Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 4th:
Desert Rats #31 - Young Fascists : The Morning Phase Red Warriors #18 - Shanaurin Strikes Back
Desert Rats #32 - Young Fascists : The Afternoon Phase Tank Battles #29 - Operation MARS #17: Shanaurin's Drive VI: Shanaurin Strikes Back
Heavy Metal #4 - Shielded Frogs
Korean War: Counter-Attack, scenario #41: Back to Battle Mountain
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor North Korea
Play Date 2017-10-12
Language English
Scenario KWCA041

Korean War: Counter-Attack, scenario #41: Back to Battle Mountain

This is another interesting scenario and the Americans have 22 turns to try and achieve 3 out of 4 victory conditions. The North Koreans are dug-in, setup in kind of a supporting circle around the major American victory objectives but the Americans have VT Fuze off-board artillery on any 8 turns to support them.

The Americans can enter on the south or east edges of the map or both. I split my forces and entered on both edges of the map to have forces on both sides of the river. I ended up controlling the 40-meter hill hexes on east and the 40 & 60 meter hill hexes on the west side but some NKPA units filtered back in on the west side. I couldn’t control the bridge hex as the North Koreans interlocked two SMG units on both sides dug-in and I was out of VT Artillery, as I blew through that on the hill hexes on the first 8 turns and my kill rate was not twice as much as compared to the NKPA losses so the North Koreans won this one. I think splitting my forces was not a good idea for this scenario as in the end my forces were too spread-out and disorganized to achieve 3 out of 4 victory objectives.

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