Author |
Method |
Solo |
Victor |
North Korea |
Play Date |
2016-11-20 |
Language |
English |
Scenario |
Another 12 turn game, this time the US Army trying to hold the line with elements of the 34th infantry regiment against more than twice their numbers, the North Koreans supports by tanks and off board artillery. The North Koreans have to enter the board all at the same point so it takes 3 or 4 turns to get them all on the board. I set up the US in a rough line of outposts in the hills south of the river, all but two in woods with another in the village and the last dug in at 0408. As the US commander, I planned a flexible defense to a?low outposts to fall back initially instead of taking fire from the tanks or being targets for OBA, the shoot from 2 hex range as much as possible. The NKPA commander planned to send the SMG force to the open US right flank, fire at targets of opportunity with tanks moved forward to 0706 (vehicles cannot cross the minor river and the bridge is down) and the rest of the force to close with, engage and break through the defensive line. The US plan worked well for the first 3 turns before the US left became heavily engaged. Demoralized US troops started fa!long back from successful NK attacks while a major assault destroyed a force lead by the US major. The SMG troops succeeded in getting around the right flank and headed for the board edge on turn 6. North Korean tank and artillery fire had little effect cue to the flexible defense, but US casualties started to mount and the commander decided on turn 10 to order units capable to fall back and avoid being cut off, which opened up the whole front to the NKPA advance. End results, the north exited 30 steps and caused 6 steps of US casualties, losing only 6 steps in turn. An overwhelming North Korean victory, and probably a pretty historical result. Great game.