2 1 2
Eastern Front 3. Fontana Alba 37 15 3.3
Eastern Front 4. Ride to Mediocrity 26 11 3.3
Eastern Front 6. Insecurities 32 13 3.1
Eastern Front 7. South of Brest 15 7 3.3
Eastern Front 16. Heavy Tank Attack 15 5 2.3
Eastern Front 17. Land Battleships 8 3 3.1
Eastern Front 26. Tank Battle at Ostrov: Day One 8 5 3.8
Eastern Front 27. Tank Battle at Ostrov: Day Two 6 3 3
Eastern Front 31. Head On 5 2 3.4
Eastern Front 38. Timoshenko's Strike 4 1 3.3
Eastern Front 52. East of Smolensk 5 0 3.4
Eastern Front 53. Those Who Can... 6 4 2.7
Eastern Front 54. Crossing the Rubicon 6 2 3
Eastern Front 55. Pocketed 8 4 3.5
Eastern Front 56. Fade to Black 10 4 3.6
Eastern Front 57. Odessa: The First Assault 10 1 3.2
Eastern Front 63. Moscow Proletarian Advance 3 0 3.7
Eastern Front 64. Smashing Guderian 5 4 3.3
Eastern Front 65. Assault Division 3 2 3.8
Eastern Front 67. Island of Muhu 9 2 3.4
Eastern Front 68. Odessa: National Socialist Ardor 6 1 3.5
Eastern Front 75. Katukov's Brigade 9 2 3.5
Eastern Front 80. South of Volokolamsk 4 1 3.8
Eastern Front 83. Fallen Hero of Volokolamsk 5 5 2.8
Eastern Front 97. Quiet Flows the Vodka 5 4 2.5
First Axis 13. Collective Farm 1 1 4
First Axis 15. Crimean Gateway 1 1 2
First Axis 26. Slovak Surprise 1 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 1. Children of Vienna 14 8 3.7
Fire in the Steppe 5. Recon Routed 7 4 3.4
Fire in the Steppe 6. The Road to Lutsk 5 4 4.2
Fire in the Steppe 7. The Road to Lokachi 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 9. Task Force Lysenko 4 2 3.6
Fire in the Steppe 11. Counter-Stroke at Radekhiv 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 12. Seven Seven Seven Seven 2 0 4.5
Fire in the Steppe 13. Tank Battle at Leshniv 4 2 3.8
Fire in the Steppe 14. Red Banners 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 15. Heavy Tank Attack 2 0 3
Fire in the Steppe 21. Like a Spear 2 1 4.5
Fire in the Steppe 22. Directive 018 2 1 3.5
Fire in the Steppe 25. Night Moves 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 26. Rear Guard 4 2 4
Fire in the Steppe 27. For the Night is Dark 2 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 28. Flanking Move 2 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 29. After Dark 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 30. Ryabishev's Escape 1 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 31. Last Gasp 3 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 32. Fascist Corpses 2 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 33. Stopgap 2 1 2.5
Fire in the Steppe 34. Marching East 2 1 3.5
Fire in the Steppe 36. Completely Out of Action 2 2 3
Fire in the Steppe 37. Light Fighters 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 38. Brushed Aside 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 39. Broken Horsemen 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 40. Assault Gun Assault 2 3 4.3
Fire in the Steppe 41. Counter Strike at Tarnopol 1 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 42. Spirit of the Defensive 1 1 3
Fall of Empires 2. Cavalry Screen 2 0 3.5
Fall of Empires 3. First Action at Krasnik 1 0 4
Fall of Empires 4. Jaroslawice 1 1 2
Fall of Empires 5. Hussar Defense 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 6. The Other Brudermann 1 0 4
Fall of Empires 9. The Cossacks Are Coming 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 12. Spirited Counter-Attacks 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 16. Boundary Issues 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 18. Children of Vienna 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 21. Cossack Dawn 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 24. Batteries of the Dead 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 30. Edelweiss, Second Verse 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 32. A Prepared Assault 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 35. A Bold Advance 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 38. Heights of Rachanie 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 39. Cold Steel 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 2. “A Brave but Foolish Event” 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 6. Grenadiers Outflanked 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 7. Ty Kokso 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 8. Finding the Flank 1 0 3
Franz Josef's Armies 9. Middle-Aged Crazy 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 12. Heights of Klodnica 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 13. Hungarian Aggression 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 14. True Berserker Courage 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 19. Hungarian Defense 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 25. Road to Komarów 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 2. Zaritschanka: Seizing the Bridgehead 4 1 4
Fronte Russo 3. Zaritschanka: Expanding the Bridgehead 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 4. Zaritschanka: The Bloodiest Day 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 6. Fall of Petrikovka 16 9 3.8
Fronte Russo 7. Pavlograd Bridgehead 7 3 3.7
Fronte Russo 13. Suicide Squeeze 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 14. Bulawin Station 3 0 4.5
Fronte Russo 15. The Christmas Battle: Blackshirts Under Attack 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 16. The Christmas Battle: The Center 2 1 3
Fronte Russo 17. The Christmas Battle: Right Flank 2 1 3.7
Fronte Russo 18. The Reserves Enter Action 1 0 4
Fronte Russo 19. The Push to the Left 2 0 4
Fronte Russo 20. Germans in Action 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 24. Last Battle for Hill 331.7 3 1 4
Fronte Russo 26. To the Point of Conceit 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 27. Serafimovich: Day One 1 1 5
Fronte Russo 28. Serafimovich: Day Two 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 34. A Deadly Embrace 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 35. Widening the Breach 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 37. Forward Once Again 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 38. A Coordinated Push 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 41. Ring of Fire 1 1 5
Fronte Russo 44. Blackshirts Ambushed 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 45. The Fall of Tcheboratevsky 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 47. A Costly Counterattack 0 0 ---
Uprising 9. Raksa Valley 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 11. Romania's Last Ride 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 16. Expensive Education 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 10. First Action 2 1 2.5
Grossdeutschland 1946 1. Fire Brigade 1 1 4
Grossdeutschland 1946 2. Dawn Strike 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1946 3. Tank Battle 1 1 3
Hammer & Sickle 24. Big Red One 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 25. North German Plain 1 1 5
Hammer & Sickle 33. Smoking Lightning 0 0 ---
Heroes of the Soviet Union 1. Emel'ianova 4 2 3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 2. Futility 5 3 3.2
Heroes of the Soviet Union 3. The Bloodiest Fight 4 1 2.8
Heroes of the Soviet Union 4. Demekhi 5 3 3.7
Heroes of the Soviet Union 5. Kaeter's Counterattack 5 3 2.6
Heroes of the Soviet Union 6. Grediakino 4 1 2.8
Heroes of the Soviet Union 7. From the March 4 2 2.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 8. From the March II 4 2 2.5
Heroes of the Soviet Union 9. Gauntlet 6 3 3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 10. Kharkov 5 2 2.4
Heroes of the Soviet Union 11. Second Guards Cavalry Corps 4 2 2.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 12. MARS: Mischief 4 1 2.5
Heroes of the Soviet Union 18. Red Parachutes: Bukrin Bridgehead 3 1 3.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 19. Stalingrad Fire Brigade 3 1 3.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 21. Kursk: Opening Moves II 5 2 3.4
Heroes of the Soviet Union 22. Kursk: Tigers by the Tail 3 1 4.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 23. Kursk: Advance! 4 1 3.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 24. MARS: Vaselki 3 1 3.3
Invasion of Germany 37. Lohn Town 0 0 ---
Indian Unity 1. Provocation 8 4 2.8
Indian Unity 6. Tuljapur Ridge 4 4 4
Indian Unity 7. The Ditch at Kodad 4 4 2.8
Indian Unity 8. Violent Resistance 3 3 3.8
Iron Curtain 4. Big Red One 1 1 4
Iron Curtain 5. North German Plain 4 3 4.5
Iron Curtain 13. Smoking Lightning 1 1 3
Iron Curtain 19. Thunder from Heaven 1 1 5
Imperial & Royal Panzers 1. Low Speed Assault 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 2. Armored Defense 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 3. Motorized Cavalrt 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 4. Des Kaisers Reiterei 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 6. Steel Frotresses 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 7. Turtles All The Way Down 0 0 ---
Iron Wolves 8. Bet Lietuvis Neprazus 2 1 5
Dogs of War 1. Death's Head at Oleksandrivka 1 1 4
Dogs of War 3. The Oleksandrivka Crossing 1 1 4
Land Battleships 1. Low Speed Assault 2 2 2.7
Land Battleships 2. Land Battleship Battle 2 1 4
Lithuanian Campaign 1. LIttle Green Men 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 2. The Tsar's Armor 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 5. Clash of Armor 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 10. Mass Attack 0 0 ---
Lions of Finland 2. Winter Fury 1: Mökhö 3 1 3.7
Lions of Finland 4. Blood on the Snow: Across the Lake 2 1 3.5
Lions of Finland 7. Black Day of the Finnish Army 2 1 2.5
Lions of Finland 8. End of Chivalry 2 1 3
Little Saturn 5. Back to the Don 0 0 ---
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 1. Polish Legions 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 4. The Kaunas Stampede 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 5. Over the Neman 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 6. Upper Nieman 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 7. Horse Soldiers 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 8. Klaipeda Redeemed 1 0 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 9. Holy Vilnius 1 1 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 10. Axis Horse 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 13. Gates of Vilnius 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 14. Moscow Rifles 1 1 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 15. Crossed Sabers 1 0 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 16. Kaunas Airport 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 17. Lithuania’s Last Stand 1 0 3
Legend of the Iron Wolf 18. Iron Wolves 1 0 3
Legend of the Iron Wolf 20. Sinister Forces 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 22. Lithuanian Steel 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 24. Infantry Attacks 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 25. Tank Engagement 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 26. March Column 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 27. Lithuania’s Last Ditch 0 0 ---
March on Leningrad 2. Sol'tsy: The Prelude 7 4 4.1
March on Leningrad 6. Mga Station: The Marshal Giveth 4 3 3.4
March on Leningrad 7. Mga Station: The Marshal Taketh Away 4 2 3.5
March on Leningrad 10. Pulkovo Heights 8 5 3.9
Panzer Lehr 2 12. An Urban Legend is Born 1 0 4
Panzer Lehr 2 14. An Ironic Twist 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 12. An Urban Legend is Born 1 2 2
Panzer Lehr 14. An Ironic Twist 4 2 4
PG Über Mentoring 1. Town Fight 47 25 3.4
PG Über Mentoring 3. Tank Incursion 40 20 3.3
Peace in Our Time 7. Air Pollution 1 1 4
Peace in Our Time 10. East of Plzen 1 1 3
Polish Steel 2. Ways to Victory 1 1 3
Power of the East 11. Desert Blitzkrieg 1 1 2.5
Power of the East 12. Samurai Stalingrad 2 2 2.7
Puppet Brigade 1. Mopping Up 2 1 3
Puppet Brigade 4. Holding the River 1 0 3
Puppet Brigade 5. Christmas Day 1 0 2
Puppet Brigade 6. Collective Farm 1 0 3
Puppet Brigade 7. High Water Mark 1 0 3
Puppet Brigade 8. Crimean Gateway 1 0 2
Panzer Lion 8. A Profitable Diversion 5 5 3.8
Red Warriors 3. Unleashing the Red God 2 1 3.5
Red Warriors 10. From the March 1 0 2
Red Warriors 14. Feldwebel Schaffer 4 2 3.3
Spanish Blues 1. Red Fury and Spanish Blues 7 1 2.8
South Africa's War 1. South African Armour 7 2 2.9
South Africa's War 3. Battle on the Equator 4 1 3.5
Secret Weapons 13. Waves of Steel 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 15. Tank Battles 2 1 4.5
Sinister Forces 4. No Honor to Lose 4 2 3.3
Sinister Forces 6. Holding the Line 2 3 3
Sinister Forces 7. Neva Rumble 2 3 3
Sinister Forces 13. Partisan Spring 3 1 4.5
Sinister Forces 16. Hill 125.6 1 0 4
Sinister Forces 17. Tanks Alone 3 2 2.7
Sinister Forces 20. Unnecessary Actions 0 0 ---
Sinister Forces 25. Pushkin Town 1 0 5
Sinister Forces 26. Fortified Zone 0 0 ---
Sinister Forces 27. Viking Raid 0 0 ---
Siege of Leningrad 1. Uritsk 5 3 4
Slovakia’s War 2. Mopping Up 2 1 2
Slovakia’s War 5. Holding The River 2 1 2.7
Slovakia’s War 6. Christmas Day 2 1 2
Slovakia’s War 7. Collective Farm 2 1 2.7
Slovakia’s War 8. High Water Mark 1 2 2.5
Slovakia’s War 9. Crimean Gateway 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 15. Fighting Slovaks 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 17. Fighting Germans 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 19. Slovak Surprise 2 1 1.7
Slovakia’s War 23. Uniformed Criminals 0 0 ---
Stalin's Tanks 6. Mass Action in Kursk Oblast 1 1 5
Tank Battles 12. Austrian Scenario # 6: Tank Battle 2 1 2.5
Tank Battles 14. Operation MARS #2: Feldwebel Schaffer 1 1 2
Tank Battles 16. Operation MARS #4: Grediakino I 3 3 2.7
Tank Battles 17. Operation MARS #5: Grediakino II 1 1 3
Tank Battles 18. Operation MARS #6: Grediakino III 1 1 3
Tank Battles 19. Operation MARS #7: Grediakino IV: Persistence 2 2 3
Tank Battles 20. Operation MARS #8: To the Highway 2 1 2
Tank Battles 22. Operation MARS Scenario # 10: Hell's Fury II 1 1 2
Tank Battles 23. Operation MARS Scenario # 11: Hell's Fury III 3 4 2.5
Tank Battles 25. Operation MARS #13: Shanaurin's Drive II: Almost at Gorodina 3 2 2.3
Tank Battles 34. Operation MARS #22: Molodoi Tud River Blues V: Ambushed 1 1 3
Tank Battles 35. Operation MARS #23: Luchesa River Valley Blues I: Forward 3 2 3
Tank Battles 36. Operation MARS #24: Luchesa River Valley Blues II: Tolkachi 2 2 4.5
Tank Battles 37. Operation MARS #25: Luchesa River Valley Blues III: The Bloody Nose 1 1 5
Tank Battles 38. Operation MARS #26: Luchesa River Valley Blues IV: Katov Resumes Attack 1 1 4
Tank Battles 39. Operation MARS #27: Luchesa River Valley Blues V: Blood Valley 1 1 3
Tank Battles 42. Operation MARS #30: Luchesa River Valley Blues VIII: Becker's Fire Brigade 1 1 2
Tank Battles 43. Operation MARS #31: The Horsemen 1 1 2
Tank Battles 45. Operation MARS #33: Still Trying 1 1 2
Raseiniai 1. The Road to Raseiniai 3 3 3.5
Raseiniai 2. Solyankin’s Attack 3 3 3
Raseiniai 3. Across the Dubysa 2 3 3
Raseiniai 4. Koll’s Counter Attack 3 3 3
Raseiniai 5. Daylight fades 1 1 2
Raseiniai 6. Tauroggen 1 1 3
Raseiniai 7. Roadblock at Skaudvile 1 1 4
Raseiniai 9. Flank March 1 1 3
Waltzing Matilda 3. Dutch Treat 1 1 4
Waltzing Matilda 6. Steel Springs 2 2 5
Waltzing Matilda 8. The Lighthorsemen 1 1 3
Waltzing Matilda 10. Hurling Down the Track 1 1 3
West Wall 7. Lohn Town 2 3 2.7
White Eagles 6. Skilled Instruction 6 2 3.2
White Eagles 25. Gates of Brest 4 1 4
White Eagles 30. Smialy the Dragon 1 0 3
White Eagles 35. Fifth Column 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 12. Vilified 4 3 4.4
Workers and Peasants 15. Opening Moves 3 1 3.7
Workers and Peasants 19. Stopped Cold 2 2 3.5
War on the Equator 6. The Road to Guayaquil 4 4 2.8

Display Games (63)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Using this Map
Land Battleships
Land Battleships
Spanish Blues
Spanish Blues
49th Mountain Corps
49th Mountain Corps
Imperial & Royal Panzers
Imperial & Royal Panzers
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Bron Pancerna
Bron Pancerna
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Legend of the Iron Wolf
Legend of the Iron Wolf
Fire in the Steppe
Fire in the Steppe
Puppet Brigade
Puppet Brigade
Fronte Russo
Fronte Russo
Dogs of War
Dogs of War
Black Sea Marines
Black Sea Marines
Slovakia’s War
Slovakia’s War
Arctic Front
Arctic Front
Black Helicopters
Black Helicopters
Fall of Empires
Fall of Empires
Indian Unity
Indian Unity
Lithuanian Campaign
Lithuanian Campaign
Lions of Finland
Lions of Finland
March on Leningrad
March on Leningrad
Tank Battles
Tank Battles
Franz Josef's Armies
Franz Josef's Armies
PG Über Mentoring
PG Über Mentoring
Waltzing Matilda
Waltzing Matilda
Divisione Corazzata
Divisione Corazzata
Grossdeutschland 1946
Grossdeutschland 1946
Armata Romana
Armata Romana
Sinister Forces
Sinister Forces
Eastern Front
Eastern Front
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Peace in Our Time
Peace in Our Time
Edelweiss: Expanded
Edelweiss: Expanded
Power of the East
Power of the East
Stalin's Tanks
Stalin's Tanks
War on the Equator
War on the Equator
C&CV1: War in the East
C&CV1: War in the East
Red Warriors
Red Warriors
Edelweiss IV
Edelweiss IV
Workers and Peasants
Workers and Peasants
Blue Division
Blue Division
First Axis
First Axis
Grossdeutschland 1944
Grossdeutschland 1944
Iron Wolves
Iron Wolves
Little Saturn
Little Saturn
Polish Steel
Polish Steel
Panzer Lion
Panzer Lion
South Africa's War
South Africa's War
Siege of Leningrad
Siege of Leningrad
West Wall
West Wall
White Eagles
White Eagles
Hammer & Sickle
Hammer & Sickle
Arctic Front Deluxe
Arctic Front Deluxe
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr
Panzer Lehr
Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons
Go for Broke
Go for Broke
Invasion of Germany
Invasion of Germany
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