Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
French Tenacity
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2010-10-04
Language English
Scenario FaoF016

The German plan was to envelope the woods side of the ridge with a primary attack while a secondary attack fixes the forces in Stonne. Once the east (wooded side) was cleared the Germans planned to clear the ridge towards Stonne while the artillery softens up the town defenses. The the Germans would assault the town. Meanwhile AT defensed would set up on the ridge to await the French counterattack.

The French plan was to use the MC Cavalry forward to delay the Germans and the defend the ridge as long as possible with the infantry holding out until the French tanks could arrive.

The German left flank attack into the woods went pretty much as planned but he French H39s arrived early with one group going to attempt to reinforce the infantry in the woods. This didn't work an these H39s took casualties and the withdrew. But the other group had success heading to the center of the ridge to stop Germans from grabbing it quickly. The other H39s later reinforced this after withdrawing of the wooded sector of the ridge.

This with the ridge now split the Germans had to launch their attack on Stonne without a full envelopment. Thus they committed their reserve company to this endeavor. One town hex fell rapidly but the other held out until the end of the game.

The Char B1 bis tanks arrived early also and headed right the center to form up the defense there. The German armor and ATGs could do nothing against these tanks so the infantry had to close for the assault. This was tough to do with high DF opportunity fire for the B1s.

This one went right to the end. The French held on to the center of the ridge with the tanks and the Germans through their infantry right at them. They almost got all the French platoon demoralized as all of the French tank platoons had to take morale checks in the final assault combat. About half of them didn't demoralize but most were disrupted. It came down to the Germans having to fire their artillery on the assaults, 32 factors into the town hex under assault and 16 on the assault on a clear hex. The 32 factor had no effect and it was certain the French would have undemoralized combat units on the victory hexes. An exciting scenario.

This one showed the differences in the two forces. The German advantage es were high morale and high firepower infantry with many leaders. The French had superior armor in both numbers and in armor factors; plus the high direct fire factors of the Char B1 bis tanks was very helpful.

The French got the H39s on the second turn they could com in and the Chars on the first roll. This was critical in the tanks getting to the center of the ridge while the Germans were still reducing the flanks of the ridge.

Casualties (in steps):


Cav 2 Inf 11 HMG 2 H39 4 B1 bis 3 ATG 2 P178 2 Ldr 2

German: Inf 4 HMG 2 PzII 1 Ldr 1

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