Great solo scenario | ||||||||||||
In this scenario a strong Soviet force of decent morale supported with tanks, cavalry, light OBA, and even a train ambush a German SS force with lower morale with activation restrictions. Germans can only activate if a Soviet unit moves adjacent, fires on a unit within two hexes, or if a general alarm goes off (11 or 12 on two dice rolled during initiative phase). The Germans are limited to 15 units per board, two units per hex, trucks included. Victory is based on German losses. Thirty steps (trucks included) is a minor Soviet, 45 is a major Soviet, neither is a German minor, and holding six town hexes is a German major. Germans can exit off the south edge, but heavy snow decreases movement. Germans set up fourteen units on each board in a seven hex cell, to include seven trucks. They hold both towns. The east boards have Inf and HMG units, plus one 37mm each. The southwest board has Inf and the Krad, while the northwest town has mortars, the IG, the engineers, and Inf. With few leaders the Germans cannot afford to be spread out. The Soviets split into two main forces containing everything but the tanks, cav, mortars, and train. The train goes with the north force, the mortars with the south, while the tanks and cav make up a mobile force. The Soviets spend nine turns maneuvering into position, with the eastern German forces half surrounded, to include cutting the north south road, while the mobile force gets into position between the southwest force and the south board edge, cutting that road. On turn 10 the Soviets close adjacent to the eastern German forces while the tanks open fire on trucks and the cav charges into a German Inf. The tank attacks are successful while the charge kills the Inf. German return fire is not highly effective in the east, but the cav is shaken by adjacent German fire. At the start of turn 11 the general alarm goes off, allowing all German units to activate! In the northeast the position collapses fairly quickly. Several trucks pull away as the infantry forces delay the Soviets, but all but three steps of combat units are eventually eliminated. In the southeast the position holds a bit longer, but also eventually collapses. With no road to move west everything in that force is eventually eliminated. The Soviets pay a heavier price, but they can afford it. The Germans are being forced into a decision, try to escape or hold the town. With all roads south blocked the Germans determine going for a major victory is a better chance. In the southwest the tanks rip apart trucks, but the Germans managed to send the cav force into demoralization, which will take some time to recover. The force eventually pulls together and most of it moves north to the town. The Soviets realize their efforts to stack up step losses has put them in jeopardy of leaving the Germans in possession of the town. They now do everything they can to get forces ready to contest the town. They get forces into the area and begin their attack. After turn 26 (of 30) the Germans have lost 43 steps, but hold nine town hexes. By the end of turn 27 the count is 45 (major Soviet!), but the Germans still control eight town hexes. Turn 28 ends with 46 steps and seven town hexes. Turn 29 ends with 47 steps and the Germans still controlling six town hexes. Finally, after a heavy fight, on turn 30 the step loss count reaches 49 and the Germans are left holding only five town hexes for a major Soviet victory! Final losses were Germans: 3 leaders and 49 steps; Soviets: 1 leader and 14 steps. This doesn’t seem like a great scenario to play the Germans, and normally I rate based on whether the scenario is good for face to face. While the German player would have some chance to pull this off, it wouldn’t be fun to see your force get rolled. This would normally mean a rating of 2. BUT, in this case I have to say the scenario was just way too much fun to only score it a 2! Plenty of combat, a close ending, tanks, cavalry, and a train, this is just way too much cool toys not to get a score bump! If it had been a good two player option it’d get a 4 or 5, but in the end when it all balances out I gave it a 3. I highly recommend it for solo play! |