Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 29th:
Africa Orientale Italiana #33 - North of Barentu Edelweiss #23 - Himmler's Sword
Africa Orientale Italiana #35 - Rocks of Gibraltar Edelweiss IV #38 - Himmler's Sword
Cassino '44 #5 - The 168th Goes In Edelweiss: Expanded #30 - Himmler's Sword
Errors? Omissions? Report them!

Joint Forces Battle

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Gameplay Condition: Joint Forces Battle for Panzer Grenadier game series

One or both sides employ forces from more than one nation or more than one branch of their military. For example: Germany and Romania fighting together, or the United States Army and Marines participating in the battle.

Useful consideration for multiplayer games.

Overall Rating, 1,586 votes
Condition Rank: 11 of 17

Display Scenario List (457)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
An Army at Dawn 3. Fire Support 25 10 3.7
An Army at Dawn 5. 10th Panzer Forward 18 7 3.1
An Army at Dawn 6. Tigers in Tunisia 17 7 4.2
An Army at Dawn 15. Bad Blood 10 3 4.3
An Army at Dawn 17. Faid Pass 10 4 3.5
An Army at Dawn 32. Kasserine Pass: Gore Force 3 2 2.8
An Army at Dawn 33. Kasserine Pass: Egged On 4 2 4
An Army at Dawn 34. Kasserine Pass: Duel at Dawn 7 4 3.9
An Army at Dawn 35. Kasserine Pass: The Reports Were Wrong 5 4 4.3
An Army at Dawn 36. Kasserine Pass: A Terrible Price 6 2 3.9
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 4. Faid Pass 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 6. Tenth Panzer Division Advances 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 7. Tigers in Tunisia 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 16. The Sened Raid 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 32. Gore Force 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 33. Egged On 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 34. Duel at Dawn 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 35. Prepared Defense 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 36. A Terrible Price 0 0 ---
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed 39. Restless Energy 0 0 ---
Ancient Armor 1. Beaches of Guam 2 2 3
Ancient Armor 2. Tanks of Guam 1 1 2
Ancient Armor 3. Armor of Guam 0 0 ---
Ancient Armor 4. Defenders of Guam 0 0 ---
Afrika 1944 18. The Mother of All Battles 2 1 4
Afrika 1944 24. Grave of the Fireflies 0 0 ---
Arctic Front Deluxe 17. Frozen Tundra 3 1 3
Arctic Front Deluxe 31. The Tank Sausage 1 2 4
Arctic Front Deluxe 32. Brothers in Arms 0 0 ---
Afrika Korps 2. Capture of Giarabub 22 10 2.8
Afrika Korps 3. Bardia Breakin 26 10 3.2
Afrika Korps 4. Bardia Breakin II 15 5 3
Afrika Korps 5. Feint 17 7 3.1
Afrika Korps 6. South of the Border 16 6 3.4
Afrika Korps 7. To the Switch Line 17 6 2.8
Afrika Korps 9. Stalemate at Derna 15 8 2.9
Afrika Korps 10. Er Regima 8 0 2.8
Afrika Korps 16. Forte Pilastrino 12 6 3.4
Afrika Korps 20. On the Run 8 2 2.1
Afrika Korps 21. Tanks! 23 6 3.3
Afrika Korps 22. Tanks Again! 10 4 3.4
Afrika Korps 23. Forte Pilastrino: Part 2 10 1 3
Afrika Korps 24. Repulsed at Tobruk 10 2 3
Afrika Korps 25. Turned Back! 12 5 3
Afrika Korps 27. The May Show: Part One 7 0 3.3
Afrika Korps 28. "Meet Me at the Pass" 9 3 3.2
Afrika Korps 30. Operation BREVITY: The Scots Guards 10 3 3.4
Afrika Korps 31. Operation BREVITY: The Rifle Brigade 9 2 3.2
Afrika Korps 32. Ras el Medauuar 9 2 2.9
Afrika Korps 33. The Counter-Attack, 1st May 7 4 2.4
Afrika Korps 35. S7 10 4 3.3
Afrika Korps 36. Counterattack Against Point 201 9 3 3.7
Afrika Korps 37. R7, R6 and R5 8 2 2.9
Afrika Korps 38. Eighteenth Brigade 6 2 2.9
Afrika Korps 39. A Costly Attack 8 3 2.9
Afrika Korps 41. Failed Foray 11 5 2.8
Afrika Korps 42. Widening the Breach 6 1 3.3
Afrika Korps 43. Africa Korps Advances 6 2 3
Afrika Korps 44. Relief 6 2 2.7
Afrika Korps 45. Operation BREVITY: Fort Capuzzo 18 6 3
Afrika Korps 46. Operation BREVITY: Sidi Azeiz 9 1 3.1
Arctic Front 11. Frozen Tundra 2 0 3.5
Army Group South Ukraine 2. False Hope 3 2 3.7
Army Group South Ukraine 3. Expanding the Perimeter 1 1 4
Army Group South Ukraine 5. Not as Planned 4 3 3.8
Army Group South Ukraine 6. Consternation 3 2 4
Army Group South Ukraine 7. A Worthless Diversion 2 2 3
Africa Orientale Italiana 4. The El Wak Job 3 1 3.7
Africa Orientale Italiana 16. On to Hargeisa 4 0 3.5
Africa Orientale Italiana 25. The First Offensive 1 0 3
Africa Orientale Italiana 26. Big Hill 1 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 28. Cheru Pass 3 0 3.7
Africa Orientale Italiana 30. Road to Barentu 2 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 32. The Defense of Gogni 3 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 34. Tanks at Barentu 2 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 36. Tanks on Gibraltar 1 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 37. Tank Battle at Agordat 1 0 3
Africa Orientale Italiana 38. Roadblock in Dongolaas Gorge 2 1 3.5
Africa Orientale Italiana 40. Granatieri 1 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 42. Corsi’s Counter-Charge 1 0 4
Africa Orientale Italiana 43. Acqua Gap 1 0 4
Armata Romana 7. Gates of Chisinau 3 2 4
Armata Romana 19. National Socialist Ardor 2 1 3.5
Britain's Bulge 2. Festival Day: Foy-Notre-Dame, East of Dinant, Belgium 3 2 3.3
Black Helicopters 5. Riverine Warfare 1 1 3
Blue Danube 5. Eye of the Needle 1 1 4
Blue Danube 6. Following On 1 1 3
Blue Danube 7. Jammed 1 1 4
Blue Danube 10. Music to My Ears 1 1 3
Blue Division 6. Una Gesta Heroica 7 3 3.3
Blue Division 7. We know how to die as Spaniards! 5 2 3
Blue Division 8. Beast of Prey 3 2 2.5
Blue Division 9. Holy Thursday 5 3 2.3
Blue Division 11. Los Tigres 7 5 3.1
Blue Division 15. Las Tropas me Abandonan! 4 2 4.4
Blue Division 18. No Somos Italianos! 8 3 3.6
Big Red One 44. Hill 482 0 0 ---
Big Red One 48. Another Go at Hill 482 0 0 ---
Broken Axis 5. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 3: Mobile Defense 5 0 3.8
Broken Axis 6. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 4: Grossdeutschland Arrives 2 0 5
Broken Axis 7. Târgu Frumos: The First Battle Scenario 5: Furie Romana 2 0 4.5
Broken Axis 12. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 1: Preliminaries 3 0 4.3
Broken Axis 13. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 2: Spoiling Attack 2 0 4
Broken Axis 14. Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 3: Sledge Hammer of the Proletariat 2 1 4
Broken Axis 35. Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja 1 1 4
Broken Axis 40. Operation Katja Scenario 8: Zahorna 1 1 4
Broken Axis 50. Romania Mare Scenario 10: Sabaoani Crossroads 2 1 4
Carpathian Brigade 3. Breakout and Pursuit 2 2 3.5
Carpathian Brigade 4. Fraternal Assistance 3 2 4
Carpathian Brigade 7. Gazala Line 0 0 ---
Carpathian Brigade 9. Night of the Bayonets 1 0 3
Carpathian Brigade 10. Rescue at Mekili 0 0 ---
Cassino '44 12. Operation Avenger 10 2 3.9
Cassino '44 13. Maoris at the Station 10 2 3.6
Cassino '44 14. Rajputanas Forward 5 1 3.4
Cassino '44 15. Cracking Cassino 8 0 3.9
Cassino '44 17. Supporting the Gurkhas 6 1 3.8
Cassino '44 18. The Castle Must Fall! 6 1 3.6
Cassino '44 19. Cavendish Road 7 1 3.3
Cassino '44 20. Last Push of the New Zealanders 6 1 3.8
Cassino '44 21. Across the Rapido ... Again 3 1 2.7
Cassino '44 26. Sant' Angelo 12 4 3.8
Cassino '44 28. Pignataro 3 1 3.3
Cassino '44 32. Campaign Two: The Fourth Battle of Cassino 4 1 4.5
C&CV2: The King's Officers 3. Bardia 6 5 3.5
C&CV2: The King's Officers 4. Tobruk 4 3 3.5
C&CV2: The King's Officers 6. El Ageila 3 2 4
C&CV2: The King's Officers 7. Tobruk Again 2 1 3.5
C&CV2: The King's Officers 8. Operation Brevity 1 1 3
C&CV2: The King's Officers 9. Halfaya Pass 1 1 4
Divisione Corazzata 1. First Tanks 3 2 3.3
Divisione Corazzata 9. Standard Bearers of Fascism 1 0 3
Divisione Corazzata 10. Road to Rome 2 1 3.5
Deluge 10. The Rytel Position 1 1 4
Deluge 15. Osa River Line 1 1 4
Deluge 26. Fortress Poland 1 1 3
Deluge 36. Fast Division 1 1 5
Deluge 37. Morning Encounter 1 0 4
Desert Rats 1. Conquista del Somaliland 24 12 3.5
Desert Rats 3. A Single Day as a Lion 12 5 3.3
Desert Rats 4. A Hundred Years As A Sheep 13 6 3.1
Desert Rats 5. Libyan Defiance 13 4 2.9
Desert Rats 6. Night Flight 11 4 3.2
Desert Rats 7. Breakthrough In Eritrea 9 3 3.6
Desert Rats 8. Cavalleria 9 4 3
Desert Rats 9. Stand At Mekili 6 2 3.3
Desert Rats 15. Sidi Rezegh: Counter-Attack 4 3 3.5
Desert Rats 17. The Tomb Of Sidi Rezegh 6 2 3.2
Desert Rats 18. A Pibroch's Skirl 6 5 4
Desert Rats 20. Shabash Gora Paltan 5 3 2.3
Desert Rats 21. Sidi Omar 4 4 2.2
Desert Rats 22. "We Are Omnipotent" 4 4 2.6
Desert Rats 23. Te Hokowhitu-a-Tu ("War Party") 10 4 2.9
Desert Rats 24. Hill 175 7 3 3.4
Desert Rats 25. Ngati Tumatauen-ga ("The Tribe Of War") 5 5 3.7
Desert Rats 26. Link Up 4 2 3
Desert Rats 27. "The Bastards Will Kill The Lot Of Us" 5 1 3.2
Desert Rats 30. Tu-Kai-taua ("Tu, Devourer Of Warriors") 3 2 2.8
Desert Rats 31. Young Fascists : The Morning Phase 9 5 3.6
Desert Rats 32. Young Fascists : The Afternoon Phase 3 2 4
Desert Rats 33. Young Fascists : A Thousand Bayonets 3 1 3.7
Desert Rats 34. Young Fascists : German Relief 2 2 5
Desert Rats 37. Te Ope Maori Hikoi Kia Toa ("Maori Battalion, March to Victory") 4 2 3
Desert Rats 38. Alem Hamza : Right Flank 7 8 3.1
Desert Rats 39. Alem Hamza: Left Flank 4 2 2.8
Desert Rats 41. Rugbet el Hagina 6 4 2.7
Desert Rats 42. "A whole bloody German armoured division" 5 1 3.4
Desert Rats 46. Ariete Attacked 2 1 3.5
Desert Rats 48. On the Trigh Capuzzo 4 2 3.3
Desert Rats 50. Operation Aberdeen 2 1 4.5
Division Marocaine 1. 1940: Fall of France Scenario 18: The Iron Line: South 3 2 3.8
Division Marocaine 2. 1940: Fall of France Scenario 21: Red Dusk 3 2 3
Division Marocaine 3. 1940: Fall of France Scenario 22: Furia Francese! 3 3 4
Division Marocaine 4. 1940: Fall of France Scenario 32: A Bridgehead Too Far 3 3 3.3
Division Marocaine 5. 1940: Fall of France Scenario 51: Insha'Allah 2 2 4.3
Division Marocaine 6. 1940: Fall of France Scenario 52: Night Visions 2 2 2.3
DAK '44 4. Night Raid 2 1 3.5
DAK '44 6. Taking the High Ground 1 0 3
DAK '44 7. Taking Back the High Ground 1 0 4
DAK '44 8. Rommel Resurgent 1 0 4
DAK '44 10. Out of Gas 2 1 4
Dragon Rampant 1. Camel Riders 0 0 ---
Dragon Rampant 2. Point 209 0 0 ---
Dragon Rampant 4. Tank Battle at Enfidaville 0 0 ---
Edelweiss 6. The Litsa Line 2 1 4
Edelweiss 8. Fanatics 2 0 3.5
Edelweiss 11. Ski Battle 1 1 1
Edelweiss IV 6. Open Sights 1 1 5
Edelweiss IV 7. Schwimmjäger 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 8. Stand for New Zealand! 1 0 3
Edelweiss IV 9. Maori Bayonets 4 1 4.3
Edelweiss IV 15. The Litsa Line 2 1 4
Edelweiss IV 17. Fanatics 1 1 3
Edelweiss IV 20. Sinking Skiers 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 32. Garibaldi's Heirs 1 0 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 2. Open Sights 3 1 4.3
Edelweiss: Expanded 3. Schwimmjäger 2 0 3.5
Edelweiss: Expanded 9. The Litsa Line 1 0 4
Edelweiss: Expanded 11. Fanatics 1 0 5
Edelweiss: Expanded 14. Sinking Skiers 1 0 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 24. Garibaldi's Heirs 0 0 ---
Eastern Front 44. Red Steel: Gates of Chisinau 12 6 3.1
Eastern Front 68. Odessa: National Socialist Ardor 6 1 3.5
Eastern Front 101. Crimean Counterattack 2 1 3
Fall of Luxembourg 2. Spahi Support 8 4 3.6
Fall of France 1 51. Insha'Allah 4 2 3.6
Fall of France 1 52. Night Visions 3 1 3.3
First Axis 8. Mopping up 2 1 2
First Axis 10. Slovakia's Battle: Phase Two 3 1 3.7
First Axis 18. Defending Lojev 2 1 3
First Axis 27. Retreat from Turiec 1 1 5
Fire and Sword 2. Eagle 5555 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 6. Attila Line 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 7. Gates of Budapest 1 1 4
Fire and Sword 9. The Offensive Falters 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 11. Soroksár Duna 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 12. Duel for Tököl 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 13. Hill 102 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 14. Landing at Ercsi 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 15. The Crossing at Érd 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 17. A Bit Much 1 1 5
Fire and Sword 19. North of Ercsi 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 20. Death of Heroes 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 21. On the Lakeshore 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 22. Tank Terror 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 23. Unable to Resist 1 1 3
Fire and Sword 24. Unwelcome Visitors 1 0 2
Fire and Sword 25. Bad Weather in the Moorlands 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 28. Outflanking Székesfehérvár, From the West 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 29. Outflanking Székesfehérvár, From the East 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 33. Russian Mob 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 36. Cross of Iron 0 0 ---
Fire and Sword 37. Firestorm at Lovasberény 2 1 3.5
Fronte Russo 2. Zaritschanka: Seizing the Bridgehead 4 1 4
Fronte Russo 3. Zaritschanka: Expanding the Bridgehead 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 4. Zaritschanka: The Bloodiest Day 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 17. The Christmas Battle: Right Flank 2 1 3.7
Fronte Russo 18. The Reserves Enter Action 1 0 4
Fronte Russo 19. The Push to the Left 2 0 4
Fronte Russo 23. Barbo' Group 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 25. Self-Confidence 2 2 2.5
Fronte Russo 28. Serafimovich: Day Two 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 29. Serafimovich: Day Three 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 30. Clearing the Woods 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 31. Serafimovich: on the Defensive 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 38. A Coordinated Push 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 43. Voroshilova Struggle 1 1 2
Fronte Russo 45. The Fall of Tcheboratevsky 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 46. The Defense of Bolshoy 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 1. Fortress Leuntea 2 2 3.7
Grossdeutschland 1944 17. Spoiled at Pascani 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1946 8. Desert Waste 0 0 ---
Hopeless, But Not Serious 14. Defenders of the Republic 1 0 3
Red & White 9. Probing for the Flank 0 0 ---
Red & White 10. Attrition Warfare 0 0 ---
Red & White 11. Armored Scrum 0 0 ---
Red & White 13. Split Them in Two 0 0 ---
Red & White 14. Destruction of the Red Banner 0 0 ---
Invasion of Germany 36. Crocodile Rock 1 1 4
Indian Unity 1. Provocation 8 4 2.8
Indian Unity 2. Over the Line 7 4 3.3
Indian Unity 6. Tuljapur Ridge 4 4 4
Indian Unity 7. The Ditch at Kodad 4 4 2.8
Indian Unity 8. Violent Resistance 3 3 3.8
Indian Unity 9. The Nizam's Own 4 4 3.3
Iron Wolves 4. Common Cause 2 1 3.5
Burning Tigers 2 17. Stand or Perish 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 18. Vienna Division 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 19. Brunswick Lions 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 26. Forest of Berezovy Log 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 27. West of Ponyri 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 33. Advance from Cherkasskoye 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 35. Burning Panthers 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 36. Second Line 0 0 ---
Burning Tigers 2 40. Horseshoe Bend 0 0 ---
Kokoda Campaign 28. Milne Bay Scenario 4: Assault on No. 3 Airstrip 3 2 3
Kokoda Trail 10. Assault on No. 3 Airstrip 5 3 3.8
Counter Attack 20. Evacuation by Sea 3 2 4.3
Counter Attack 31. Walled City of Ka-san 5 3 3.6
Counter Attack 33. Breakout Along the Naktong 1 1 ---
Counter Attack 39. First Combat 2 1 4
Counter Attack 48. Guarding the Western Rampart 1 1 ---
Counter Attack 61. ROK Advance 1 1 ---
Counter Attack 63. The Fall of P'yongyang 2 1 4
Pusan Perimeter 23. Nightmare on the Kum River 3 1 4
Pusan Perimeter 33. Easy Company 4 2 4
Pusan Perimeter 40. The Small Engagement 4 1 4
Lost Battalion 1. Battle of Leuwiliang, The 1st Day 1 1 3.5
Lost Battalion 2. Battle of Leuwiliang, The 2nd Day 1 1 4
Lost Battalion 3. Defense of Porong 1 1 4
La Campagne de Tunisie 3. Phoenix: Audacity is not Folly 9 3 3.5
La Campagne de Tunisie 4. Phoenix: Aggressiveness Paid Off 8 4 3.3
La Campagne de Tunisie 6. Phoenix: Honour 5 2 4.2
La Campagne de Tunisie 7. Phoenix: Gate to the Desert 4 1 4
La Campagne de Tunisie 8. Phoenix: Sword of Damocles 4 1 3.8
La Campagne de Tunisie 9. Phoenix: Pour la Légion! 4 1 4.3
La Campagne de Tunisie 10. Phoenix: Just Like Training 6 4 3.8
La Campagne de Tunisie 11. Phoenix: Seven Horrors of War 4 2 3
La Campagne de Tunisie 12. Ember: Point 134 5 2 3.2
Last Days of May 42. Ancient Walls 1 1 4
Lithuanian Campaign 5. Clash of Armor 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 6. Defensive Bulwark 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 8. Iron Wolves, Steel Fortress 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 10. Mass Attack 0 0 ---
Little Saturn 4. Hill 192, Day One 1 0 2
Little Saturn 5. Back to the Don 0 0 ---
Little Saturn 8. The End of Hope 1 1 4
Little Saturn 9. Scraping the Barrel 0 0 ---
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 10. Axis Horse 2 1 4
Marianas 1944 11. Out of No Where 9 2 4.1
Moroccan Div '42 1. East of Gembloux 0 0 ---
Moroccan Div '42 2. On the Gembloux Line 0 0 ---
Moroccan Div '42 3. On the Attack 0 0 ---
Moroccan Div '42 4. Prussians at Wavre 0 0 ---
Moroccan Div '42 5. Attack at Chaumont 0 0 ---
Moroccan Div '42 6. Engagement East of Namur 0 0 ---
Nihon Silk 2. Koepang, Day One 10 5 3.5
Nihon Silk 3. Koepang, Day Two 6 3 3.3
Nihon Silk 4. Palembang 7 4 3
New Zealand Division 1. Nofilia Village 3 2 3.7
New Zealand Division 2. West of Nofilia 3 1 4.3
New Zealand Division 3. Rommel's Last Battle 2 1 3.5
New Zealand Division 5. Tebaga Gap 1 0 3
New Zealand Division 6. The Sacred Band 0 0 ---
New Zealand Division 7. Night Action at Takrouna 0 0 ---
New Zealand Division 9. Neither Young nor Fascist 0 0 ---
Patton's Nightmare 19. Getting Desperate 0 0 ---
Peace in Our Time 6. Fortress Nachod 1 0 3
Peace in Our Time 8. Prompt Counter-Attack 1 1 3
Heraklion 3. Cretan Fury 6 3 3.6
Heraklion 4. Niki Elas 4 2 3.8
Parachutes Over Crete 2. By the Tavronitis 9 3 3.6
Parachutes Over Crete 3. The Assault Regiment's Assault 5 2 4.3
Parachutes Over Crete 4. A Pitiful Response 6 3 2.7
Parachutes Over Crete 6. The Second Day 3 2 4
Parachutes Over Crete 7. A Sad Tale 3 3 4.5
Parachutes Over Crete 9. Bridge over the Platanias 4 1 4
Parachutes Over Crete 13. Ayia Prison 3 2 3.5
Parachutes Over Crete 16. Late Effort 1 1 4
Parachutes Over Crete 18. Local Effort 3 2 3
Parachutes Over Crete 19. Cemetery Hill 2 0 4
Parachutes Over Crete 20. Captain Forrester 1 0 3
Parachutes Over Crete 22. Turkish Fort 2 1 3.5
Parachutes Over Crete 27. Saxophones of Fury 2 1 2.5
Parachutes Over Crete 29. Forward Again 0 0 ---
Parachutes Over Crete 30. East of the Airfield 1 1 3
Parachutes Over Crete 31. Ready and Waiting 1 1 5
Parachutes Over Crete 32. Second Parachute Regiment 1 1 4
Parachutes Over Crete 34. Aussie Initiative 1 1 5
Parachutes Over Crete 35. Pressed Olives 1 1 4
Parachutes Over Crete 36. Strongpoint Perivolia 1 0 4
Parachutes Over Crete 37. Maori Bayonets 2 0 4
Parachutes Over Crete 38. Caught Napping 1 0 4
Parachutes Over Crete 39. Corinith 1 1 4
Polish Exiles 1. No Man's Land 2 2 2.7
Polish Exiles 2. Cavalry to the Rescue 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 3. Overwhelmed 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 4. Roadblock 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 5. Polish Revenge 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 6. Children of Vienna 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 7. Line of Demarcation 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 8. Pépé le Moko 1 0 3
Polish Exiles 10. Grenadiers in Action 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 11. Marne-Rhine Canal 0 0 ---
Polish Exiles 13. First to Fight 0 0 ---
Polish Steel 10. God Will give Us Kosciuszko 0 0 ---
Power of the East 5. Nomonhan 3 3 3.5
Power of the East 6. Battle of Baintsagan 2 1 3.7
Puppet Brigade 1. Mopping Up 2 1 3
Puppet Brigade 2. Slovakia’s Battle; Phase One 1 1 3
Puppet Brigade 3. Slovakia’s Battle; Phase Two 1 1 3
Puppet Brigade 4. Holding the River 1 0 3
Puppet Brigade 5. Christmas Day 1 0 2
Puppet Brigade 6. Collective Farm 1 0 3
Puppet Brigade 7. High Water Mark 1 0 3
Spanish Blues 1. Red Fury and Spanish Blues 7 1 2.8
River Battleships 2. A Hungarian River Fleet 4 2 4
River Battleships 16. South of Budapest 1 0 4
River Fleets 5. Eye of the Needle 2 1 4
River Fleets 6. Following On 1 1 3
River Fleets 7. Jammed 1 1 3
River Fleets 10. Music to My Ears 2 1 3
Romanian Soil 2. Steamrolled at Coarnele-Capru 4 3 4
Romanian Soil 3. Slowing the Juggernaut 5 3 4.3
Romanian Soil 5. Situation Under Control 3 2 4
Romanian Soil 6. A Slow Response 4 2 4.3
Road to Berlin 1. Red Danube 23 9 3.9
Road to Berlin 21. Quiet Sector 1 2 3.5
Road to Berlin 39. Evil Russians 0 0 ---
Road to Berlin 46. South of Balaton 1 0 3
Road to Dunkirk 11. The Station Rifles 3 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 15. Disappointment 2 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 16. Steel Horses 2 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 17. Dangerous Liaison 2 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 21. Calais Perimeter 2 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 22. The Hell of Boulogne 3 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 23. Bitter End at Calais 3 1 4.3
Road to Dunkirk 24. Futile Sacrifice 2 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 25. Prelude to Dunkirk 4 0 4.3
Road to Dunkirk 26. Reliable Friends 5 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 29. They Wore Skirts 3 1 3.7
Road to Dunkirk 30. Your Generals are Gone 1 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 32. Extra Protection 3 1 3.3
Road to Dunkirk 33. Yser Line 1 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 36. The Final Stretch 2 0 3.5
Road to Dunkirk 37. Saigneville 2 0 3
Road to Dunkirk 40. Obstinate Scots 1 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 41. A Grim Affair 1 0 4
Road to Dunkirk 44. Race to the Seine 2 2 3
Road to Dunkirk 46. How Many Sailors 0 0 ---
Road to Dunkirk 47. A Gallant Battalion 0 0 ---
South Africa's War 2. Down in Jubaland 3 0 2.7
South Africa's War 3. Battle on the Equator 4 1 3.5
South Africa's War 4. Crusader: First Contact 6 1 3.8
South Africa's War 6. Transvaal Scottish 4 2 3.3
South Africa's War 7. Rear Echelon 2 0 3
South Africa's War 8. Ons Is Helsems 4 1 3.5
South Africa's War 9. Sunday of the Dead 3 0 2.7
South Africa's War 10. Gialo Oasis 3 1 3.3
South Africa's War 11. Sit Jou Kop . . . 3 1 3.3
South Africa's War 12. Driven by Germans 4 1 3.3
South Africa's War 13. Set Out for Amusement 2 0 3
South Africa's War 14. Australia Will Be There 3 2 4
South Africa's War 15. Applying Ginger 2 0 3
South Africa's War 16. With the Utmost Vigour 3 2 4.3
South Africa's War 18. Dingaan's Day 5 2 3.6
South Africa's War 19. Assault on Bardia 4 2 2.5
Secret Weapons 5. Air Assault 1 0 4
Secret Weapons 9. Kranji 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 2. Mopping Up 2 1 2
Slovakia’s War 4. Slovakia's Battle; Phase Two 2 2 2.7
Slovakia’s War 12. Defending Lojev 1 1 3
Slovakia’s War 20. Retreat from Turiec 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 1. First Contact 3 2 3.7
Swallows of Death 2. Fais ce que tu fais 1 1 3
Swallows of Death 3. Sart-Ernage Farm 1 1 4
Swallows of Death 4. Red Dusk 1 1 3
Swallows of Death 5. Furia Marocchina 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 6. Défense à la Marocaine 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 7. In Napoleon’s Footsteps 1 0 ---
Swallows of Death 8. Seneffe 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 9. Bridgehead on the Escaut 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 10. Thunder Clouds 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 11. Company Town 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 12. Escape from Carvin 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 13. At the Barricades 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 14. Hedderich’s Roadblock 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 15. The Footbridge at Mouzaive 1 1 3
Swallows of Death 28. Pour l’Armée de Paris 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 29. The Dauphin Crossroads 0 0 ---
Swallows of Death 30. First In, Last Out 0 0 ---
Tank Battles 1. Little Saturn #1: Recon in Force 4 2 3.3
Tank Battles 2. Little Saturn #2: Seizing the High Ground 3 1 4
Tank Battles 4. Little Saturn #4: Counterattack 3 1 2
Tank Battles 6. Little Saturn #6: Stand at Arbuzovka 1 0 5
Raseiniai 9. Flank March 1 1 3
West Wall 6. Crocodile Rock 5 6 3.4

Display Games (77)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Featuring this Gameplay Condition
Division Marocaine
Division Marocaine
Lost Battalion
Lost Battalion
Moroccan Div '42
Moroccan Div '42
Spanish Blues
Spanish Blues
South Africa's War
South Africa's War
Puppet Brigade
Puppet Brigade
La Campagne de Tunisie
La Campagne de Tunisie
Polish Exiles
Polish Exiles
New Zealand Division
New Zealand Division
Afrika Korps
Afrika Korps
Desert Rats
Desert Rats
Indian Unity
Indian Unity
Swallows of Death
Swallows of Death
Parachutes Over Crete
Parachutes Over Crete
Fire and Sword
Fire and Sword
Ancient Armor
Ancient Armor
Army Group South Ukraine
Army Group South Ukraine
DAK '44
DAK '44
Fall of Luxembourg
Fall of Luxembourg
Carpathian Brigade
Carpathian Brigade
Road to Dunkirk
Road to Dunkirk
Blue Danube
Blue Danube
Lithuanian Campaign
Lithuanian Campaign
Little Saturn
Little Saturn
River Fleets
River Fleets
Romanian Soil
Romanian Soil
Cassino '44
Cassino '44
Blue Division
Blue Division
Fronte Russo
Fronte Russo
C&CV2: The King's Officers
C&CV2: The King's Officers
Africa Orientale Italiana
Africa Orientale Italiana
Divisione Corazzata
Divisione Corazzata
Dragon Rampant
Dragon Rampant
Nihon Silk
Nihon Silk
An Army at Dawn
An Army at Dawn
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed
Burning Tigers 2
Burning Tigers 2
Black Helicopters
Black Helicopters
Peace in Our Time
Peace in Our Time
Edelweiss IV
Edelweiss IV
Edelweiss: Expanded
Edelweiss: Expanded
Big Red One
Big Red One
Broken Axis
Broken Axis
Slovakia’s War
Slovakia’s War
Power of the East
Power of the East
First Axis
First Axis
Red & White
Red & White
River Battleships
River Battleships
Counter Attack
Counter Attack
Armata Romana
Armata Romana
Grossdeutschland 1944
Grossdeutschland 1944
Grossdeutschland 1946
Grossdeutschland 1946
Iron Wolves
Iron Wolves
Polish Steel
Polish Steel
West Wall
West Wall
Britain's Bulge
Britain's Bulge
Last Days of May
Last Days of May
Afrika 1944
Afrika 1944
Tank Battles
Tank Battles
Arctic Front Deluxe
Arctic Front Deluxe
Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Hopeless, But Not Serious
Pusan Perimeter
Pusan Perimeter
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Road to Berlin
Road to Berlin
Arctic Front
Arctic Front
Patton's Nightmare
Patton's Nightmare
Fall of France 1
Fall of France 1
Kokoda Campaign
Kokoda Campaign
Kokoda Trail
Kokoda Trail
Marianas 1944
Marianas 1944
Eastern Front
Eastern Front
Invasion of Germany
Invasion of Germany
Errors? Omissions? Report them!
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