Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 6th:
Black Panthers #24 - Repulsed at Millingen Road to Berlin #41 - Spring Awakened
New Zealand Division #3 - Rommel's Last Battle Road to Berlin #42 - Children of Vienna
Road to Berlin #40 - Clash of Giants
Errors? Omissions? Report them!

Germany Heer GREN

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Unit: Germany Heer GREN for Panzer Grenadier game series
Unit Counter Data
Historical Name Panzer Grenadier
Movement Class Foot
Movement Points 3
Direct Fire 6-3 2-3
Overall Rating, 2,755 votes
Unit Rank: 1067 of 1647

Display Scenario List (719)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Aachen 1944 01. A Bad Mix 5 4 4.2
Aachen 1944 02. Hot Time at Übach 5 3 3.6
Aachen 1944 03. Charge of the Light Company 11 8 3.1
Aachen 1944 04. The 30th Rolls 3 1 4.3
Aachen 1944 05. The Unflappable Colonel McDowell 1 1 3
Aachen 1944 06. Bardenberg or Bust 1 1 4
Aachen 1944 07. The Final Push 1 1 5
Aachen 1944 08. Buffalos on Crucifix Hill 4 1 4.6
Aachen 1944 09. Like a Stone Wall 1 1 4
Aachen 1944 10. Hunnish Horde 3 3 4.3
Afrika 1944 03. Gyrenes and Panzers 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 04. Resistance at San Cristóbal 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 05. Panzers of Tenerife 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 08. Road to Marrakesh 1 1 3
Afrika 1944 09. Speed Bump 1 0 3
Afrika 1944 10. Crossing the Regreg 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 11. Return of the Tiger 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 12. Armor at Dawn 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 18. The Mother of All Battles 2 1 4
Afrika 1944 21. Long Rifles 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 22. PAKfront 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 23. Ronson Redux 0 0 ---
Arctic Front Deluxe 32. Brothers in Arms 0 0 ---
Arctic Front Deluxe 37. Landing at Tornio 2 2 1.5
Arctic Front Deluxe 38. The Ties That Bind 0 0 ---
Arctic Front Deluxe 39. Rear Guard Defense 2 2 3.5
Arctic Front 20. National Socialist Ardor 3 1 2.7
Army Group South Ukraine 02. False Hope 3 2 3.7
Army Group South Ukraine 03. Expanding the Perimeter 1 1 4
Army Group South Ukraine 06. Consternation 3 2 4
Army Group South Ukraine 08. Panzer Lion I: The Main Thrust 1 1 4
Army Group South Ukraine 09. Panzer Lion II: Targu Frumos 3 3 4
Army Group South Ukraine 10. Panzer Lion III: A Promising Start 3 2 4.7
Airborne 01. Battery Position at Holdy 15 6 3.1
Airborne 02. Canquigny 14 5 2.8
Airborne 03. La Borquette Lock 5 2 3.6
Airborne 04. Pouppeville 6 2 3.2
Airborne 05. Les Droueriers 6 3 2.7
Airborne 06. Cassidy's Battalion 6 4 2.8
Airborne 07. Foucarville 4 2 2.8
Airborne 08. Second Best 4 2 2.8
Airborne 09. Holding the Lock 7 4 3
Airborne 10. Montebourg Station 7 2 3.3
Airborne 11. The Merderet Crossing 7 4 3.4
Airborne 12. Vierville - Again! 4 2 3.3
Airborne 13. Neuville-au-Plain 5 3 2.6
Airborne 14. Second Try 5 3 3.4
Airborne 15. Le Mesnil 6 3 3.2
Airborne 16. Bridge at Zon 5 2 2.8
Airborne 17. Juncture 4 2 1.8
Airborne 18. Juncture II 4 3 2.8
Airborne 19. Making the Best of a Bad Situation 4 3 3
Airborne 20. Third Time's the Charm 4 2 3.8
Airborne - IE 01. Orange Hero 63 23 2.6
Airborne - IE 02. Battery Position at Holdy 48 20 3.4
Airborne - IE 03. Defiant Russians 32 16 3.1
Airborne - IE 04. Distraction at Dawn 24 12 3.1
Airborne - IE 05. The Lock 19 10 3.4
Airborne - IE 06. Cassidy's Battalion 20 13 2.5
Airborne - IE 07. Low Odds Attack 14 7 2.9
Airborne - IE 08. Second Try 17 8 3.7
Airborne - IE 09. Holding the Lock 18 10 3
Airborne - IE 10. Third Time's the Charm 13 6 3.1
Airborne - IE 11. The Merderet Crossing 13 5 3.3
Airborne - IE 12. Vierville -- Again! 10 3 3.2
Airborne - IE 13. Crossroads Defense 16 8 3.4
Airborne - IE 14. Line Infantry 20 14 3.1
Airborne - IE 15. Montebourg Station 13 7 3.7
Airborne - IE 16. Georgia On My Mind 15 9 2.5
Airborne - IE 17. Securing Ste. Mere-Eglise 13 5 3.1
Airborne - IE 18. VII Corps Advances North 9 2 2.9
Airborne - IE 19. VII Corps Advances Again 10 4 2.4
Airborne - IE 20. Advance Along the Douve 11 4 2.8
Airborne - IE 21. D-Day Behind the Beaches 12 4 3.4
Airborne - Remastered 01. The Merderet Crossing 4 2 3.8
Airborne - Remastered 02. Low Odds Attack 4 3 2.5
Airborne - Remastered 03. Distraction at Dawn 3 2 2.7
Airborne - Remastered 04. The Lock 4 2 4
Airborne - Remastered 05. Cassidy's Battalion 2 2 3
Airborne - Remastered 06. Orange Hero 5 2 3
Airborne - Remastered 07. Defiant Russians 4 2 3.5
Airborne - Remastered 08. Second Try 2 1 4.5
Airborne - Remastered 10. Battery Position at Holdy 1 1 3.5
Airborne - Remastered 11. Crossroads Defense 1 1 5
Airborne - Remastered 13. Vierville — Again! 1 1 4
Airborne - Remastered 14. Georgia On My Mind 3 2 3.3
Airborne - Remastered 15. Securing Ste. Mere-Eglise 5 1 4
Airborne - Remastered 16. Holding the Lock 2 2 3.5
Airborne - Remastered 17. Third Time's the Charm 1 0 3
Airborne - Remastered 18. VII Corps Advances North 1 0 3
Airborne - Remastered 19. Hill 30 2 1 4
Airborne - Remastered 20. Le Goulet 2 0 4.5
Airborne - Remastered 21. VII Corps Advances Again 1 1 3
Airborne - Remastered 22. Montebourg Station 1 0 3
Airborne - Remastered 23. Le Ham 2 0 3.5
Airborne - Remastered 25. This is Not a Voluntary Proposition 1 0 4
Airborne - Remastered 28. Line Infantry 1 1 3
Airborne - Remastered 29. Bonus Prize 1 0 4
Airborne - Remastered 30. A Long Day 1 0 3
Airborne - Remastered 31. Advance Along the Douve 2 1 4
Airborne - Remastered 32. A New Spearhead 0 0 ---
Airborne - Remastered 33. Finally Forward 0 0 ---
Airborne - Remastered 34. If at First You Don't Succeed 1 0 3
Airborne - Remastered 35. D-Day Behind the Beaches 1 1 3.5
Battle of the Bulge 01. Interruption 64 25 3
Battle of the Bulge 02. Holzthum I 33 11 3.4
Battle of the Bulge 03. Bocholz 38 15 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 04. Holzthum II 19 4 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 05. Holzthum-Consthum 19 5 3.6
Battle of the Bulge 06. Weiler 20 6 2.6
Battle of the Bulge 07. Marnach I 18 5 3.5
Battle of the Bulge 08. Marnach II 18 4 3
Battle of the Bulge 09. Reuler 27 10 3.5
Battle of the Bulge 10. Hosingen I 19 7 3
Battle of the Bulge 11. Hosingen II 13 4 3
Battle of the Bulge 12. Fuller's Counterattack 23 6 3
Battle of the Bulge 13. The Missing Company 22 7 2.5
Battle of the Bulge 14. Clervaux 19 3 3.4
Battle of the Bulge 15. Barely Holding On 10 2 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 16. Fuhren 7 1 3.1
Battle of the Bulge 17. Fuhren II 7 0 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 18. On Their Own: Sevenig 9 1 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 19. The Greyhounds: 16 December 7 1 3.1
Battle of the Bulge 20. The Greyhounds: 17 December 7 1 2.9
Battle of the Bulge 21. Wiltz: 18 December 9 3 2.6
Battle of the Bulge 22. Wiltz: 19 December, AM 10 3 3.8
Battle of the Bulge 23. Wiltz: 19 December, PM 7 0 2.9
Battle of the Bulge 24. Team Desobry 8 2 3.1
Battle of the Bulge 25. Team Desobry II 7 1 2.8
Battle of the Bulge 26. Team Cherry 6 0 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 27. Team Desobry III 4 1 3
Battle of the Bulge 28. Marvie 14 1 3.7
Battle of the Bulge 29. Kampfgruppe Beinsen 11 2 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 30. Kampfgruppe Kunkel 9 1 3.5
Battle of the Bulge 31. Kampfgruppe Maucke 6 2 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 32. Champs 14 4 2.9
Battle of the Bulge 33. Rochefort 6 2 3.1
Battle of the Bulge 34. The Ridge 5 2 2.8
Battle of the Bulge 35. Relief Attempt 4 2 2.5
Battle of the Bulge 36. Christnach 5 3 3
Battle of the Bulge 37. Lauterborn 4 2 2.4
Battle of the Bulge 38. Osweiler and Dickweiler 5 2 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 39. Grevils-Bresil 4 1 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 40. Grosbous 3 0 3
Battle of the Bulge 41. Grevils-Bresil II 2 0 3.5
Battle of the Bulge 42. Trapped! 2 0 3.5
Battle of the Bulge 43. Ettelbruck 3 1 3.3
Battle of the Bulge 46. Relief at Last! 4 1 4.3
Battle of the Bulge 47. Ewell's Boys 4 1 3
Battle of the Bulge 48. Hard Shell 5 1 4
Battle of the Bulge 49. Heiderscheid 5 1 3.8
Battle of the Bulge 50. Sibret 3 1 2.3
Battle of the Bulge 51. First Attempt 3 1 3.7
Britain's Bulge 01. Six Kilometers from the Meuse: East of Dinant, Belgium 6 4 4.1
Britain's Bulge 02. Festival Day: Foy-Notre-Dame, East of Dinant, Belgium 3 2 3.3
Britain's Bulge 03. Who Dares, Wins: Bure, South of Rochefort, Belgium 4 2 2.8
Britain's Bulge 04. Smash III: Bure, South of Rochefort, Belgium 2 2 3
Britain's Bulge 05. Win or Die: Bure and Wavreille, Belgium 2 2 3.3
Britain's Bulge 06. The Nastiest Little Battle: Bure, Belgium 3 2 3.8
Britain's Bulge 07. Drunken Elephants: Bure, Belgium 1 0 4
Britain's Bulge 08. April Fools: Rendeux, South-East of Hotton, Belgium 1 0 3
Britain's Bulge 09. Dark Woods: Waharday, South of Hotton, Belgium 2 0 4
Britain's Bulge 10. It Was Jolly Cold: Grimbiémont, East of Marche, Belgium 1 0 4
Britain's Bulge 11. The Rearguard: Between Hives and Lavaux, South of La Roche en Ardenne, Belgium 1 0 3
Beyond Normandy 06. St. Manvieu Counterattack 14 8 2.9
Beyond Normandy 07. St. Manvieu Counterattack II 9 4 3.3
Beyond Normandy 13. The Gavrus Bridge 4 1 3.3
Beyond Normandy 39. Gavrus and Hill 113 0 0 ---
Beyond Normandy 40. Cahier 3 2 3.6
Beyond Normandy 41. Gavrus and Bougy 0 0 ---
Beyond Normandy 43. Operation Express 1 0 2.5
Black Panthers 01. First Contact 1 0 4
Black Panthers 02. That Big Hill Up There 2 1 4
Black Panthers 03. Charlie Company Stalls 1 0 4
Black Panthers 04. The Deadly Ditch 1 0 3
Black Panthers 05. Night March 1 0 3
Black Panthers 06. Breaking Away 1 0 4
Black Panthers 07. Koecking Ridge 1 0 3
Black Panthers 08. D is for Dog 2 1 4
Black Panthers 09. "We'll fight them." 2 1 4
Black Panthers 10. Battalion Strength 0 0 ---
Black Panthers 11. Disaster at Honskirch 0 0 ---
Black Panthers 12. Champagne Breakfast 2 0 3
Black Panthers 13. Fortress Remagne 0 0 ---
Black Panthers 14. Wooden Walls 1 0 4
Black Panthers 15. Tank Hunters at Dusk 1 1 4
Black Panthers 16. “Fuck the King of Belgium” 1 0 3
Black Panthers 17. Hitler’s Escort Service 1 0 4
Black Panthers 18. The Fall of Tillet 0 0 ---
Black Panthers 19. The Last Bridgehead 1 0 3
Black Panthers 20. First Brewed 0 0 ---
Black Panthers 21. Over the River 0 0 ---
Black SS 17. St. Barthelemy 3 1 3.3
Black SS 20. SS Frundsburg 1 1 4
Black SS 22. Caught in the Flank 1 1 5
Black SS 26. Ferret Those Panzers Out 1 1 3
Blue Division 15. Las Tropas me Abandonan! 5 2 4.2
Broken Axis 01. Approaching Storm Scenario 1: Break In at Biesti 4 2 4
Broken Axis 02. Approaching Storm Scenario 2: Observation Post Chiperceni 3 1 4
Broken Axis 05. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 3: Mobile Defense 5 0 3.8
Broken Axis 06. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 4: Grossdeutschland Arrives 2 0 5
Broken Axis 07. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 5: Furie Romana 2 0 4.5
Broken Axis 09. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 7: Into the Hun's Teeth 1 1 4
Broken Axis 10. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 8: Fist of Iron 1 0 3
Broken Axis 12. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 1: Preliminaries 3 0 4.3
Broken Axis 13. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 2: Spoiling Attack 2 0 4
Broken Axis 14. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 3: Sledge Hammer of the Proletariat 2 1 4
Broken Axis 17. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 6: Primary Objective 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 18. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 7: Târgu Frumos 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 19. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 8: Combined Arms 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 20. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 9: Day of the Gunners 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 21. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 10: The Lion's in Town 4 2 4.3
Broken Axis 22. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 11: Valley of Fire 3 1 4
Broken Axis 23. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 12: Ascend the Heights 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 24. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 13: A Fire-Spewing Fortress 2 0 3
Broken Axis 25. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 14: Lines Restored 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 26. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 15: Redemption 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 27. Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 1: Opportunity Seized 3 1 4
Broken Axis 28. Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 2: Which Bridgehead to Take? 3 1 4
Broken Axis 29. Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 3: Easing the Pressure 3 2 4
Broken Axis 30. Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 4: Retaking Serpeni 2 0 4
Broken Axis 31. Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 5: Collateral Damage 1 0 3
Broken Axis 32. Tashlyk Bridgehead Scenario 6: Morning Rockets 3 0 3.7
Broken Axis 33. Operation Katja Scenario 1: Commencing Operation Sonja 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 34. Operation Katja Scenario 2: Operation Sonja: Day Two 1 0 4
Broken Axis 35. Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja 1 1 4
Broken Axis 36. Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 38. Operation Katja Scenario 6: South of Iepureni 1 1 5
Broken Axis 39. Operation Katja Scenario 7: Moimești 2 0 4
Broken Axis 40. Operation Katja Scenario 8: Zahorna 1 1 4
Cassino '44 01. Bloody Rapido 26 13 3.6
Cassino '44 02. Bridgehead on the Rapido 19 11 3.6
Cassino '44 03. Red Bull Attacks the Barracks 14 5 3.5
Cassino '44 04. Red Bull at the Barracks Again 13 3 3.8
Cassino '44 05. The 168th Goes In 7 2 4.1
Cassino '44 06. Point 771 11 4 3.6
Cassino '44 07. Once More Forward 7 1 4
Cassino '44 08. Hang On!!! 9 3 4
Cassino '44 09. Chaos on the Massif 7 0 3.6
Cassino '44 10. Counterattack on Point 593 9 2 3.7
Cassino '44 11. One Last Push 6 0 4.5
Cassino '44 12. Operation Avenger 10 2 3.9
Cassino '44 13. Maoris at the Station 10 2 3.6
Cassino '44 21. Across the Rapido ... Again 3 1 2.7
Cassino '44 22. British Bridgehead 6 2 4.2
Cassino '44 26. Sant' Angelo 12 4 3.8
Cassino '44 27. Hitting the Road 5 2 4.2
Cassino '44 28. Pignataro 3 1 3.3
Cassino '44 31. Campaign One: Red Bull Across the Rapido 5 1 4.6
Cassino '44 32. Campaign Two: The Fourth Battle of Cassino 4 1 4.5
C&CV1: War in the East 15. Counter-Blow 3 1 4
C&CV1: War in the East 18. On Prussian Soil 3 2 4.3
C&CV1: War in the East 19. Defending the Reich 3 2 4
C&CV1: War in the East 20. Prussian Towns Must Hold! 3 2 4
C&CV1: War in the East 21. Across Poland! 2 1 4
C&CV1: War in the East 22. Race to the Oder 2 1 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 24. Seelow Heights 3 2 3.3
C&CV1: War in the East 25. Nowhere To Go 1 0 5
C&CV2: The King's Officers 18. War in the Hedgerows: Operation Epsom, 1944 4 2 5
Dishonor Before Death 06. Baptism of Fire 0 0 ---
Dishonor Before Death 17. Late Life Guards 0 0 ---
DAK '44 01. Opening Moves 3 2 3.3
DAK '44 02. Armored Thrust 2 1 3.5
DAK '44 03. Piecestrike 2 1 3.5
DAK '44 04. Night Raid 2 1 3.5
DAK '44 05. Left Jab 1 0 4
DAK '44 06. Taking the High Ground 1 0 3
DAK '44 07. Taking Back the High Ground 1 0 4
DAK '44 08. Rommel Resurgent 1 0 4
DAK '44 09. Night Flight 2 1 4
DAK '44 10. Out of Gas 2 1 4
Dragon’s Teeth 01. Outskirts of Aachen 5 5 3
Dragon’s Teeth 02. The Breach at Monschau 4 4 2.4
Dragon’s Teeth 03. Local Counter-Attack 3 3 3.5
Dragon’s Teeth 04. No Time to Lose 2 1 2.5
Dragon’s Teeth 05. Homeland Security 1 0 5
Dragon’s Teeth 06. The Scharnhorst Line 1 0 4
Dragon’s Teeth 07. Buffalo Attack 1 0 4
Dragon’s Teeth 08. The High Ground 1 0 5
Dragon’s Teeth 09. Counterattack at Hoefen 1 0 3
Dragon’s Teeth 10. The Last Bullet 1 0 4
Dragon’s Teeth 11. Morning Mists 1 0 3
Dragon’s Teeth 12. In the Mood 1 0 3
Dragon’s Teeth 13. On the Donnerberg 1 0 3
Dragon’s Teeth 14. Off the Donnerberg 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 15. Old Hickory 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 16. Withdrawal From Übach 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 17. Hell on Wheels 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 18. Village of Alsdorf 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 19. Tennessee Checkers 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 20. Crucifix Hill 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 21. Like a Stone Wall 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 22. Panzer Grenadiers 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 23. Return to the Donnerberg 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 24. The Storming of Gressenich 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 25. Repulse at Wurselen 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 26. The Road to Puffendorf 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 27. Trouble at Puffendorf 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 28. Sergeant Jake Lindsey 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 29. People’s Grenadiers on Hill 232 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 30. “We Need Heistern” 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 31. Road X to Grosshau 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 32. Tusk Hogs 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 33. Chickenshit Regulations 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 34. Spearhead Blunted 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 35. Sad Results 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 36. An Artillery War 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 37. Castle Frenz 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 38. Return to Castle Frenz 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 40. Mean Streets of Kleinhau 0 0 ---
Dragon’s Teeth 42. Struggle for Hill 401.3 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 01. Autumn Mist 1 1 4
Elsenborn Revised 02. An Operation Named Mist 1 1 4
Elsenborn Revised 03. Dismal Failure 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 04. Second-Hand Lions 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 05. Collision 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 08. Panzer Graveyard 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 09. Militia Fury 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 10. Elsenborn Ridge 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 11. First Probe 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 12. First Assault 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 14. The Devil's Own 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 15. The Fall 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 24. Norwegian Nightmare 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 30. People's Grenadiers 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 33. How Green We Are 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 34. Return to Parker's Crossroads 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Revised 35. Get Off Your Ass 0 0 ---
Elsenborn Ridge 01. Autumn Mist 47 19 3.5
Elsenborn Ridge 02. An Operation Named Mist 27 6 3.5
Elsenborn Ridge 03. Dismal Failure 17 5 2.8
Elsenborn Ridge 04. Second-Hand Lions 13 5 3.8
Elsenborn Ridge 05. Collision 15 4 4.1
Elsenborn Ridge 08. Twin Villages: Panzer Graveyard 10 6 2.8
Elsenborn Ridge 09. St. Vith: First Probe 36 17 3.7
Elsenborn Ridge 10. St. Vith: First Assault 15 6 3.8
Elsenborn Ridge 12. Twin Villages: Finale 12 6 4.1
Elsenborn Ridge 18. St. Vith: The Devil's Own 9 2 3.1
Elsenborn Ridge 22. St. Vith: The Fall 11 4 4.3
Elsenborn Ridge 23. Norwegian Nightmare 7 1 3.4
Elsenborn Ridge 25. Elsenborn Ridge 5 1 3.4
Elsenborn Ridge 30. People's Grenadiers 4 1 3
Elsenborn Ridge 33. How Green We Are 5 1 3.6
Elsenborn Ridge 34. Return to Parker's Crossroads 6 2 3.3
Elsenborn Ridge 35. The Forgotten Battalion 6 3 3.8
First Axis 27. Retreat from Turiec 1 1 5
First Axis 28. Raksa Valley 1 1 2
Fire and Sword 03. In the Puszta 1 1 4
Fire and Sword 05. Road of the Tigers 1 1 4
Fire and Sword 07. Gates of Budapest 1 1 4
Fire and Sword 08. Brownshirts 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 09. The Offensive Falters 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 13. Hill 102 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 14. Landing at Ercsi 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 15. The Crossing at Érd 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 16. Ercsi Bridgehead 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 17. A Bit Much 1 1 5
Fire and Sword 18. The Panzer Reserve 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 19. North of Ercsi 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 20. Death of Heroes 1 1 4
Fire and Sword 21. On the Lakeshore 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 22. Tank Terror 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 23. Unable to Resist 1 1 3
Fire and Sword 24. Unwelcome Visitors 1 0 2
Fire and Sword 25. Bad Weather in the Moorlands 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 26. The Margit Line 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 27. Attack from the South 1 1 3
Fire and Sword 28. Outflanking Székesfehérvár, From the West 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 29. Outflanking Székesfehérvár, From the East 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 30. Counterblow at Úrhida 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 31. White Castle 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 32. Commando Jaguar 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 33. Russian Mob 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 35. Battle Group Pietsch 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 36. Cross of Iron 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 37. Firestorm at Lovasberény 2 1 3.5
Fire and Sword 38. On Habsburg Ground 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 39. Pitched Battle 0 0 ---
Fire in the Steppe 08. Bridge over the River Styr 2 1 4
Uprising 06. Dubrovodsky’s Stand 0 0 ---
Uprising 07. Collapse at Zhilina 0 0 ---
Uprising 08. Tank Battle at Martin 0 0 ---
Uprising 09. Raksa Valley 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 01. Fortress Leuntea 3 2 3.4
Grossdeutschland 1944 02. Grenadiers 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1944 03. Lucky Thirteen 1 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1944 04. Punishment at Popeasca 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 05. Final Sentence at Popeasca 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 06. Night Action on Căuşeni Hill 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 12. Up on Căuşeni Hill 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 13. Counter Attack at Căuşeni Hill 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 14. Panzer Defense on Căuşeni Hill 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 15. Chaha Crossings 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 01. First Action 3 1 3.3
Go for Broke 2 02. A Trap Not Sprung 2 0 3
Go for Broke 2 03. High Ground by Daylight 2 0 4
Go for Broke 2 04. Counterattacked 1 0 4
Go for Broke 2 05. Hill 529 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2 06. Ciorland 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2 16. Trial at Buemont 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 17. Merlin Castle 1 0 4
Go for Broke 2 18. Diversion 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 19. Bruyeres is a Cheese, Right? 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 20. What? Another Hill? 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 21. Justifiable Fury 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 22. Task Force O'Connor 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 23. Counterattacked 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 24. A Questionable Move 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 25. Raw Courage 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 26. Rescue Denied 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 27. Banzai Hill 0 0 ---
Go for Broke 2 28. Surprised 0 0 ---
Sherman Tanks 01. In the Mood 8 5 4.1
Go for Broke 01. First Action 7 3 3.6
Go for Broke 02. A Trap Not Sprung 5 3 3.8
Go for Broke 03. High Ground by Daylight 3 1 3.7
Go for Broke 04. Counterattacked 3 2 3.7
Go for Broke 05. Hill 529 5 2 3.8
Go for Broke 06. Ciorland 3 1 2.7
Go for Broke 16. Trial at Buemont 3 2 3
Go for Broke 17. Merlin Castle 5 3 3.2
Go for Broke 18. Diversion 1 1 4
Go for Broke 19. Bruyeres is a Cheese, Right? 3 2 3.3
Go for Broke 20. What? Another Hill? 3 2 3.7
Go for Broke 21. Justifiable Fury 1 1 4
Go for Broke 22. Task Force O'Connor 1 1 4
Go for Broke 23. Counterattacked 1 1 5
Go for Broke 24. A Questionable Move 2 1 3.5
Go for Broke 25. Raw Courage 1 1 4
Go for Broke 26. Rescue Denied 2 1 2.5
Go for Broke 27. Banzai Hill 1 1 4
Go for Broke 28. Surprised 2 1 2.5
Grossdeutschland 1946 01. Fire Brigade 1 1 4
Heavy Metal 01. Panthers in the Mist 0 0 ---
Heavy Metal 02. Maus Attack 0 0 ---
Heavy Metal 03. Black Princes 0 0 ---
Heavy Metal 04. Shielded Frogs 0 0 ---
Heavy Metal 07. Main Battle Tanks 1 1 3
Invasion 1944 01. St. Laurent Again 18 9 3.4
Invasion 1944 02. An Ominous Sign 9 6 3.7
Invasion 1944 04. Major Bingham Takes Charge 15 8 3.1
Invasion 1944 06. To the Rescue 10 7 3.9
Invasion 1944 07. South of Sainte Mere Eglise 10 5 3.4
Invasion 1944 08. Crisbecq 7 3 3.5
Invasion 1944 09. A Little Help from our Friends 4 0 4
Invasion 1944 10. Saving the Supplies 3 2 2.8
Invasion 1944 12. Stonewalled 4 3 3.8
Invasion 1944 16. Debuzzing the Bomb 4 1 3.8
Invasion 1944 17. Drive on Pinabel 4 1 4
Invasion 1944 18. Eightball Forward 3 0 3.5
Invasion of Germany 01. A Bitter Irony 7 2 3.4
Invasion of Germany 02. Reconnaissance in Force 1 1 4
Invasion of Germany 03. Hoefen-Alzen Ridge 1 0 3
Invasion of Germany 04. No Time to Lose 2 1 3
Invasion of Germany 05. If Only He Could Cook! 1 0 4
Invasion of Germany 06. Filling the Gaps 3 3 3.3
Invasion of Germany 07. Dueling for the High Ground 1 0 3
Invasion of Germany 08. Scharnhorst's Line 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 09. Homeland Security 1 0 4
Invasion of Germany 10. Restoring the Line 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 11. The Last Bullet 1 0 4
Invasion of Germany 12. Early Morning 1 1 5
Invasion of Germany 13. In the Mood 3 2 4
Invasion of Germany 14. On the Donnerberg 1 1 3
Invasion of Germany 15. Off the Donnerberg 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 16. A Bad Mix 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 17. Hot Time at Übach 1 0 4
Invasion of Germany 18. Charge of the Light Company 4 3 3.4
Invasion of Germany 19. The 30th Rolls 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 20. The Unflappable Colonel McDowell 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 21. Bardenberg or Bust 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 22. The Final Push 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 23. Buffalos on Crucifix Hill 3 1 4.3
Invasion of Germany 24. Like a Stone Wall 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 25. Hunnish Horde 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 26. Return to the Donnerberg 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 27. Bad Road to Hastenrath 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 28. Better Than Most 1 0 3
Invasion of Germany 29. Tough Time at Wurselen 1 1 3
Invasion of Germany 30. An Outstanding Performance 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 31. Trouble at Puffendorf 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 32. Sergeant Jake Lindsey 2 1 3.5
Invasion of Germany 33. Not as Planned 1 1 4
Invasion of Germany 34. Grasping at Straws 1 1 5
Invasion of Germany 35. A Day Late 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 36. Crocodile Rock 1 1 4
Invasion of Germany 37. Lohn Town 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 38. Making Hay 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 39. Huchlen Town 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 40. Like a Dose of Salts 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 41. Bourheim Blues 1 0 4
Invasion of Germany 42. Frenzerburg Castle 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 43. Return to Frenzerburg Castle 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 45. Indie River Blues 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 46. In the Dark 1 0 3
Invasion of Germany 47. Preventive Measures 1 1 3
Invasion of Germany 48. Indie River Blues II 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 50. At What Cost? 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 01. Surprise at Le Hamel 1 0 4
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 02. Malta Brigade 1 0 3
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 03. Collision Course 1 0 4
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 04. Careful Planning at Ranville 1 0 3
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 05. St. Gabriel 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 06. Beyond Sword Beach 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 07. Brazilian Hot Wax 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 09. Glidermen at Escoville 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 10. Paras at Benouville 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 11. Enter the Desert Rats 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 13. Black Watch at Bréville 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 14. Château St. Côme 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 15. Windy’s Attack 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 16. Ste. Honorine 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 17. Villers-Bocage 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 18. Southbound Again 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 19. Second Echelon 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 20. Charging Bul 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 21. Stout Resistance at Emieville 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 24. Frontal Assault at Troarn 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 26. Sept Vents 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 27. Counterattack at St. Martin des Besaces 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 28. Saint-Germain-d'Ectot 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 29. Renewed Assault on St. Martin des Besaces 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 30. Dickie’s Bridge 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 31. La Ferronniere 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 32. Quarry Hill 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 33. Minden Day 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 34. Hill 361 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 37. St.-Jean-le-Blanc 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed 38. Black Sunday 0 0 ---
Liberation 1944 01. Surprise at Le Hamel 13 4 3.6
Liberation 1944 02. A Good Day 9 5 3.6
Liberation 1944 03. Collision Course 7 2 3.8
Liberation 1944 04. Planned Success 5 1 3.5
Liberation 1944 05. St. Gabriel 9 3 2.8
Liberation 1944 06. One-Two Punch 4 2 4
Liberation 1944 07. 21st Panzer Responds 6 3 3.8
Liberation 1944 09. Escoville 7 2 3.4
Liberation 1944 10. Here to Stay 3 0 4
Liberation 1944 11. A New Experience 5 1 3.7
Liberation 1944 13. Breville Sees the Plaid 6 0 3.3
Liberation 1944 14. Emboldened Germans 3 0 3.7
Liberation 1944 15. Germans Encounter Windy's Gale 3 0 3.7
Liberation 1944 16. St. Honorine 5 0 3.2
Liberation 1944 17. Second Chance for the Desert Rats 4 1 2.4
Liberation 1944 18. Operation Goodwood: Pushing South 9 4 3.3
Liberation 1944 19. Operation Goodwood: Reality Bites 6 1 3
Liberation 1944 20. Operation Goodwood: The Tanks Roll South 4 1 3
Liberation 1944 21. Operation Goodwood: A Little Help From Above 4 2 4
Liberation 1944 24. Operation Goodwood: Terrible Times at Troarn 4 1 3.8
Liberation 1944 26. Operation Bluecoat: Sept Vents 1 0 5
Liberation 1944 27. Operation Bluecoat: Counterattacked 6 2 3.7
Liberation 1944 28. Operation Bluecoat: St. Germain d'Ectot 1 0 4
Liberation 1944 29. Operation Bluecoat: St. Martin des Besaces 3 0 3.7
Liberation 1944 30. Operation Bluecoat: One of the Best 6 2 3.3
Liberation 1944 31. Operation Bluecoat: La Ferronniere 2 0 3.5
Liberation 1944 32. Operation Bluecoat: The Cameronians 3 0 3.3
Liberation 1944 33. Operation Bluecoat: Minden Day 1 0 4
Liberation 1944 34. Operation Bluecoat: Hill 361 3 0 3.3
Liberation 1944 37. Operation Bluecoat: St. Jean le Blanc 2 0 3.5
Liberation 1944 38. Operation Bluecoat: Black Sunday 1 0 3
Lions of Finland 10. National Socialist Ardor 2 1 3.5
North of Elsenborn 01. Hoefen-Alzen Ridge 6 2 3
North of Elsenborn 02. No Time to Lose 5 3 3.1
North of Elsenborn 03. Scharnhorst's Line 4 2 2.8
North of Elsenborn 04. Homeland Security 5 3 4
North of Elsenborn 05. Restoring the Line 2 1 3.3
North of Elsenborn 06. The Last Bullet 7 5 3.3
North of Elsenborn 07. Early Morning 9 6 3.4
North of Elsenborn 08. In the Mood 4 3 3.3
North of Elsenborn 09. On the Donnerberg 5 3 3
North of Elsenborn 10. Off the Donnerberg 3 2 3
North Wind 02. Who ever saw... 4 0 3.8
North Wind 03. Troop Rotation 6 4 2.9
North Wind 04. Maps and Legends 0 0 ---
North Wind 05. Purple Heart Lane 2 0 3
North Wind 07. Hellcats Return 0 0 ---
North Wind 08. Quiet Persuasion 2 2 3
North Wind 09. Reinforce the Right 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 2 23. Policing Up the Area 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 23. Policing Up the Area 0 0 ---
Panzer Lion 01. Those Brave Boys 2 1 4.5
Panzer Lion 02. Corntesi Town 9 5 3.9
Panzer Lion 03. Facuti Town 1 1 4
Panzer Lion 04. Polieni Town 1 1 3
Panzer Lion 05. Clearing the Valley 1 1 4
Panzer Lion 06. Kalmu - Hill 256 3 4 3.8
Panzer Lion 07. Back to Kalmu 1 1 4
Panzer Lion 08. A Profitable Diversion 5 5 3.8
Panzer Lion 09. Reclaiming the Perimeter 2 1 3
Panzer Lion 10. Hill 192 2 2 4
Roer River Battles 01. Return to the Donnerberg 5 2 3.6
Roer River Battles 02. Bad Road to Hastenrath 10 6 3.3
Roer River Battles 03. Better Than Most 4 2 4
Roer River Battles 04. Tough Time at Wurselen 4 2 3.6
Roer River Battles 05. An Outstanding Performance 3 1 3
Roer River Battles 06. Trouble at Puffendorf 3 1 3
Roer River Battles 07. Sergeant Jake Lindsey 4 2 3.5
Roer River Battles 08. Not as Planned 5 3 4.2
Roer River Battles 09. Grasping at Straws 5 3 3.2
Roer River Battles 10. A Day Late 5 3 3.8
Romanian Soil 03. Slowing the Juggernaut 5 3 4.3
Romanian Soil 05. Situation Under Control 3 2 4
Romanian Soil 06. A Slow Response 4 2 4.3
Romanian Soil 08. Forward Again 2 1 4.5
Romanian Soil 09. And Again 2 1 4.5
Romanian Soil 10. When Elites Meet 2 1 3.5
Road to Berlin 10. Panzer Feint 4 2 3.2
Road to Berlin 11. Gates of Komorn 2 3 4.5
Road to Berlin 12. Tigers at Zamoly 2 1 3.5
Road to Berlin 13. Red Rampage 1 1 4
Road to Berlin 14. Teutonic Soil 2 1 4
Road to Berlin 15. Panzers in Prussia 1 0 3
Road to Berlin 16. South of Warsaw 5 3 2.3
Road to Berlin 17. Evil Magyars 1 1 5
Road to Berlin 21. Quiet Sector 1 2 3.5
Road to Berlin 24. Second Kinersdorf 1 1 4
Road to Berlin 25. Fritz's Heirs 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 26. Ad Hoc 13 6 3.2
Road to Berlin 27. Oder Flood 5 1 2.8
Road to Berlin 28. Hero of the Soviet Union 12 8 3.6
Road to Berlin 29. Night of the Swabians 1 1 3
Road to Berlin 31. Reitwein Forest 6 6 3.5
Road to Berlin 32. Luck of the 21st Panzer 4 2 3
Road to Berlin 33. Out of Luck 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 34. Infantry Attacks 1 0 4
Road to Berlin 35. Kutuzov's Heart 3 2 3.3
Road to Berlin 36. South Wind 5 2 2.8
Road to Berlin 37. Gran Intermezzo 3 1 4
Road to Berlin 39. Evil Russians 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 40. Clash of Giants 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 42. Children of Vienna 1 0 4
Road to Berlin 43. The Potato Fortress 5 3 4.4
Road to Berlin 44. Konig's Tigers 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 49. Horses and Tigers 2 1 3
Road to Berlin 50. Final Counter Attack 1 1 3
Road to Berlin 51. Malomsok Bridgehead 1 0 3
Road to Berlin 52. A Thousand and One 1 1 5
Road to Berlin 54. Seelow Heights: The Center 1 1 5
Road to Berlin 57. Heroine of the Soviet Union 1 1 3
Road to Berlin 58. Seelow: The South Flank 2 1 4
Road to Berlin 60. The Ego Unleashed 3 3 3.7
Road to Berlin 62. Konarmiya 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 63. Seelow: The Heights Again 2 1 3.5
Road to Berlin 64. Seelow: Fort Apache 2 2 2
Road to Berlin 66. Highway to Hell 3 1 4
Road to Berlin 67. Canal Line 2 1 3.5
Road to Berlin 68. Batteries of the Dead 10 7 3
Road to Berlin 70. Gasoline Alley 3 2 3.3
Road to Berlin 73. She-Wolves of the SS 1 0 3
Road to Berlin 74. Czech Mate 3 1 3.7
Road to Berlin 75. Final Panzer Battle 7 4 3.7
Secret Weapons 01. Flight of the Valkyries 1 1 4
Secret Weapons 04. Stinging Hummingbird 1 1 3
Secret Weapons 05. Air Assault 1 0 4
Secret Weapons 10. Under the River 1 0 3
Secret Weapons 11. Mirror, Mirror 2 1 3
Secret Weapons 12. Panzer Maus 1 1 5
Secret Weapons 13. Waves of Steel 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 14. Maus Hunt 1 1 4
Secret Weapons 15. Tank Battles 2 1 4.5
Secret Weapons 16. A Quality All Its Own 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 17. Futile Empire 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 18. Through the Desert 1 1 3
Secret Weapons 19. Slow but Steady 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 22. North German Plain 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 24. Panzer Grenadier 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 26. Spring Offensive, Northern Flank 2 1 4.5
Secret Weapons 27. Spring Offensive - Counterattack 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 28. Spring Offensive - Killer Rabbits 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 29. Rugged Defense 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 30. Tank Hunters 0 0 ---
Siegfried Line 01. Bourheim Blues 2 0 4
Siegfried Line 02. Frenzerburg Castle 5 5 3.4
Siegfried Line 03. Return to Frenzerburg Castle 1 0 5
Siegfried Line 05. Indie River Blues 2 0 4
Siegfried Line 06. In the Dark 2 1 3.7
Siegfried Line 07. Preventive Measures 1 0 4
Siegfried Line 08. Indie River Blues II 1 0 5
Siegfried Line 10. At What Cost? 3 2 3
Slovakia’s War 14. Fighting French 1 1 3
Slovakia’s War 15. Fighting Slovaks 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 17. Fighting Germans 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 18. Slovak Revival 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 20. Retreat from Turiec 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 21. Raksa Valley 0 0 ---
Spearhead Division 01. Breaching the West Wall 11 4 4.4
Spearhead Division 02. Enter the Buffaloes 3 1 3.7
Spearhead Division 03. Buffalo Stampede 3 0 3.7
Spearhead Division 04. All In 2 1 4.5
Spearhead Division 05. Battle for the Supplies 5 1 3.3
Spearhead Division 06. Diepenlinchen 2 0 4.5
Spearhead Division 07. Munsterbusch 1 0 4
Spearhead Division 08. Kottenich 6 0 4
Spearhead Division 09. Bad Road to Hastenrath 4 3 3.5
Spearhead Division 10. Round Two at Hastenrath 1 0 3
Spearhead Division 11. Scherpenseel 2 0 2
Spearhead Division 12. Back Into the Fray 2 0 4
Spearhead Division 13. It Starts 2 1 4
Spearhead Division 14. Altenkirchen 1 0 3
Spearhead Division 15. Dillenberg 1 0 3
Spearhead Division 21. Harste 2 1 4.5
Spearhead Division 22. The Beast 3 2 4
Spearhead Division 23. Osterode 2 1 4.5
Spearhead Division 24. Gieboldehausen 2 0 4.5
Spearhead Division 25. Bockelnhagen 1 0 3
Stalin's Tanks 06. Mass Action in Kursk Oblast 1 0 5
Tank Battles 15. Operation MARS #3: The Struggle for Urdom 2 2 4
West Wall 01. A Bitter Irony 13 9 3.6
West Wall 02. Reconnaissance in Force 5 4 3.7
West Wall 03. If Only He Could Cook! 3 4 4
West Wall 04. Filling the Gaps 5 5 3.4
West Wall 05. Dueling for the High Ground 3 3 3.5
West Wall 06. Crocodile Rock 5 6 3.4
West Wall 07. Lohn Town 2 3 2.7
West Wall 08. Making Hay 4 3 3.4
West Wall 09. Huchlen Town 2 3 3.3
West Wall 10. Like a Dose of Salts 3 3 3.4
Winter Soldiers 21. Paratroopers Prevail 5 5 3.8
Winter Soldiers 23. Confusion at Lutrebois 2 1 4.5

Display Games (54)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Featuring this Unit
Aachen 1944
Aachen 1944
Airborne - IE
Airborne - IE
Britain's Bulge
Britain's Bulge
DAK '44
DAK '44
Sherman Tanks
Sherman Tanks
North of Elsenborn
North of Elsenborn
Panzer Lion
Panzer Lion
Roer River Battles
Roer River Battles
West Wall
West Wall
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Bulge
Invasion of Germany
Invasion of Germany
Dragon’s Teeth
Dragon’s Teeth
Black Panthers
Black Panthers
Airborne - Remastered
Airborne - Remastered
Siegfried Line
Siegfried Line
Spearhead Division
Spearhead Division
Fire and Sword
Fire and Sword
Liberation 1944
Liberation 1944
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed
Liberation 1944, 2nd Ed
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal
North Wind
North Wind
Broken Axis
Broken Axis
Go for Broke 2
Go for Broke 2
Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons
Go for Broke
Go for Broke
Cassino '44
Cassino '44
Army Group South Ukraine
Army Group South Ukraine
Romanian Soil
Romanian Soil
Road to Berlin
Road to Berlin
Afrika 1944
Afrika 1944
Grossdeutschland 1944
Grossdeutschland 1944
Invasion 1944
Invasion 1944
Elsenborn Revised
Elsenborn Revised
Elsenborn Ridge
Elsenborn Ridge
C&CV1: War in the East
C&CV1: War in the East
Slovakia’s War
Slovakia’s War
Stalin's Tanks
Stalin's Tanks
Beyond Normandy
Beyond Normandy
Black SS
Black SS
Arctic Front Deluxe
Arctic Front Deluxe
Grossdeutschland 1946
Grossdeutschland 1946
Lions of Finland
Lions of Finland
Dishonor Before Death
Dishonor Before Death
First Axis
First Axis
Winter Soldiers
Winter Soldiers
C&CV2: The King's Officers
C&CV2: The King's Officers
Arctic Front
Arctic Front
Blue Division
Blue Division
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr
Panzer Lehr
Fire in the Steppe
Fire in the Steppe
Tank Battles
Tank Battles
Errors? Omissions? Report them!
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