Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 4th:
Desert Rats #31 - Young Fascists : The Morning Phase Red Warriors #18 - Shanaurin Strikes Back
Desert Rats #32 - Young Fascists : The Afternoon Phase Tank Battles #29 - Operation MARS #17: Shanaurin's Drive VI: Shanaurin Strikes Back
Heavy Metal #4 - Shielded Frogs
Korean War: Counter-Attack, scenario #24: Another Night
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2017-05-19
Language English
Scenario KWCA024

Korean War: Counter-Attack, scenario #24: Another Night

Ok, round two of the Bowling Alley, as I hoped I learned my lessons from the first scenario #23 The Bowling Alley as the American player at least. This time I have more American units to have a better defensive line and decided to setup pretty much along the east-west road as my stone wall. The North Koreans attack again down the same valley but with some flanking units as well, as they also have a bigger force then the previous nights.

It’s kind of repeat of the first scenario but with bigger forces and high victory conditions for the NKPA units to fulfill. The North Koreans approach in the dark of the night and this time with a try to go for broke strategy but the Americans use the optional rule and fire illumination rounds that allowed them to pound the forward North Korean units with whatever could fire. As always, interesting things happen in confused battles, especially at night. I knocked out an NKPA BTR-40 unit with an assaulting 3.5in Bazooka Team and Infantry unit. The North Koreans somehow slipped their T34/85s tanks through one of the few holes in the American lines and a American M26 Pershing tank unit station a little further back to support the Infantry troops took two opportunity fire shots at them but managed treble dice rolls and the T34/85s rolled off the south edge of the map without any damage, all four steps worth, and they count double, so eight points there. The other M26 unit on the other side manage to take out the Su76s and no other NKPA units exited the map this time around. The North Korean Infantry units slugged it out in the middle of the map with heavy loses and only managed to kill two American steps. So the North Koreans failed this time to achieve either of the two victory conditions. An American Victory this time!

I think I did much better with American’s side this time and had better dice rolls but I shouldn’t have tried to exit my North Korean Armor so early, as they were needed to reduce American steps, create holes in the line and maybe give them a chance to achieve one victory condition. Who knows but it will be fun to try again.

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