Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
We paid dearly for this ground, we're not giving it up easily!
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2018-08-14
Language English
Scenario FaoF021

This scenario gave me a chance to play with my bright red Division Marocain units, who were tasked with taking back German gains north of Gembloux. Essentially, they had to push the Germans back to the rail line, having none in the town itself. As other AARs have mentioned, the victory conditions as written are virtually impossible to achieve, as it's too easy for the Germans to rush a few platoons into assaults late in the scenario and the French won't have time to eliminate them. In addition, I was playing with the 4-3 ESC, while the original scenario calls for 3-3 INF. Using the original units would make things much more difficult (i.e., 2 units are only 6 FP, the 4 column instead of 8 FP for the 7 column; 3 units in an assault with a 1 leader are 10 FP, for the 9 column as opposed to 13 FP for the 13 column).

The French have a good amount of OBA in this one, however the Germans have more. They also have tank support. The Germans have tanks, however they are mostly PzIs and PzIIs. The French did have a lot more infantry.

My plan for the Moroccans was to have the units in the main town of Gembloux mostly hold the line, hoping to pick off a few units because the Germans didn't have much in the way of depth. My main effort would be to force the units away from North Gembloux, where the terrain was more open, and back to the railway. As the Germans, my plan was basically to make the Moroccans pay dearly for every inch of ground they took.

This game is played on about 2/3 of a map, and is relatively static as the French push forward hex by hex. In the North, I was able to push the Germans back to the railroad at the cost of high casualties to both sides, except for 1 town that refused to fall. I did manage to get both units in the town demoralized, however only 1 of them routed out (and because the French had mostly bypassed the town, he routed deeper into Gembloux! To the south, the Germans tried an incursion into a weak part of the French line, sending a platoon of Panzer IIs and one of Infantry to a weakly held spot in the French defenses. The Panzers soon died at the hands of Moroccan AT guns, however I was unable to dislodge the infantry, and it repeatedly demoralize many of the troops assaulting it.

I called the game early on turn 15 of 16 as it became obvious that the Moroccans could not dislodge the Germans from the 3 town hexes they occupied. I had actually crossed the railroad in the south with a couple of HMG platoons and taken 2 town hexes there before they ran into armor that would have been a risky assault, however those hexes don't count in the scenario as published. Casualties were very high on both sides in all the close range fighting.

This is a hard scenario to recommend. It was nice to use my red counters, and they made it a balanced fight, however it wasn't an exciting fight. It was a WW1 type battle of attrition, and the Germans held on by the skin of their teeth. There wasn't much movement, and most of it was 1 hex a turn. So, while the situation is militarily interesting, it didn't make a great game.

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