Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 31st:
An Army at Dawn #18 - Task Force Kern Africa Orientale Italiana #36 - Tanks on Gibraltar
An Army at Dawn #19 - Half Measures Africa Orientale Italiana #37 - Tank Battle at Agordat
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #17 - Task Force Kern Blue Division #20 - A Mi la Legion!
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #18 - Task Force Stark Conquest of Ethiopia #40 - The End of Ras Destà
Africa Orientale Italiana #34 - Tanks at Barentu Mouse That Roared #5 - Sacrifice at Paju
One of the better monster PG scenario's
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2016-01-27
Language English
Scenario BeNo024

Confined to the house on Dr's orders for 4 days, I though I would try this large scenario out. It has four SS GREN regiments with armour support taking om 7 Brit battalions with 44RTR in support. I used Cassino Brit counters to make up the British troops and Black SS for the Germans. The SS advance onto the boards in dribs and drabs due to the scenario instructions and are easy meat for the massive British OBDA and air support and initially I thought the SS attack would be stopped cold. So did the British commander who advanced into Cahier in a counter attack. However once the Germans units got to grips with the Brits RIF units the tide slowly turned, the SS have high morale and with good leaders and armour support all their assault were on the high end of the assault chart. The high morale meant that just reduced units shrugged of morale checks while as British losses mounted their morale began to plummet. The Brtis units who had advanced to Cahier were quickly bundled out with heavy losses, Gravrus in the south was taken the Argyle and Sutherland's holding that town were almost destroyed. Although not everything was going the Germans way, the Churchill,s in reserve in the north destroyed several German tanks including a Panther platoon and in the South the German advance westwards towards Tourmauville has stalled. By GT18 the German pressure had resulted in all the Brit reserves being committed and the "thin red line" was being stretched almost to breaking point. However by retreating one hex at a time and leaving reduced unit as road blocks the Brit line steadied and held around Le Valtru, as the Scenario turns clicked along it was obvious that no major break through would occur today, but perhaps the German commander could salvage a draw. In the south a small gap in the line let two STUG platoons race through to the British rear in a bid to get close to the German VC hexes. This they did but a Comet platoon supported by Brit TD's moved to counter this rather "gamey" SS bid for a draw. When the smoke settled the Stugs had been destroyed and the game won by the Brits. But at what cost? More than 90 Brit steps had been eliminated along with 84 SS Steps both sides had lost valuable equipment and men and neither side would be fit for offensive action for some time. Marvelous scenario if some what clunky as you have to roll each turn for OBDA A/C and the German reinforcements and the British cohesion rules take some book keeping. Note the Btits get up to 6 A/C a turn using the 4th edition rules with a +2 col shift makes them very potent. I tweaked this a bit by rolling a second die and only with a dr 1 or 2 did the A/C get the column shift. Purists may wince but I thought it helped balance the game a little, I still think the Germans have a tough task to get a win but would love to be proved wrong by any one trying this monster.

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