Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 31st:
An Army at Dawn #18 - Task Force Kern Africa Orientale Italiana #36 - Tanks on Gibraltar
An Army at Dawn #19 - Half Measures Africa Orientale Italiana #37 - Tank Battle at Agordat
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #17 - Task Force Kern Blue Division #20 - A Mi la Legion!
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #18 - Task Force Stark Conquest of Ethiopia #40 - The End of Ras Destà
Africa Orientale Italiana #34 - Tanks at Barentu Mouse That Roared #5 - Sacrifice at Paju
Run in and capture. How hard can it be?
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-07-31
Language English
Scenario BeNo012

Casualties will be denoted as (x-y), where x=British step losses, y=German step losses.


1530-1545: The 2nd A&S must advance on its own before the 23rd Hussars and 8th Rifle Brigade are released to assist. German reinforcements are expected, but their timing is in question.

The initial advance sees the first British blood being spilt. (1-0) They rush the bridge, which is the only way for the 23rd Hussars to cross the Odon.

1600-1615: British come under heavy fire losing a number of infantry platoons. The British Achilles spots the Marder III eliminating it. Return fire from the German 88s destroy the British Achilles!

Hussars begin to advance and the Fireflies are taken out by the 88mm battery. (12-2). The British have already suffered serious losses and the 2nd A&S morale suffers (down to 7/7). But they near the town and assault the western side of the bridge.

1630: German reinforcements enter!!! (This is the earliest possible outcome!) British Marauder does an air strike reducing a German Marder III platoon!

Meanwhile the 88 continues to wreck havoc among the Hussars and more British infantry are wounded.

1645: British infantry finally clear out the German AA guns at the bridge, but the armour is still stuck as the Germans hold the south side of the bridge.

1700-1715: British morale takes a pounding. The early arrival of the German reinforcements combined with the StuG IV which is too tough. The Archer fires uphill at long range but can’t damage them. Return fire sees the British tank destroyer become scrap metal. If this isn’t bad enough, the 88 continues to pluck off British armour unable to cross the Odon.

British mount an infantry charge at Tourmauville as their only (slim) hope!

1730-1745: British assault the 88s! The RIF is reduced, but importantly, the 88 is engaged. But it doesn’t take long and the British are fought back. Only a single reduced British platoon remains in town.

1800: Defeated with time running out for this offensive, the British surrender the field to regroup.



This isn’t a bad quick scenario. I think the biggest fault is that in a short scenario (11 turns), the German Reinforcements should arrive at a specific time instead of having a roughly 30% chance of entry each turn beginning on Turn 5. Here they arrive Turn 5 and the British really didn’t have a chance then. Although, it isn’t unfeasible that they don’t arrive (or until turn 11) and have no impact at all! A bit too random in such a short timeframe. Probably best just to have them arrive turn 7 or something like that.

Also, OOB says the reinforcements arrive (are placed) in any hex ##25. This could have actually placed them behind the British front line!!! Instead I altered this and had the reinforcements enter at 2225, which is the southeast edge “behind” Tourmauville.

Scenario Rating: 3/5 – Fine little scenario where my primary gripe is with the reinforcements. Still, it was good not to see a draw in the victory conditions!

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