German Empire Heer INF
Unit Counter Data |
Historical Name |
Infantry Company |
Movement Class |
Foot |
Movement Points |
2 |
Direct Fire |
6-2 |
3-2 |
Overall Rating, 5 votes |
Unit Rank:
1638 of 1647 |
Display Scenario List (48)
Game |
Scenario |
Plays |
AARs |
Rating |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
02. Deadly Playground
1 |
1 |
1 |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
03. Sound of the Guns
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
04. Last Stand at Bilderweitschen
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
07. Falk's Flank
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
08. Flying Colors
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
09. "Prussian Infantry Does Not Entrench!"
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
12. Murderous Schoolboys
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
13. Breaking Contact
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
16. From the Front
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
17. Better Late
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
19. Advance Toward the Rising Sun
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
20. Beer Run
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
23. Pioneers
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
24. Guards Action
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
27. Full Retreat
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
28. Guards to the Rescue
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
29. Outpost at Ortelsburg
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
32. The Guard Recoils
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 2nd Ed
33. Lötzen Gap
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
02. Deadly Playground
0 |
0 |
1 |
August 1914, 1st Ed
03. Sound of the Guns
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
04. Last Stand at Bilderweitschen
1 |
0 |
3 |
August 1914, 1st Ed
07. Falk's Flank
1 |
0 |
3 |
August 1914, 1st Ed
08. Flying Colors
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
09. Prussian Infantry Does Not Entrench!
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
12. Murderous Schoolboys
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
13. Breaking Contact
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
14. Better Late
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
15. From the Front
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
19. Advance Toward the Rising Sun
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
20. Beer Run
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
23. Pioneers
1 |
1 |
5 |
August 1914, 1st Ed
26. Guards Action
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
27. Full Retreat
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
29. Guards to the Rescue
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
30. Outpost at Ortelsburg
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
36. Lötzen Gap
0 |
0 |
--- |
August 1914, 1st Ed
38. The Guard Recoils
0 |
0 |
--- |
IA Demo
01. Outpost at Ortelsburg
0 |
0 |
--- |
Mouse That Roared
01. Opening Volleys
0 |
0 |
--- |
Mouse That Roared
08. The Making of Victory Day
0 |
0 |
--- |
Winter's Battle
01. River of Piss
0 |
0 |
--- |
Winter's Battle
02. Prussian Storm
0 |
0 |
--- |
Winter's Battle
03. Defense of Lyck
0 |
0 |
--- |
Winter's Battle
05. Advance from Grodno
0 |
0 |
--- |
Winter's Battle
08. Blizzard Blitz
0 |
0 |
--- |
Winter's Battle
09. Roadblock at Kazlu Ruda
0 |
0 |
--- |
Winter's Battle
11. Night Action at Frantski
0 |
0 |
--- |