Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Errors? Omissions? Report them!

Map 25

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Map: 25 for Panzer Grenadier game series

A low saddleback is marked with a crossroads. Forests are to be found throughout the terrain. A winterized version is also available.

Included in
Overall Rating, 619 votes
Map Rank: 71 of 137

Display Scenario List (251)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Aachen 1944 1. A Bad Mix 5 4 4.2
Aachen 1944 5. The Unflappable Colonel McDowell 1 1 3
Aachen 1944 6. Bardenberg or Bust 1 1 4
Aachen 1944 7. The Final Push 1 1 5
Aachen 1944 10. Hunnish Horde 3 3 4.3
Army Group South Ukraine 1. A Meaningless Day 4 3 3.8
Army Group South Ukraine 2. False Hope 3 2 3.7
Army Group South Ukraine 3. Expanding the Perimeter 1 1 4
Army Group South Ukraine 6. Consternation 3 2 4
Army Group South Ukraine 7. A Worthless Diversion 2 2 3
Army Group South Ukraine 8. Panzer Lion I: The Main Thrust 1 1 4
Army Group South Ukraine 9. Panzer Lion II: Targu Frumos 3 3 4
Police Action 1. Crossfire 2 1 4.5
Police Action 2. Still Loving You 2 1 4.5
Britain's Bulge 1. Six Kilometers from the Meuse: East of Dinant, Belgium 6 4 4.1
Britain's Bulge 3. Who Dares, Wins: Bure, South of Rochefort, Belgium 4 2 2.8
Britain's Bulge 4. Smash III: Bure, South of Rochefort, Belgium 2 2 3
Britain's Bulge 5. Win or Die: Bure and Wavreille, Belgium 2 2 3.3
Britain's Bulge 7. Drunken Elephants: Bure, Belgium 1 0 4
Britain's Bulge 9. Dark Woods: Waharday, South of Hotton, Belgium 2 0 4
Britain's Bulge 10. It Was Jolly Cold: Grimbiémont, East of Marche, Belgium 1 0 4
Black Panthers 2. That Big Hill Up There 2 1 4
Black Panthers 5. Night March 1 0 3
Black Panthers 6. Breaking Away 1 0 4
Black Panthers 7. Koecking Ridge 1 0 3
Black Panthers 13. Fortress Remagne 0 0 ---
Black Panthers 15. Tank Hunters at Dusk 1 1 4
Black Panthers 16. “Fuck the King of Belgium” 1 0 3
Black Panthers 18. The Fall of Tillet 0 0 ---
Black Panthers 24. Repulsed at Millingen 0 0 ---
Black SS 10. Southward Bound 2 2 3.7
Black SS 16. Mixed Bag 1 1 5
Black SS 24. Tar Heels 3 0 3
Dishonor Before Death 16. Mortain 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 1. Outskirts of Aachen 5 5 3
Dragon’s Teeth 4. No Time to Lose 2 1 2.5
Dragon’s Teeth 6. The Scharnhorst Line 1 0 4
Dragon’s Teeth 8. The High Ground 1 0 5
Dragon’s Teeth 9. Counterattack at Hoefen 1 0 3
Dragon’s Teeth 13. On the Donnerberg 1 0 3
Dragon’s Teeth 14. Off the Donnerberg 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 15. Old Hickory 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 19. Tennessee Checkers 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 23. Return to the Donnerberg 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 24. The Storming of Gressenich 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 29. People’s Grenadiers on Hill 232 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 31. Road X to Grosshau 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 33. Chickenshit Regulations 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 35. Sad Results 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 40. Mean Streets of Kleinhau 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 42. Struggle for Hill 401.3 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 1. Autumn Mist 2 1 3.5
Elsenborn Revised 2. An Operation Named Mist 1 1 4
Elsenborn Revised 3. Dismal Failure 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 4. Second-Hand Lions 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 5. Collision 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 12. First Assault 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 13. Help Arrives 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 14. The Devil's Own 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 15. The Fall 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 24. Norwegian Nightmare 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 25. Spearhead 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 26. Parker's Crossroads 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 27. Christmas Gift 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 28. Boxing Day 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 30. People's Grenadiers 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 31. The Sad Sack Affair 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 32. Hell on Wheels 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 34. Return to Parker's Crossroads 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 1. Flossacks Aweigh 2 1 4
Edelweiss IV 2. The Green Hell 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 3. Honneur, Fidelite, Valeur, Discipline 3 1 4
Elsenborn Ridge 1. Autumn Mist 48 20 3.5
Elsenborn Ridge 2. An Operation Named Mist 28 7 3.5
Elsenborn Ridge 3. Dismal Failure 19 7 2.7
Elsenborn Ridge 4. Second-Hand Lions 14 6 3.8
Elsenborn Ridge 5. Collision 15 4 4.1
Elsenborn Ridge 10. St. Vith: First Assault 15 6 3.8
Elsenborn Ridge 11. St. Vith: Help Arrives 15 6 3.8
Elsenborn Ridge 18. St. Vith: The Devil's Own 9 2 3.1
Elsenborn Ridge 22. St. Vith: The Fall 11 4 4.3
Elsenborn Ridge 23. Norwegian Nightmare 7 1 3.4
Elsenborn Ridge 24. Spearhead 7 3 2.9
Elsenborn Ridge 26. Parker's Crossroads 9 3 3.4
Elsenborn Ridge 27. Christmas Gift 6 1 3.8
Elsenborn Ridge 28. Boxing Day 6 2 3.3
Elsenborn Ridge 30. People's Grenadiers 4 1 3
Elsenborn Ridge 31. The Sad Sack Affair 9 5 3.3
Elsenborn Ridge 32. Hell on Wheels 6 1 4.2
Elsenborn Ridge 34. Return to Parker's Crossroads 6 2 3.3
Fall of Luxembourg 1. Unfriendly Neighbors 12 5 3.1
Go for Broke 2 6. Ciorland 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2 7. Deja Vu All Over Again 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2 9. Struggling North 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2 13. Hard Go 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2 14. Little Cassio 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2 16. Trial at Buemont 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 17. Merlin Castle 1 0 4
Go for Broke 2 18. Diversion 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 19. Bruyeres is a Cheese, Right? 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 22. Task Force O'Connor 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 23. Counterattacked 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 24. A Questionable Move 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 26. Rescue Denied 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 27. Banzai Hill 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 28. Surprised 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 29. Breakfast in Pariana 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 6. Ciorland 1 0 3
Go for Broke 3 7. Deja Vu All Over Again 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 9. Struggling North 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 13. Hard Go 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 14. Little Cassio 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 16. Trial at Buemont 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 17. Merlin Castle 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 18. Diversion 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 19. Bruyeres is a Cheese, Right? 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 22. Task Force O'Connor 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 23. Counterattacked 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 24. A Questionable Move 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 26. Rescue Denied 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 27. Banzai Hill 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 28. Surprised 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 3 29. Breakfast in Pariana 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 7. Deja Vu All Over Again 2 2 4
Go for Broke 17. Merlin Castle 5 3 3.2
Go for Broke 18. Diversion 1 1 4
Go for Broke 19. Bruyeres is a Cheese, Right? 3 2 3.3
Go for Broke 26. Rescue Denied 2 1 2.5
Go for Broke 27. Banzai Hill 1 1 4
Hammer & Sickle 1. Fulda Gap 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 2. Hof Gap 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 6. Breakout of the War Eagles 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 9. Snatch 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 14. Battle Royale 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 20. Last Redoubt 0 0 ---
Hopeless, But Not Serious 3. Pyhrn Pass 6 2 3.5
Hopeless, But Not Serious 6. Resistance 3 0 3.3
Hopeless, But Not Serious 11. Traun Line 1 0 4
Hopeless, But Not Serious 14. Defenders of the Republic 1 0 3
Heavy Metal 2. Maus Attack 0 0 ---
Heavy Metal 3. Black Princes 0 0 ---
Heavy Metal 6. Stop the Steel 1 1 3
To Hell With Spain! 1. Cuzco Wells 3 2 3.5
To Hell With Spain! 9. Asomante 2 1 2.7
Red & White 2. Not So Fast: Counterattack 0 0 ---
Red & White 3. Elblag: Second Line of Defense 0 0 ---
Red & White 6. Here Come the Yankees 0 0 ---
Red & White 10. Attrition Warfare 0 0 ---
Red & White 12. Kaliningrad Raid 0 0 ---
Red & White 13. Split Them in Two 0 0 ---
Red & White 14. Destruction of the Red Banner 0 0 ---
Red & White 19. Southern Pincer 0 0 ---
Red & White 25. Szczecin Front Line 0 0 ---
Red & White 27. Kamienna Gora Valley 0 0 ---
Red & White 33. Intersection at Zory 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 1. A Bitter Irony 7 2 3.4
Invasion of Germany 2. Reconnaissance in Force 1 1 4
Invasion of Germany 4. No Time to Lose 2 1 3
Invasion of Germany 7. Dueling for the High Ground 1 0 3
Invasion of Germany 8. Scharnhorst's Line 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 10. Restoring the Line 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 16. A Bad Mix 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 20. The Unflappable Colonel McDowell 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 21. Bardenberg or Bust 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 22. The Final Push 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 25. Hunnish Horde 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 28. Better Than Most 1 0 3
Invasion of Germany 34. Grasping at Straws 1 1 5
Invasion of Germany 38. Making Hay 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 40. Like a Dose of Salts 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 47. Preventive Measures 1 1 3
Land Cruisers 3. The Panzer Reserve 1 0 4
Land Cruisers 7. Clash of Armor 1 0 4
Land Cruisers 9. Renewed Attack 1 0 3
Land Cruisers 10. Apocalyptic Clash 1 0 4
Lost Battalion 1. Battle of Leuwiliang, The 1st Day 1 1 3.5
Maple Leaf Brigade 3. Fly By Night 2 1 4
Maple Leaf Brigade 6. Signs 1 1 3
Maple Leaf Brigade 9. Closer to the Heart 1 1 3
Maple Leaf Brigade 11. Putting out the Fire 2 2 2.5
Maple Leaf Brigade 12. Piercing the Soviets 1 1 3
North of Elsenborn 2. No Time to Lose 5 3 3.1
North of Elsenborn 3. Scharnhorst's Line 4 2 2.8
North of Elsenborn 5. Restoring the Line 2 1 3.3
Panzer Lehr 2 6. Through the Woods 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 2 24. Plug the Hole 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 6. Through the Woods 3 3 3
Panzer Lehr 24. Plug the Hole 1 1 2
Patton's Nightmare 1. Retreat to the Elbe 2 1 4
Patton's Nightmare 6. Lucky Charms 2 1 3
Patton's Nightmare 7. Slim Pickings 0 0 ---
Patton's Nightmare 14. Knife Fight 0 0 ---
Patton's Nightmare 17. Fist of Iron 1 0 3
Peace in Our Time 3. Harvest of Shame 1 1 3
Peace in Our Time 5. Fast Divisions 1 1 4
Peace in Our Time 8. Prompt Counter-Attack 1 1 3
Polish Steel 10. God Will give Us Kosciuszko 0 0 ---
Panzer Lion 3. Facuti Town 1 1 4
Panzer Lion 4. Polieni Town 1 1 3
Panzer Lion 7. Back to Kalmu 1 1 4
Panzer Lion 10. Hill 192 2 2 4
Roer River Battles 3. Better Than Most 4 2 4
Roer River Battles 9. Grasping at Straws 5 3 3.2
Romanian Soil 5. Situation Under Control 3 2 4
Romanian Soil 7. The Guards Move Forward 5 2 3.4
Romanian Soil 8. Forward Again 2 1 4.5
Romanian Soil 9. And Again 2 1 4.5
Secret Weapons 2. Insurgency 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 5. Air Assault 1 0 4
Secret Weapons 6. Egg Beaters 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 14. Maus Hunt 1 1 4
Secret Weapons 15. Tank Battles 2 1 4.5
Secret Weapons 24. Panzer Grenadier 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 29. Rugged Defense 0 0 ---
Siegfried Line 7. Preventive Measures 1 0 4
Spearhead Division 2. Enter the Buffaloes 3 1 3.7
Spearhead Division 3. Buffalo Stampede 3 0 3.7
Spearhead Division 4. All In 2 1 4.5
Spearhead Division 7. Munsterbusch 1 0 4
Spearhead Division 13. It Starts 2 1 4
Spearhead Division 14. Altenkirchen 1 0 3
Spearhead Division 15. Dillenberg 1 0 3
Spearhead Division 19. The Cats Return 1 0 5
Spearhead Division 20. Wewer 2 1 3.5
Spearhead Division 22. The Beast 3 2 4
Spearhead Division 25. Bockelnhagen 1 0 3
Waltzing Matilda 4. Brisbane Line 1 1 3
Waltzing Matilda 8. The Lighthorsemen 1 1 3
West Wall 1. A Bitter Irony 13 9 3.6
West Wall 2. Reconnaissance in Force 5 4 3.7
West Wall 5. Dueling for the High Ground 3 3 3.5
West Wall 8. Making Hay 4 3 3.4
West Wall 10. Like a Dose of Salts 3 3 3.4
Winter Soldiers 1. Fuel Stop: Bullingen 16 8 3.1
Winter Soldiers 6. Hot Time at Trois Ponts 5 2 3.8
Winter Soldiers 8. One Last Attempt 2 3 2.7
Winter Soldiers 9. What really Happened at Les Tscheous? 6 2 2.8
Winter Soldiers 11. Tightening the Noose 1 1 4
Winter Soldiers 13. Schnellgruppe Knittel 8 6 4
Winter Soldiers 16. First Action 8 5 3.1
Winter Soldiers 17. A Manhay Christmas 7 5 4.4
Winter Soldiers 20. Manhay Subdued 9 2 3.4
Winter Soldiers 21. Paratroopers Prevail 5 5 3.8
Winter Soldiers 22. Villers la Bonne Eau 1 1 4
Winter Soldiers 23. Confusion at Lutrebois 2 1 4.5
Winter Soldiers 28. Bois Des Corbeaux 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 1. On Their Own 7 5 3.5
Workers and Peasants 3. Discovered 2 1 5
Workers and Peasants 14. Pogar Bound 1 0 4
Workers and Peasants 24. Strength Renewed 1 1 5
War of the Worlds 1. Battle of Grover's Mills 11 9 3.9

Display Games (41)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Using this Map
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
Army Group South Ukraine
Army Group South Ukraine
Police Action
Police Action
Britain's Bulge
Britain's Bulge
Go for Broke 2
Go for Broke 2
Go for Broke 3
Go for Broke 3
Elsenborn Revised
Elsenborn Revised
Elsenborn Ridge
Elsenborn Ridge
Aachen 1944
Aachen 1944
Fall of Luxembourg
Fall of Luxembourg
West Wall
West Wall
Spearhead Division
Spearhead Division
Winter Soldiers
Winter Soldiers
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal
Maple Leaf Brigade
Maple Leaf Brigade
Dragon’s Teeth
Dragon’s Teeth
Land Cruisers
Land Cruisers
Panzer Lion
Panzer Lion
Romanian Soil
Romanian Soil
Black Panthers
Black Panthers
Lost Battalion
Lost Battalion
Invasion of Germany
Invasion of Germany
North of Elsenborn
North of Elsenborn
Peace in Our Time
Peace in Our Time
Red & White
Red & White
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Patton's Nightmare
Patton's Nightmare
Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons
Go for Broke
Go for Broke
To Hell With Spain!
To Hell With Spain!
Roer River Battles
Roer River Battles
Waltzing Matilda
Waltzing Matilda
Workers and Peasants
Workers and Peasants
Hammer & Sickle
Hammer & Sickle
Polish Steel
Polish Steel
Siegfried Line
Siegfried Line
Black SS
Black SS
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr
Panzer Lehr
Edelweiss IV
Edelweiss IV
Dishonor Before Death
Dishonor Before Death
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