Too many towns, not enough Brits | ||||||||||||||
This scenario was played as a team event by my gaming group. I act as moderator and facilitator for each game, and I do not participate directly as a player. My listing of “winning” is based on the PG HQ site cannot support a neutral role in AARs. In The Gavrus Bridge the British were attempting to take several town hexes from the Germans, and in fact must control all town hexes within a certain radius to win. That ends up including the four hexes of Mondrainville in the center, the eastern hex of Grainville sur Odon on the German left flank, and an unnamed town in woods on the German right flank. The Germans set up most of their starting forces supporting the center, with their tank and some infantry on the left and some infantry to the right. The British outnumber the Germans about three to one in starting forces, but the Germans get strong reinforcements sometime turn 2 or later to make the odds 3:2. By turn 8 of 11 it is night. Most of the British armor cannot move for the first two turns. The game starts with ranged combat in the center while the Brits move forward to put pressure on the flanks. The first three turns see about equal casualties, and the Brits are forcing the Germans out of G-s-O. The unnamed town on the right is under pressure, but steady supporting fire from the German center is preventing the Brits from establishing an assault opportunity. The British are also moving on the center, and in fact have brought their Churchills up to Mondrainville to support any assault opportunities, while knocking out the AT gun in the north end of the town (the eastside gun is still holding back armored vehicles on the British left.) On turn 4 the German reinforcements arrive. After warning the reinforcing player to not place his SPW 251/75mm in harm’s way from the British tanks that have advanced on the center, the German player moves the loaded transport directly into an opportunity fire situation on the road and it dies before it ends moving. Reinforcing German infantry splits between supporting G-s-O and moving north of the British forces. The northern move is really useless, and ties down more German reinforcing troops than British troops, especially when the leader demoralizes. The strong German armor, however, drives up to a position two hexes away from the British Churchills. The British counter by driving three Shermans south to be adjacent but flanking to the German tanks. Turn four ends with equal casualties on both sides, the Brits pressuring G-s-O, threatening Mondrainville, and struggling to reach the town on the German right. Turn 5 erupts with a massive tank battle. The British get initiative and take out the German StuG IVs with flanking fire. The Germans respond by taking out all but one step of Shermans. The fight for G-s-O goes to the British, and they take the town. Assaults go in on Mondrainville, but the defenders trash the attackers. The British left begins demoralizing and running away, with just enough force left to convince them to continue on. Turn 6 initiative goes to the Germans, and they pulverize the remaining Sherman along with some Churchills. Assaults on Mondrainville continue to go bad. Turn 7 sees another German win on initiative, and the Churchills pay the price, as do the Mondrainville assaulters, and the attempt to hit the German right. At this point the British are trashed and realize they cannot support continued attacks. What isn’t dead is significantly shaken. Considering tanks counting double, the British have lost 37 steps to the German 12. As darkness falls, the British withdrawal, and victory goes to the Germans. I rated this scenario a 3. It was fast and action packed, but the British really struggled to take six town hexes in 11 turns. In the end they only took one, but German dice were a little hot while the Brits a little cold. There wasn’t the time to set up a coordinated assault against a weakened position with most of the armor tied down for two turns, so even with three turns of just beating on the Germans the reinforcements saved the day. Both sides made errors. Victory is definitely possible for the Brits, but not on this day. |