Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Map 1

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Map: 1 for Panzer Grenadier game series

A 5 hex village sits perched in one corner. Elsewhere, a large field and forest are to either side of the road running shortways.

Included in
Overall Rating, 1,234 votes
Map Rank: 101 of 137

Display Scenario List (371)

Game Scenario Plays AARs Rating
Bron Pancerna 1. Polish Surprise 1 1 4
Bron Pancerna 3. Plains of Poland 1 1 4
Bron Pancerna 4. Bitwa Pancerna 2 2 3.3
49th Mountain Corps 2. Hill 273 3 2 4
49th Mountain Corps 4. Second Line 1 1 3
49th Mountain Corps 8. Return to Cold Water 1 0 3
49th Mountain Corps 10. Bridge to Terebovlya 1 0 4
49th Mountain Corps 11. Militia Activity 2 0 3
Arctic Front 5. Christmas Morning 2 1 3.5
Arctic Front 7. Blood on the Snow 3: Call Me Sissi 3 1 4
Arctic Front 8. Timoshenko Strikes 2 0 4.5
Arctic Front 9. Finnish Tanks 3 0 3
Arctic Front 16. Dead of Winter 2 0 4
Arctic Front 17. Black Day of the Finnish Army 2 0 3.5
Arctic Front 19. Panssari Salama 2 0 4
Airborne 16. Bridge at Zon 5 2 2.8
Airborne 17. Juncture 4 2 1.8
Airborne 18. Juncture II 4 3 2.8
Armata Romana 3. First Tank Battle 5 2 3.6
Armata Romana 6. Tank Battle at Orhei 3 1 3
Armata Romana 7. Gates of Chisinau 3 2 4
Armata Romana 8. Stalin Line 1 0 3
Armata Romana 11. Tighina Bridgehead 3 2 3.3
Armata Romana 16. Counterattack at Kagarlik 1 0 4
Armata Romana 17. Red Dawn 1 0 4
Armata Romana 19. National Socialist Ardor 2 1 3.5
Armata Romana 20. Ride of the Seventh 2 1 3.5
Black Helicopters 4. Air-Landing Division 1 1 4
Black Sea Marines 1. Defense of Vyhoda 2 1 3.5
Black Sea Marines 2. Defense of Chebanka 1 0 3
Black Sea Marines 5. East of Fontanka 1 0 3
Black Sea Marines 9. Kacha River Bridges 0 0 ---
Black Sea Marines 11. Vilshansky’s Attack 0 0 ---
Blue Division 14. Cara al Sol 4 2 2.4
Blue Division 15. Las Tropas me Abandonan! 5 2 4.2
Blue Division 17. El Dedo 5 2 3.2
Blue Division 18. No Somos Italianos! 8 3 3.6
C&CV1: War in the East 8. Across the Border 4 2 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 12. Armored Clash 2 1 3.5
C&CV1: War in the East 17. Last Stand 2 1 3.5
Divisione Corazzata 3. A Strong Armored Component 1 0 4
Divisione Corazzata 5. Close Assault 1 0 3
Deluge 2. Prepared Defense 5 1 4
Deluge 3. National Socialist Ardor 4 2 3.8
Deluge 4. Throwing Good After Bad 4 3 3
Deluge 5. Anders' Army 2 1 4
Deluge 10. The Rytel Position 1 1 4
Deluge 15. Osa River Line 1 1 4
Deluge 21. Rommel’s Response 3 3 3.5
Deluge 31. Weekend at Pless 1 0 3
Deluge 36. Fast Division 1 1 5
Edelweiss 3. National Socialist Ardor 3 1 3.3
Edelweiss 7. Top'ozero 3 1 3.7
Edelweiss 9. The Mius Line 1 1 2
Edelweiss 10. Spring Offensive 1 0 3
Edelweiss 12. Goitkh Pass 1 0 3
Edelweiss 14. Novorossisk Breakout 2 2 3
Edelweiss 23. Himmler's Sword 1 1 1
Edelweiss IV 16. Top'Ozero 3 2 3.3
Edelweiss IV 19. Spring Offensive 1 0 5
Edelweiss IV 21. On the Shoulder 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 22. Pale Riders 0 0 ---
Edelweiss IV 27. Novorossisk Breakout 1 0 4
Edelweiss IV 38. Himmler's Sword 0 0 ---
Edelweiss: Expanded 10. Top'Ozero 3 0 2.7
Edelweiss: Expanded 13. Spring Offensive 1 0 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 15. On the Shoulder 1 2 3
Edelweiss: Expanded 16. Pale Riders 0 0 ---
Edelweiss: Expanded 19. Novorossisk Breakout 5 1 2.8
Edelweiss: Expanded 30. Himmler's Sword 1 0 4
Eastern Front 5. The Crossing at Alytus 29 11 3.1
Eastern Front 7. South of Brest 15 7 3.3
Eastern Front 8. Hammer of the Proletariat 18 6 3.2
Eastern Front 12. Defense of the Motherland 18 7 3
Eastern Front 13. 28th Tank Attack, Part 2 12 3 3.3
Eastern Front 15. Zelva 18 8 3.1
Eastern Front 17. Land Battleships 8 3 3.1
Eastern Front 19. First Blood 21 9 2.9
Eastern Front 21. West of Rovno 12 5 3.2
Eastern Front 22. The Bridge at Borisov 9 5 3.2
Eastern Front 24. A Dangerous Situation 10 7 3.8
Eastern Front 25. First Tank Battle 25 13 3.6
Eastern Front 26. Tank Battle at Ostrov: Day One 8 5 3.8
Eastern Front 27. Tank Battle at Ostrov: Day Two 6 3 3
Eastern Front 28. Kamienka 10 3 3.9
Eastern Front 29. Bobruisk Bridgehead 6 1 3.5
Eastern Front 30. Senno 9 7 3.6
Eastern Front 31. Head On 5 2 3.4
Eastern Front 34. Cavalry Probe 11 3 3.5
Eastern Front 35. Bridge Across the Dniepr 8 3 4
Eastern Front 37. Cavalry Counter-Attacked 7 2 3
Eastern Front 38. Timoshenko's Strike 4 1 3.3
Eastern Front 43. Red Steel: Tank Battle at Chisinau 24 16 3.3
Eastern Front 44. Red Steel: Gates of Chisinau 12 6 3.1
Eastern Front 45. Stalin Line 7 5 2.8
Eastern Front 48. Tighina Bridgehead 8 3 3.3
Eastern Front 49. Spruce Grove 9 4 3.7
Eastern Front 50. Kruglowka 7 2 2.9
Eastern Front 51. The Yelnia Salient 7 2 3.4
Eastern Front 52. East of Smolensk 5 0 3.4
Eastern Front 59. Odessa: Counterattack at Kagarlik 9 4 3.9
Eastern Front 60. Odessa: Red Dawn 4 2 3
Eastern Front 62. First Guards 8 4 3.1
Eastern Front 64. Smashing Guderian 5 4 3.3
Eastern Front 66. Malaya Kabosi 14 7 3.4
Eastern Front 68. Odessa: National Socialist Ardor 6 1 3.5
Eastern Front 69. Attack on the Isthmus 4 1 3
Eastern Front 71. Riders of the Khan 3 0 3
Eastern Front 73. Odessa: Ride of the 7th 5 3 3.6
Eastern Front 74. Excuses, Excuses 2 0 3
Eastern Front 75. Katukov's Brigade 9 2 3.5
Eastern Front 76. Katukov Rides Again 10 5 3.3
Eastern Front 79. Moscow is Behind Us 3 3 3
Eastern Front 84. Last Stand at Volokolamsk 3 1 3.7
Eastern Front 86. Teploye 1 0 4
Eastern Front 87. Aryan Panic 2 1 2.5
Eastern Front 89. Podlas Attacks 4 3 4
Eastern Front 91. Night and the City 2 1 3.5
Eastern Front 92. Okhvat Station 8 5 3.1
Eastern Front 93. Tank Attack at Okhvat 3 1 3.7
Eastern Front 94. Vorontsovo I 4 1 3.5
Eastern Front 95. Vorontsovo II 3 2 3.7
Eastern Front 96. The Snail Offensive 2 0 3.5
Eastern Front 98. Vorontsovo III 4 2 3.5
Eastern Front 103. Tank Battle at Parpach 3 3 3.6
Eastern Front 104. South of Kharkiv 7 4 3.8
Eastern Front 107. Gaytolovo 2 1 2.7
Eastern Front 108. Marching to Georgia 3 0 2.3
Eastern Front 110. Attack on Stalingrad 3 1 4.3
Eastern Front 111. High Water Mark 4 1 3.6
Eastern Front 112. Debut 8 5 3
First Axis 5. On a Darkling Plain 9 5 4.1
First Axis 13. Collective Farm 1 1 4
First Axis 26. Slovak Surprise 1 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 2. Across the Bug 12 6 3.9
Fire in the Steppe 3. Into the Trap 7 2 3.6
Fire in the Steppe 4. Swift Response 3 2 4
Fire in the Steppe 6. The Road to Lutsk 5 4 4.2
Fire in the Steppe 7. The Road to Lokachi 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 8. Bridge over the River Styr 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 9. Task Force Lysenko 4 2 3.6
Fire in the Steppe 10. Duel at Sabinovka 6 5 3.6
Fire in the Steppe 11. Counter-Stroke at Radekhiv 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 13. Tank Battle at Leshniv 4 2 3.8
Fire in the Steppe 14. Red Banners 2 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 17. Fortune Favors the Inept 3 2 3
Fire in the Steppe 19. Ryabishev Returns 3 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 21. Like a Spear 2 1 4.5
Fire in the Steppe 26. Rear Guard 4 2 4
Fire in the Steppe 27. For the Night is Dark 2 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 29. After Dark 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 30. Ryabishev's Escape 1 1 3
Fire in the Steppe 34. Marching East 2 1 3.5
Fire in the Steppe 39. Broken Horsemen 1 1 4
Fire in the Steppe 42. Spirit of the Defensive 1 1 3
Fall of Empires 1. First Contact 7 1 3.8
Fall of Empires 2. Cavalry Screen 2 0 3.5
Fall of Empires 3. First Action at Krasnik 1 0 4
Fall of Empires 4. Jaroslawice 1 1 2
Fall of Empires 5. Hussar Defense 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 6. The Other Brudermann 1 0 4
Fall of Empires 10. Grenadiers 1 1 4
Fall of Empires 12. Spirited Counter-Attacks 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 16. Boundary Issues 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 22. Victory Panic 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 24. Batteries of the Dead 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 30. Edelweiss, Second Verse 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 35. A Bold Advance 0 0 ---
Fall of Empires 39. Cold Steel 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 1. The Charge at Stójanów 3 0 4.5
Franz Josef's Armies 2. “A Brave but Foolish Event” 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 3. Wagon Train 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 8. Finding the Flank 1 0 3
Franz Josef's Armies 10. The Storming of Sobieszczany 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 12. Heights of Klodnica 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 16. Fall of Zamosc 0 0 ---
Franz Josef's Armies 21. Haiduks at Rachanie 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 1. First Action 11 5 3.6
Fronte Russo 2. Zaritschanka: Seizing the Bridgehead 4 1 4
Fronte Russo 3. Zaritschanka: Expanding the Bridgehead 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 4. Zaritschanka: The Bloodiest Day 2 0 3.5
Fronte Russo 7. Pavlograd Bridgehead 7 3 3.7
Fronte Russo 9. Potemkin Village 4 2 3.5
Fronte Russo 10. Rescuing the 80th 2 2 4
Fronte Russo 11. Sinister Forces 3 1 4
Fronte Russo 13. Suicide Squeeze 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 15. The Christmas Battle: Blackshirts Under Attack 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 16. The Christmas Battle: The Center 2 1 3
Fronte Russo 17. The Christmas Battle: Right Flank 2 1 3.7
Fronte Russo 18. The Reserves Enter Action 1 0 4
Fronte Russo 20. Germans in Action 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 23. Barbo' Group 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 26. To the Point of Conceit 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 28. Serafimovich: Day Two 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 29. Serafimovich: Day Three 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 32. August in Flames 1 0 3
Fronte Russo 33. A Weak Response 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 35. Widening the Breach 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 37. Forward Once Again 0 0 ---
Fronte Russo 39. "Epic Beauty" 1 1 4
Fronte Russo 42. Chiaramonti's Column 1 0 3
Fronte Russo 44. Blackshirts Ambushed 0 0 ---
Uprising 4. Struggle and Flight 0 0 ---
Uprising 5. On a Darkling Plain 0 0 ---
Grossdeutschland 1944 8. Shadow Division 1 0 3
Go for Broke 2. A Trap Not Sprung 5 3 3.8
Go for Broke 12. Northwest of Cecina 2 1 3
Grossdeutschland 1946 1. Fire Brigade 1 1 4
Hammer & Sickle 24. Big Red One 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 25. North German Plain 1 1 5
Hammer & Sickle 31. Lone Star 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 33. Smoking Lightning 0 0 ---
Hammer & Sickle 34. Assault 0 0 ---
Heroes of the Soviet Union 13. Desperation 3 1 3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 15. Skill 3 1 2.7
Heroes of the Soviet Union 17. Red Parachutes: Rzhishchev Bridgehead 3 1 3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 18. Red Parachutes: Bukrin Bridgehead 3 1 3.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 19. Stalingrad Fire Brigade 3 1 3.3
Heroes of the Soviet Union 21. Kursk: Opening Moves II 5 2 3.4
Heroes of the Soviet Union 23. Kursk: Advance! 4 1 3.3
Indian Unity 2. Over the Line 7 4 3.3
Indian Unity 3. Naldurg Fort 4 4 3.7
Indian Unity 4. Hyderabad Lancers 3 4 3.4
Indian Unity 7. The Ditch at Kodad 4 4 2.8
Indian Unity 8. Violent Resistance 3 3 3.8
Iron Curtain 4. Big Red One 1 1 4
Iron Curtain 5. North German Plain 4 3 4.5
Iron Curtain 11. Lone Star 1 1 3
Iron Curtain 13. Smoking Lightning 1 1 3
Iron Curtain 14. Assault 1 1 3
Iron Curtain 19. Thunder from Heaven 1 1 5
Imperial & Royal Panzers 3. Motorized Cavalrt 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 4. Des Kaisers Reiterei 0 0 ---
Imperial & Royal Panzers 6. Steel Frotresses 0 0 ---
Iron Wolves 8. Bet Lietuvis Neprazus 2 1 5
Iron Wolves 9. Iron Wolves 2 2 4
Dogs of War 3. The Oleksandrivka Crossing 1 1 4
Land Battleships 1. Low Speed Assault 2 2 2.7
Land Battleships 2. Land Battleship Battle 2 1 4
Lithuanian Campaign 3. Armored Wolves 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 4. Panzer Attack 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 5. Clash of Armor 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 6. Defensive Bulwark 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 7. A Mighty Fortress 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 8. Iron Wolves, Steel Fortress 0 0 ---
Lithuanian Campaign 10. Mass Attack 0 0 ---
Lions of Finland 6. Blood on the Snow 3: Call Me Sissi 2 1 4
Lions of Finland 7. Black Day of the Finnish Army 2 1 2.5
Lions of Finland 9. Panssari Salama 3 1 3.3
Little Saturn 1. A Strategic Hill 6 3 3.6
Little Saturn 8. The End of Hope 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 1. Polish Legions 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 2. Bajorai 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 3. Tanku Musis 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 5. Over the Neman 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 6. Upper Nieman 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 7. Horse Soldiers 1 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 8. Klaipeda Redeemed 1 0 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 9. Holy Vilnius 1 1 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 10. Axis Horse 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 13. Gates of Vilnius 2 1 4
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 14. Moscow Rifles 1 1 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 15. Crossed Sabers 1 0 3
Lithuania's Iron Wolves 17. Lithuania’s Last Stand 1 0 3
Legend of the Iron Wolf 18. Iron Wolves 1 0 3
Legend of the Iron Wolf 23. The Crossing at Alytus 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 24. Infantry Attacks 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 25. Tank Engagement 0 0 ---
Legend of the Iron Wolf 27. Lithuania’s Last Ditch 0 0 ---
March on Leningrad 1. Directive No. 3 7 6 2.9
March on Leningrad 4. Sol'tsy: Problems at Maloye Utorgosh 8 5 3.4
March on Leningrad 7. Mga Station: The Marshal Taketh Away 4 2 3.5
March on Leningrad 8. Bol'shie Skvoritsy 2 0 4
March on Leningrad 9. Dudergof 3 1 4.3
Panzer Grenadier 3. Okhvat Station 5 3 2.9
Panzer Grenadier 4. Tank Attack at Okhvat 5 3 2.9
Panzer Grenadier 6. First Blood: IR Gross Deutschland on the Eastern Front 7 4 2.3
Panzer Grenadier 7. Kruglowka 4 2 3
Panzer Grenadier 11. Katukov Rides Again 6 2 2.6
Panzer Grenadier 13. Marching to Georgia 2 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 17. Bobruisk Bridgehead 3 2 3.8
Panzer Grenadier 18. Katukov's Brigade 3 2 3
Panzer Grenadier 19. Gaytolovo 3 1 2.8
Panzer Grenadier 20. Debut 3 2 2.8
Panzer Grenadier 21. The Yelnia Salient 2 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 23. Teploye 3 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 24. High Water Mark 3 1 3.4
Panzer Grenadier 25. Spruce Grove 3 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 27. Hammer of the Proletariat 2 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 28. Defense of the Motherland 3 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 29. Attack on Stalingrad 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 30. Malaya Kabosi 5 2 3
Panzer Grenadier 33. 28th Tank Division Attack 2 2 0 3.5
Panzer Grenadier 34. Bridge Across the Dniepr 2 0 2
Panzer Grenadier 35. A Dangerous Situation 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 37. Vorontsovo I 2 1 2
Panzer Grenadier 38. Vorontsovo II 3 1 3.5
Panzer Grenadier 39. Vorontsovo III 2 1 2.7
Panzer Grenadier 41. Zelva 4 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 44. Excuses, Excuses 3 2 1.5
Panzer Grenadier 45. Senno 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 46. South of Kharkiv 3 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 47. The Snail Offensive 2 1 1.3
Panzer Grenadier 48. Border Battle #6 2 1 1.7
Panzer Grenadier 49. Kamienka 4 1 3
Panzer Grenadier 50. Red Vengeance 2 1 3.3
Panzer Grenadier 51. The Bridge at Borisov 2 1 3.3
Panzer Lehr 2 18. Feces Hits the Rotating Oscillator 0 0 ---
Panzer Lehr 18. Feces Hits the Rotating Oscillator 3 3 4.3
Peace in Our Time 5. Fast Divisions 1 1 4
Peace in Our Time 10. East of Plzen 1 1 3
Puppet Brigade 1. Mopping Up 2 1 3
Puppet Brigade 6. Collective Farm 1 0 3
Panzer Lion 5. Clearing the Valley 1 1 4
Red Warriors 14. Feldwebel Schaffer 4 2 3.3
Red Warriors 17. Nikitinka Station 3 1 4
Red Warriors 18. Shanaurin Strikes Back 1 0 ---
Spanish Blues 1. Red Fury and Spanish Blues 7 1 2.8
Romanian Soil 5. Situation Under Control 3 2 4
Romanian Soil 9. And Again 2 1 4.5
South Africa's War 3. Battle on the Equator 4 1 3.5
South Africa's War 10. Gialo Oasis 3 1 3.3
Secret Weapons 13. Waves of Steel 0 0 ---
Secret Weapons 15. Tank Battles 2 1 4.5
Sinister Forces 3. Into the Breach 9 3 3.3
Sinister Forces 4. No Honor to Lose 4 2 3.3
Sinister Forces 12. Red Vengeance 4 4 2.3
Sinister Forces 13. Partisan Spring 3 1 4.5
Sinister Forces 14. In the Name of the Soviet People 1 1 3
Sinister Forces 20. Unnecessary Actions 0 0 ---
Sinister Forces 25. Pushkin Town 1 0 5
Sinister Forces 26. Fortified Zone 0 0 ---
Sinister Forces 27. Viking Raid 0 0 ---
Sinister Forces 31. Far From Home 1 1 5
Siege of Leningrad 4. North of Kirishi 1 0 4
Siege of Leningrad 8. Shock Group 1 0 4
Slovakia’s War 2. Mopping Up 2 1 2
Slovakia’s War 7. Collective Farm 2 1 2.7
Slovakia’s War 15. Fighting Slovaks 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 17. Fighting Germans 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 18. Slovak Revival 0 0 ---
Slovakia’s War 19. Slovak Surprise 2 1 1.7
Stalin's Tanks 6. Mass Action in Kursk Oblast 1 1 5
Tank Battles 12. Austrian Scenario # 6: Tank Battle 2 1 2.5
Tank Battles 13. Operation MARS #1: Zhukov's Dream 1 1 1
Tank Battles 14. Operation MARS #2: Feldwebel Schaffer 1 1 2
Tank Battles 15. Operation MARS #3: The Struggle for Urdom 2 2 4
Tank Battles 20. Operation MARS #8: To the Highway 2 1 2
Tank Battles 23. Operation MARS Scenario # 11: Hell's Fury III 3 4 2.5
Tank Battles 27. Operation MARS #15: Shanaurin's Drive IV: Breakout 2 2 2
Tank Battles 32. Operation MARS #20: Molodoi Tud River Blues III: Tough Ride 1 1 4
Tank Battles 37. Operation MARS #25: Luchesa River Valley Blues III: The Bloody Nose 1 1 5
Tank Battles 38. Operation MARS #26: Luchesa River Valley Blues IV: Katov Resumes Attack 1 1 4
Tank Battles 40. Operation MARS #28: Luchesa River Valley Blues VI: Katov's Fire 1 1 3
Tank Battles 42. Operation MARS #30: Luchesa River Valley Blues VIII: Becker's Fire Brigade 1 1 2
Tank Battles 46. Operation MARS #34: Desperately Trying 1 1 3
Raseiniai 2. Solyankin’s Attack 3 3 3
Raseiniai 5. Daylight fades 1 1 2
Raseiniai 6. Tauroggen 1 1 3
Raseiniai 10. North of Raseiniai 1 1 2
Waltzing Matilda 3. Dutch Treat 1 1 4
Waltzing Matilda 6. Steel Springs 2 2 5
Waltzing Matilda 7. As Fast As a Leopard 1 1 4
Waltzing Matilda 9. Killer Koalas 1 1 4
Waltzing Matilda 10. Hurling Down the Track 1 1 3
Winter's Battle 8. Blizzard Blitz 0 0 ---
Workers and Peasants 10. Unrealistic Expectations 1 1 4
Workers and Peasants 13. Still Trying 2 3 4.7
Workers and Peasants 14. Pogar Bound 1 0 4
Workers and Peasants 15. Opening Moves 3 1 3.7
War on the Equator 3. Land, Sea and Air 10 9 3.8

Display Games (59)

Percentage of Each Game's Scenarios Using this Map
Land Battleships
Land Battleships
Spanish Blues
Spanish Blues
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Lithuania's Iron Wolves
Bron Pancerna
Bron Pancerna
Lithuanian Campaign
Lithuanian Campaign
Panzer Grenadier
Panzer Grenadier
Eastern Front
Eastern Front
Fronte Russo
Fronte Russo
Fire in the Steppe
Fire in the Steppe
Indian Unity
Indian Unity
Legend of the Iron Wolf
Legend of the Iron Wolf
March on Leningrad
March on Leningrad
49th Mountain Corps
49th Mountain Corps
Black Sea Marines
Black Sea Marines
Armata Romana
Armata Romana
Imperial & Royal Panzers
Imperial & Royal Panzers
Waltzing Matilda
Waltzing Matilda
Arctic Front
Arctic Front
Fall of Empires
Fall of Empires
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Lions of Finland
Lions of Finland
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Heroes of the Soviet Union
Franz Josef's Armies
Franz Josef's Armies
Tank Battles
Tank Battles
Slovakia’s War
Slovakia’s War
Dogs of War
Dogs of War
Sinister Forces
Sinister Forces
Puppet Brigade
Puppet Brigade
Black Helicopters
Black Helicopters
Blue Division
Blue Division
Divisione Corazzata
Divisione Corazzata
Iron Wolves
Iron Wolves
Little Saturn
Little Saturn
Peace in Our Time
Peace in Our Time
Romanian Soil
Romanian Soil
Siege of Leningrad
Siege of Leningrad
Edelweiss: Expanded
Edelweiss: Expanded
Stalin's Tanks
Stalin's Tanks
War on the Equator
War on the Equator
Workers and Peasants
Workers and Peasants
Red Warriors
Red Warriors
Edelweiss IV
Edelweiss IV
Hammer & Sickle
Hammer & Sickle
C&CV1: War in the East
C&CV1: War in the East
First Axis
First Axis
Grossdeutschland 1946
Grossdeutschland 1946
Panzer Lion
Panzer Lion
South Africa's War
South Africa's War
Winter's Battle
Winter's Battle
Go for Broke
Go for Broke
Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons
Grossdeutschland 1944
Grossdeutschland 1944
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr 2
Panzer Lehr
Panzer Lehr
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