Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Germany Heer Motorcycle

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer Motorcycle for Panzer Grenadier game series
Unit Counter Data
Historical Name BMW R75 motorcycle
Movement Class Motorized
Movement Points 12
Direct Fire 5-3 3-3
Overall Rating, 767 votes
Unit Rank: 892 of 1647

Display Scenario List (196)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
An Army at Dawn 05. 10th Panzer Forward 18 7 3.1
An Army at Dawn 08. Djebel el Guessa 15 4 4.3
An Army at Dawn 09. Bordj Toum 12 5 3.5
An Army at Dawn 14. Ousseltia Seesaw 9 4 3.7
An Army at Dawn 22. Counterattacked 7 3 4
An Army at Dawn 23. Hightower's Attack 7 2 3.6
An Army at Dawn 31. Kasserine Pass: Like a Stone Wall 4 1 4
An Army at Dawn 34. Kasserine Pass: Duel at Dawn 7 4 3.9
An Army at Dawn 38. El Guettar 6 2 3.9
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 06. Tenth Panzer Division Advances 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 09. Djebel el Guessa 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 10. Bordj Toum 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 14. Attack in the Valley 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 22. Counterattack at Sened Station 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 23. Hightower's Attack 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 31. Like a Stone Wall 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 32. Gore Force 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 34. Duel at Dawn 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 07. Recon Probe 0 0 ---
Afrika Korps 08. Ambush! 9 3 3.1
Afrika Korps 10. Er Regima 8 0 2.8
Afrika Korps 20. On the Run 8 2 2.1
Afrika Korps 28. "Meet Me at the Pass" 9 3 3.2
Afrika Korps 30. Operation BREVITY: The Scots Guards 10 3 3.4
Afrika Korps 43. Africa Korps Advances 6 2 3
Afrika Korps 46. Operation BREVITY: Sidi Azeiz 9 1 3.1
Afrika Korps 47. Operation SKORPION 7 1 3.6
Airborne 11. The Merderet Crossing 7 4 3.4
Airborne 14. Second Try 5 3 3.4
Airborne 20. Third Time's the Charm 4 2 3.8
Airborne - IE 08. Second Try 17 8 3.7
Airborne - IE 10. Third Time's the Charm 13 6 3.1
Airborne - IE 11. The Merderet Crossing 13 5 3.3
Airborne - IE 21. D-Day Behind the Beaches 12 4 3.4
Airborne - Remastered 08. Second Try 2 1 4.5
Airborne - Remastered 35. D-Day Behind the Beaches 1 1 3.5
Armata Romana 07. Gates of Chisinau 3 2 4
Battle of the Bulge 21. Wiltz: 18 December 9 3 2.6
Battle of the Bulge 24. Team Desobry 8 2 3.1
Battle of the Bulge 25. Team Desobry II 7 1 2.8
Battle of the Bulge 26. Team Cherry 6 0 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 27. Team Desobry III 4 1 3
Battle of the Bulge 48. Hard Shell 6 1 4
Battle of the Bulge 49. Heiderscheid 6 1 3.8
Battle of the Bulge 51. First Attempt 3 1 3.7
Big Red One 41. Morning on Hill 336 1 2 4
Carpathian Brigade 11. Poles at Alamein 1 0 3
C&CV1: War in the East 02. Thrust and Parry 4 3 3
C&CV1: War in the East 04. Clash of Armor 3 2 3.3
C&CV1: War in the East 17. Last Stand 2 1 3.5
The Last Horse Soldier 02. Rough Country 7 2 4.1
Deluge 23. Polish Armor 1 0 4
Deluge 31. Weekend at Pless 1 0 3
Desert Rats 11. Gabr Saleh 4 3 2.8
Desert Rats 17. The Tomb Of Sidi Rezegh 6 2 3.2
Desert Rats 19. The Panzers Return 4 4 3.2
Desert Rats 27. "The Bastards Will Kill The Lot Of Us" 5 1 3.2
Desert Rats 29. The Tide Turns 8 8 3.9
Desert Rats 30. Tu-Kai-taua ("Tu, Devourer Of Warriors") 3 2 2.8
Desert Rats 34. Young Fascists : German Relief 2 2 5
Division Marocaine 06. 1940: Fall of France Scenario 52: Night Visions 2 2 2.3
DAK '44 05. Left Jab 1 0 4
DAK '44 06. Taking the High Ground 1 0 3
DAK '44 09. Night Flight 2 1 4
Defense of France 01. The Forward Screen 1 0 4
Dragon’s Teeth 21. Like a Stone Wall 0 0 ---
Dragon Rampant 04. Tank Battle at Enfidaville 0 0 ---
Eastern Front 38. Timoshenko's Strike 4 1 3.3
Eastern Front 44. Red Steel: Gates of Chisinau 12 6 3.1
Eastern Front 52. East of Smolensk 5 0 3.4
Fall of France 1 01. A Beautiful Morning 51 19 3.4
Fall of France 1 07. Race to the Meuse 13 7 4.5
Fall of France 1 24. Secure the Flank! 8 4 2.7
Fall of France 1 25. Lost Children 12 4 3.8
Fall of France 1 33. Night Sortie 4 1 4
Fall of France 1 41. Counterattack at Dunkirk 12 6 3.5
Fall of France 1 48. Le Deluge 6 0 3.8
Fall of France 1 49. "We Will Not Surrender! " 11 4 3.5
Fall of France 1 52. Night Visions 3 1 3.3
Fire in the Steppe 05. Recon Routed 7 4 3.4
Fire in the Steppe 16. Ride to Dubno 2 0 4
Fire in the Steppe 17. Fortune Favors the Inept 3 2 3
Fire in the Steppe 23. Shoulder Roll 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 38. Brushed Aside 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 39. Broken Horsemen 1 1 4
Fall of France 2 02. Skirmish at Vance 1 0 4
Fall of France 2 03. A Beautiful Morning 1 0 4
Fall of France 2 05. Pan, dans la gueule à Jean! 1 1 2
Fall of France 2 08. Through the Ardennes 1 1 4
Fall of France 2 09. Race to the Meuse 1 1 4
Fall of France 2 15. A Quiet Village 1 1 4
Fall of France 2 22. South of Sauville 1 0 4
Fall of France 2 26. Lost Children 0 0 ---
Fall of France 2 34. Night of the Arabs 0 0 ---
Fall of France 2 40. "We Will Not Surrender!" 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 29. Serafimovich: Day Three 0 0 ---
Variant Panthers 08. Kursk - Burning Tigers Scenario 38: Forgotten Success VIII: Bad Moon on the Rise 1 1 4
Variant Panthers 09. Kursk - Burning Tigers Scenario 40: Forgotten Success X: The Eve of Destruction 1 1 4
Hopeless, But Not Serious 15. Panzers of Spring 1 0 5
Heroes of the Soviet Union 02. Futility 5 3 3.2
Heroes of the Soviet Union 03. The Bloodiest Fight 4 1 2.8
Heroes of the Soviet Union 05. Kaeter's Counterattack 5 3 2.6
Heroes of the Soviet Union 16. Red Parachutes: Grigorovka 8 4 3.4
Heroes of the Soviet Union 19. Stalingrad Fire Brigade 3 1 3.3
Burning Tigers 2 12. Relief of Teploye 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 14. After the Ambush 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 24. Toothless Panzers 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 30. Unexpected Success 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 32. South of the River 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 38. Heroes of the Soviet Union 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 39. Hill 260.8 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 40. Horseshoe Bend 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 12. Graveyard of Armor III: After the Ambush 5 2 4
Burning Tigers 16. Graveyard of Armor VII: Proud Grenadiers 4 1 4
Burning Tigers 24. Drive on Ponyri V: 18th Panzer Joins the Fray 1 1 4
Burning Tigers 31. Forgotten Success II: 3rd Panzer Rolls 2 1 4.5
Burning Tigers 34. Forgotten Success V: Scouting the River 2 1 4.5
Burning Tigers 38. Forgotten Success VIII: Bad Moon on the Rise 4 3 4.3
Burning Tigers 39. Forgotten Success IX: Foregoing Good Sense 1 1 5
Burning Tigers 40. Forgotten Success X: The Eve of Destruction 2 2 4
Land Battleships 02. Land Battleship Battle 2 1 4
La Campagne de Tunisie 04. Phoenix: Aggressiveness Paid Off 8 4 3.3
Last Days of May 43. Trench of Bayonets 0 0 ---
Last Days of May 44. La Vieille Garde 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 27. Lithuania’s Last Ditch 0 0 ---
March on Leningrad 02. Sol'tsy: The Prelude 7 4 4.1
March on Leningrad 03. Sol'tsy: Tougher Stuff 3 2 4.3
March on Leningrad 05. Sol'tsy: Red Heat 4 3 4.2
March on Leningrad 06. Mga Station: The Marshal Giveth 4 3 3.4
March on Leningrad 08. Bol'shie Skvoritsy 2 0 4
March on Leningrad 09. Dudergof 3 1 4.3
Moroccan Div '42 01. East of Gembloux 0 0 ---
New Zealand Division 06. The Sacred Band 1 0 2
PG Über Mentoring 04. Reconnaissance Blitz 33 13 2.9
Peace in Our Time 05. Fast Divisions 1 1 4
Peace in Our Time 10. East of Plzen 1 1 3
Polish Exiles 01. No Man's Land 2 2 2.7
Polish Exiles 02. Cavalry to the Rescue 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 03. Overwhelmed 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 04. Roadblock 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 05. Polish Revenge 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 09. Last Stand of the Podhale Rifles 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 10. Grenadiers in Action 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 13. First to Fight 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 14. Clos du Doubs: Right Flank 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 15. Clos du Doubs: Left Flank 0 0 ---
Red Warriors 06. To the Highway! 1 0 4
Red Warriors 20. The Bloodiest Fight 2 1 3
Road to Dunkirk 03. Armored Encounter 12 4 4.1
Road to Dunkirk 06. Back in Waterloo 3 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 07. Surrounded 4 0 3.8
Road to Dunkirk 10. Piper to the End 4 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 11. The Station Rifles 3 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 12. Retreat from Beaurains 2 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 18. Into Trouble 4 1 4
Road to Dunkirk 22. The Hell of Boulogne 3 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 25. Prelude to Dunkirk 4 0 4.3
Road to Dunkirk 26. Reliable Friends 5 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 30. Your Generals are Gone 1 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 35. Most Unpleasant 3 0 3.3
Road to Dunkirk 36. The Final Stretch 2 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 42. Always Blame the French 2 1 4
Road to Dunkirk 43. Shot Noise 2 1 4
Road to Dunkirk 44. Race to the Seine 2 2 3
Road to Dunkirk 46. How Many Sailors 0 0 ---
Road to Dunkirk 47. A Gallant Battalion 0 0 ---
South Africa's War 04. Crusader: First Contact 6 1 3.8
South Africa's War 09. Sunday of the Dead 3 0 2.7
South Africa's War 16. With the Utmost Vigour 3 2 4.3
South Africa's War 17. Night of Confusion 6 2 2.7
Siege of Leningrad 05. Surprised at Sitomila 1 0 5
Swallows of Death 01. First Contact 3 2 3.7
Swallows of Death 07. In Napoleon’s Footsteps 1 0 4
Swallows of Death 08. Seneffe 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 14. Hedderich’s Roadblock 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 15. The Footbridge at Mouzaive 1 1 3
Swallows of Death 16. Maisons Fortes 1 1 2
Swallows of Death 17. The Ardennes Canal 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 18. Sacrifice at La Horgne 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 23. Stuck on the Sambre 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 24. The Locquignol Clearing 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 25. Out of the Mormal Forest 1 1 2
Swallows of Death 29. The Dauphin Crossroads 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 30. First In, Last Out 0 0 ---
Tank Battles 20. Operation MARS #8: To the Highway 2 1 2
Tank Battles 42. Operation MARS #30: Luchesa River Valley Blues VIII: Becker's Fire Brigade 1 1 2
Raseiniai 01. The Road to Raseiniai 3 3 3.5
Raseiniai 02. Solyankin’s Attack 3 3 3
White Eagles 23. Polish Armor 4 1 3.8
White Eagles 25. Gates of Brest 4 1 4
White Eagles 34. Tuchola Forest 1 1 2
White Eagles 37. Flying Carp 2 2 4
White Eagles 38. Weekend at Pless 1 0 3
Workers and Peasants 02. Swamp Rats 3 3 4.3
Workers and Peasants 12. Vilified 4 3 4.4
Workers and Peasants 14. Pogar Bound 1 0 4

Display Games (49)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Featuring this Unit
Polish Exiles
Polish Exiles
March on Leningrad
March on Leningrad
The Last Horse Soldier
The Last Horse Soldier
Land Battleships
Land Battleships
Swallows of Death
Swallows of Death
Road to Dunkirk
Road to Dunkirk
DAK '44
DAK '44
Fall of France 2
Fall of France 2
An Army at Dawn
An Army at Dawn
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed
Variant Panthers
Variant Panthers
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Burning Tigers 2
Burning Tigers 2
Peace in Our Time
Peace in Our Time
South Africa's War
South Africa's War
Burning Tigers
Burning Tigers
Airborne - IE
Airborne - IE
Last Days of May
Last Days of May
Fall of France 1
Fall of France 1
Division Marocaine
Division Marocaine
Moroccan Div '42
Moroccan Div '42
PG Über Mentoring
PG Über Mentoring
Afrika Korps
Afrika Korps
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Bulge
Fire in the Steppe
Fire in the Steppe
Desert Rats
Desert Rats
White Eagles
White Eagles
C&CV1: War in the East
C&CV1: War in the East
Workers and Peasants
Workers and Peasants
Defense of France
Defense of France
Dragon Rampant
Dragon Rampant
Legend of the Iron Wolf
Legend of the Iron Wolf
New Zealand Division
New Zealand Division
Red Warriors
Red Warriors
Siege of Leningrad
Siege of Leningrad
Big Red One
Big Red One
Carpathian Brigade
Carpathian Brigade
La Campagne de Tunisie
La Campagne de Tunisie
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Airborne - Remastered
Airborne - Remastered
Armata Romana
Armata Romana
Afrika 1944
Afrika 1944
Tank Battles
Tank Battles
Eastern Front
Eastern Front
Dragon’s Teeth
Dragon’s Teeth
Fronte Russo
Fronte Russo
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