Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 31st:
An Army at Dawn #18 - Task Force Kern Africa Orientale Italiana #36 - Tanks on Gibraltar
An Army at Dawn #19 - Half Measures Africa Orientale Italiana #37 - Tank Battle at Agordat
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #17 - Task Force Kern Blue Division #20 - A Mi la Legion!
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #18 - Task Force Stark Conquest of Ethiopia #40 - The End of Ras Destà
Africa Orientale Italiana #34 - Tanks at Barentu Mouse That Roared #5 - Sacrifice at Paju
A Serious Stonking
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2019-03-09
Language English
Scenario BeNo002

So this was a massive, crushing British victory. Basically a brigade of British infantry and tanks, with ample artillery and air support, pounded a battalion of SS to pulp. The SS were dug in along a thin line across the relatively narrow battlefield, supported by some 88s, a 75 atg, and some 20mm AA. The British tank support, composed of two companies of Churchills plus multiple platoons of AVREs, Crocodiles and Achilles, moved out ahead of the infantry and engaged the dug in SS. A few tanks were lost to 88 fire, but these were soon silenced by repeated air attacks. The tanks got to point blank range with the SS and began to stomp them in their foxholes. After about an hour and a half of steady attacks the SS were in tatters, so the British infantry moved out. By the time they had closed with the German stragglers it was clear the situation for the nazis was hopeless, so I called the game.

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