Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
The Grey Tide Rolls On
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2018-08-22
Language English
Scenario FaoF034

Others have pointed out that this is an essentially unwinnable scenario for the French, and I would have to agree. The Germans have 18 INF, 3 HMG and 3 ENG while the French have 10 CAV, 2 HMG and a 60mm mortar. Oh, did I mention the 48 points of German OBA each turn? It actually starts higher, and with reduced visibility at the start of the scenario, it's easy enough to position the French so that the extra OBA doesn't get used much.

The Germans want to cross 2 boards and exit. The French want to stop them, by either killing them or just making sure they can't exit by the end of the game. So, what's the problem? The French are mobile and can keep getting in the Germans way, right? The CAV are 3-3s, while the German INF are 5-3s. Even if the French set up blocking positions, the Germans can roll up to them and shoot them to death, or perhaps assault them to death. Or use artillery to blow them into little pieces. And the terrain isn't hospitable for charging. Lots of woods and swamp. I mean, it can be done, and 2 CAV with a leader fight on the 13 column with a charge, while 2 defending German INF with a leader fight on the same column. And normally the Germans are going to be in good defensive terrain. And that column shift for the Cavalry charge goes away after the 1st round of combat, so it's likely to be a 5 column (or worse) for the French against a 13 for the Germans after turn 1. Sure, this might tie up some German units, and there is enough time the the other guys can go around assaults.

The Germans have 48 steps available, and get 1 VP for each French step eliminated and 1 VP for each step exited, while the French get 1 VP for each German step that doesn't exit. So, to win, the Germans need to exit at most 25 steps (for a 25-23 win) and that assumes they don't kill any French steps. y game ended up 49-17 for the Germans, as 3 steps died and 14 didn't exit, mostly because I kept them tied up in assaults too long (a couple were too far away to exit after fleeing from demoralization). The Germans exited 31 steps, and killed 18 steps of French (out of a total French force of 25 steps). And I know mine isn't the most extreme result.

This is an interesting scenario, I just think it has unrealistic victory conditions for the French, hence the low rating.

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