Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 29th:
Africa Orientale Italiana #33 - North of Barentu Edelweiss #23 - Himmler's Sword
Africa Orientale Italiana #35 - Rocks of Gibraltar Edelweiss IV #38 - Himmler's Sword
Cassino '44 #5 - The 168th Goes In Edelweiss: Expanded #30 - Himmler's Sword

Impartial Leader Selector: Edelweiss IV

Edelweiss IV Leader List
Nation Force Rank Front Back
Germany Heer Mtn Feldwebel 9-0-1 10-1-0
Germany Heer Mtn Feldwebel 10-0-0 7-0-0
Germany Heer Mtn Hauptmann 8-0-1 9-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Hauptmann 9-1-1 8-0-0
Germany Heer Mtn Hauptmann 10-1-1 9-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Hauptmann 10-1-2 10-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Leutnant 8-0-1 8-1-0
Germany Heer Mtn Leutnant 8-1-0 8-0-1
Germany Heer Mtn Leutnant 9-1-1 9-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Leutnant 9-1-1 10-2-1
Germany Heer Mtn Leutnant 10-1-1 9-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Leutnant 11-2-2 9-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Major 9-1-1 10-1-2
Germany Heer Mtn Major 11-2-1 9-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Oberst 10-1-1 10-1-1
Germany Heer Mtn Oberstleut 9-1-1 9-1-1
Nation Force Rank Front Back
Germany Schutzstaffel Hauptsmfr (CAPT) 8-0-1 7-0-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Hauptsmfr (CAPT) 9-0-1 8-0-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Oberstbnfr (LT COL) 8-0-1 7-0-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Oberstmfr (LT) 6-0-0 8-0-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Oberstmfr (LT) 7-0-0 8-1-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Oberstmfr (LT) 9-1-1 8-0-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Oberstmfr (LT) 9-0-1 8-0-1
Germany Schutzstaffel Scharführer (SGT) 9-0-1 8-1-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Scharführer (SGT) 9-0-1 8-1-1
Germany Schutzstaffel Standartenfr (COL) 8-0-0 9-0-1
Germany Schutzstaffel Sturmbnfr (MAJ) 8-0-0 9-1-0
Germany Schutzstaffel Unterstmfr (2nd LT) 7-0-0 8-0-1
Germany Schutzstaffel Unterstmfr (2nd LT) 8-0-0 9-0-1
Germany Schutzstaffel Unterstmfr (2nd LT) 8-0-0 8-1-0

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