Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
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Korean War: Pusan Perimeter, scenario #6: Chaos at Uijongbu
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor North Korea
Play Date 2016-03-19
Language English
Scenario KWPP006

Korean War: Pusan Perimeter, scenario #6: Chaos at Uijongbu

This is larger scenario but looks simple enough, as the victory conditions solely depends on the North Koreans exiting off 70 steps off the south edge of the map and they have a pretty large armor-infantry battlegroup with about half of the infantry mobile in some way; Trucks, Motorcycle or APC-BTR-40s. But it is not that simple, as the South Koreans have great defendable terrain on map 95, three entrenchments and tons of off-board artillery that won’t do much against armor but may help slow the foot-infantry.

The ROK defensive lines were setup right at the front with an artillery park a couple maps back. The NKPA sent their armor forward to attack the ROK infantry and heavy weapons followed by their foot-infantry to make or exploit holes in the lines and bring down their own off-board artillery. Waiting further back was the mobile NKPA infantry to drive off the edge of the map if a hole in the ROK lines did open up or if they were needed to reinforce the attack.

This scenario turned very tense, as the NKPA had a time line to meet and breaking the ROK front line was taking too much time. Finally after a large enough hole in the ROK lines were open, the armor and mobile infantry poured through to the south edge of the map. But barely enough, only 71 steps, one step over what was needed and thankful for them the tanks steps counted double. The North Koreans won this one with one turn to spare and only by a couple of steps and left most of the foot-infantry behind to battle it out with the ROK units. Casualties don’t really matter in this scenario, so it’s kind of fun not to worry about it in this scenario. A couple more road-blocks by the ROKs and they might have won this scenario.

Funny thing is, as a Designer note, I noticed many guys claim they want large scenarios but from what I see in the PG-HQ, the smaller and medium scenarios get played much more offend.

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