Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Bushido & Jimmy Greek team-up against the Marines
Author plloyd1010 (Japan)
Method Face to Face
Victor Japan
Participants WightTiger
Play Date 2017-06-11
Language English
Scenario Guad002

Or in other words: It at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try, try, try again; repeat!

The game opens with a reasonably solid USMC line, lots of back-up, and an outlier platoon on the wrong side of the island. The American want to Japanese on their side of the island, with out losing to many steps. The Japanese just want to kill a lot of Americans, regardless of their own casualties.

I form my force into 3 attack groups, 2 SNLF and the base personnel, and a support group. The lone raider platoon on the east end of the island should be an easy 2 steps. One group goes there, the other 2 against the American line. It appears to be a good, though suicidal plan.

That raider platoon proves uncooperative. Repeated assaults just don't kill it. Many turns later, like 10ish, they are still alive. Disrupt & recover, demoralize & recover, just can't get a step on them. Meanwhile similar things are happening on the main line. I attack, they shift and reinforce. The deadly dances go on, but no one really gets hurt.

Suddenly 2 weird things happen. The raider platoon demoralizes the force attacking it. He jumps out and runs to the town, while my big brawny SNLF guys are crying for mommy! (WTF dude? All 3 of them?) The other thing is that the "Meh" attack group, so named because I don't expect much from them, kills 2 American steps. So the seaplane mechanics come through when the Imperial Marines cannot. Go figure.

Now the American weight of marines begins to tell. The attacks against the mainline get broken up. I manage to extract some survivors for later use. In the meantime I also try to keep the raider platoon from breaking away. Fortunately the scenario rules discourage marine pursuit.

I start attacking the raider platoon again, with less of an advantage because of the town hex. Eventually they do take a hit. The turn afterward, they completely succumb. It is a draw now. One more American step and I win. I reorganize my troops into 2 attack groups, and a support group, and head out again.

My last lodgment in the American line is wiped before the attack is renewed. Though both attack groups do not assault in pristine condition, one does inflict a step loss. in the first round. The Emperor throws me a posthumous parade.

This was a very luck dependent scenario. The Japanese are severely out gunned and out numbered. It the Americans were not functionally immobile for half the time, there would be no chance. As it is, you decide which ogre to whack. If it doesn't work, whack him again, until you can whack no more. You only need to get lucky a couple times.

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