Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Filling the Gaps WW#4
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2010-08-20
Language English
Scenario WeWa004

The Recon platoon set up in the southern most hex in town. Both sides entered in column. The axis lead with two companys each led by a platoon of engineers. Dispite having one platoon slow down due to being disrupted on a forced march (See PzGren optional rules on the web site.) the US were able to beat the axis into town because of winning the iniative twice. The axis had been able to get all support in place and have all the infantry adjecent to town hexes but could not enter. Opportunity fire on the advancing Americans was ineffective. Consequently the U.S. had the Axis in the open at close range. At 010.00 a special event caused one of the defending Infantry units to move to a new postion. This did not effect the main defense. The axis now assaulted the southern most town hex. Despite leading with an engineer the Axis could not dislodge the Americans. Although disrupted they were able to bring in reenforcements to hold the hex. At 1015 the Axis failed their morale check and could not assault. In the mean time the other Axis platoons were suffering point blank fire from the other US postions in the town causing several step losses and demorlizations. Over the next several turns both sides exchanged fire and reinforced the assault in the southern most town hex. The axis was having problems getting another assault organized because of all the disruptions and demorlizations. Every time one unit would recover another would get hit and fail a morale check. Although still maintaining a position adjecent to the village they just could not seem able to get enough recovered to have a go at another hex. During the strech between 010:30 and 12:30 the axis did inflict several step losses on Allied units with long range HMG fire. Unfortunatly for the Axis they had no infantry in good order next to the target to follow up with an assault. By 12:30 the axis had lost 7 steps including two engineers and the Allies had only lost three. Two of them to long range HMG fire. Although they had made no headway in the assault on the southern most town hex the Axis sent two platoons into the adjecent hex for an assault. Another step was lost and all became disrupted and demoralized. The allies only had one platoon disrupted. At this point it was 1300 with only one hour left. Due to heavy casulties the Axis retired. This scenario was decided when the US beat the Axis into the town. It left the axis in open ground right under the US guns. Had the Axis won the race into town most of the fighting would have been INSIDE the town with a much more uncertain outcome.

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