Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Urban Assault

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Battle Type: Urban Assault for Panzer Grenadier game series

Great pleasure or great pain - it all depends on your perspective. As the defender, a morale bonus will keep your troops calm while the roof over your head soaks up incoming fire. As the attacker, you need ask yourself one question: do I have engineers?

Overall Rating, 6,844 votes
Battle Type Rank: 11 of 25

Display Scenario List (130)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
August 1914, 2nd Ed 02. Deadly Playground 1 1 1
August 1914, 2nd Ed 03. Sound of the Guns 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 04. Last Stand at Bilderweitschen 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 07. Falk's Flank 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 08. Flying Colors 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 09. "Prussian Infantry Does Not Entrench!" 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 10. Citizen Soldiers 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 11. Garrison Duty 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 12. Murderous Schoolboys 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 14. Force Multiplier 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 15. Mid-Life Crisis 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 16. From the Front 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 17. Better Late 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 18. Best Defense 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 19. Advance Toward the Rising Sun 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 20. Beer Run 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 22. Russian Firepower 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 23. Pioneers 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 24. Guards Action 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 28. Guards to the Rescue 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 29. Outpost at Ortelsburg 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 30. Gurko's Ride 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 31. Clearing the Way 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 32. The Guard Recoils 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 33. Lötzen Gap 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 36. Finland Rifles 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 37. Siberian Dawn 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 38. Road to Lyck 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 39. Scheidemann to the Rescue 0 0 ---
August 1914, 2nd Ed 40. Covering Up 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 02. Deadly Playground 0 0 1
August 1914, 1st Ed 03. Sound of the Guns 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 04. Last Stand at Bilderweitschen 1 0 3
August 1914, 1st Ed 07. Falk's Flank 1 0 3
August 1914, 1st Ed 08. Flying Colors 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 09. Prussian Infantry Does Not Entrench! 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 10. Citizen Soldiers 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 11. Garrison Duty 1 0 4
August 1914, 1st Ed 12. Murderous Schoolboys 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 14. Better Late 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 15. From the Front 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 16. Mid-Life Crisis 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 17. Force Multiplier 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 18. Best Defense 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 19. Advance Toward the Rising Sun 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 20. Beer Run 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 23. Pioneers 1 1 5
August 1914, 1st Ed 24. Russian Firepower 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 26. Guards Action 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 28. Gurko's Ride 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 29. Guards to the Rescue 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 30. Outpost at Ortelsburg 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 31. Clearing the Way 1 0 3
August 1914, 1st Ed 32. Finnish Rifles 1 0 4
August 1914, 1st Ed 33. Siberian Dawn 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 35. Road to Lyck 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 36. Lötzen Gap 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 37. Second Army Returns 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 38. The Guard Recoils 0 0 ---
August 1914, 1st Ed 39. Fight to the Finnish 0 0 ---
Black Mountain 03. The Defense of Celebic 2 1 4
Black Mountain 04. Return to Celebic 1 0 4
Black Mountain 07. Pursuit into Montenegro 1 0 5
Black Mountain 08. Dalmatian Hinterland 1 0 5
Black Mountain 09. Duga Ridge 1 0 4
Black Mountain 10. Fourteen Hours at Kazanci 1 0 5
Chihuahua Incident 01. The Chihuahua Incident 2 2 3
Chihuahua Incident 02. Infantry Assault 3 3 2.3
Chihuahua Incident 03. Cavalry Battle 1 1 3
Chihuahua Incident 04. Counterattack 1 1 3
Fall of Empires 03. First Action at Krasnik 1 0 4
Fall of Empires 06. The Other Brudermann 1 0 4
Fall of Empires 07. First Knight 2 1 3
Fall of Empires 08. A Severe Combat 1 1 4
Fall of Empires 10. Grenadiers 1 1 4
Fall of Empires 11. Foot Cavalry 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 12. Spirited Counter-Attacks 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 13. The General 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 14. Dusk Action at Rudnik 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 15. Morning After 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 16. Boundary Issues 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 17. Stand at Borzechow 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 18. Children of Vienna 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 20. Iron Discipline 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 24. Batteries of the Dead 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 25. The Hill at Janówka 1 1 4
Fall of Empires 27. Tarnoczyn Wood 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 28. Across the Solokija 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 29. Flowery Devils 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 30. Edelweiss, Second Verse 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 31. A Lively Fight at Posadow 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 32. A Prepared Assault 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 33. Advance at Dawn 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 34. Across Labunka Brook 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 36. The Dithering Archduke 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 38. Heights of Rachanie 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 04. Concert From Hell 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 05. Hill 282 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 07. Ty Kokso 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 08. Finding the Flank 1 0 3
Franz Josef's Armies 09. Middle-Aged Crazy 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 10. The Storming of Sobieszczany 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 12. Heights of Klodnica 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 16. Fall of Zamosc 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 17. Ad Hoc 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 18. Too Much Spirit 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 19. Hungarian Defense 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 20. Surprise Attack 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 21. Haiduks at Rachanie 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 22. Die Bosniaken Kommen 1 0 4
Franz Josef's Armies 23. Stepchildren of Vienna 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 26. Enforcers 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 27. Heights of Dub 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 28. Counter-Attack at Dub 0 0 ---
To Hell With Spain! 04. El Caney 2 1 3.7
To Hell With Spain! 08. Silva Heights 2 1 3.3
IA Demo 01. Outpost at Ortelsburg 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 01. Low Speed Assault 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 02. Armored Defense 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 01. Opening Volleys 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 03. Liberating the Center 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 05. Sacrifice at Paju 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 06. Seesaw in Petseri County 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 07. The Landeswehr Strikes North 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 08. The Making of Victory Day 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 09. Assault on Krasnaya Gorka 0 0 ---
Mouse That Roared 10. The River Gambler Craps Out 0 0 ---
Winter's Battle 02. Prussian Storm 0 0 ---
Winter's Battle 03. Defense of Lyck 0 0 ---
Winter's Battle 11. Night Action at Frantski 0 0 ---

Display Games (11)

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