Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
PG Test Run
Author rdmorss
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2015-08-23
Language English
Scenario KRBT025

4th edition PnP demo scenario from the AP website.

Soviet infantry and machine guns setup in five hexes surrounding the farm (dug-in); mortar and ATR in the farm; artillery two hexes east of the farm alert for the approach of the German StuGIII. The Russian game plan was to stay dug-in and prioritize recovery actions as much as needed to maintain good order and delay the German assault as long as possible. Also to get an AT shot at the German AFV if possible, and maybe even a crossfire with the ATR. If that AFV is out of action, the German assault is much tougher.

Germans have only 10 turns to advance down the board, set up for an assault, and take the farm. German plan was to advance the infantry and MG units without delay (leaving the HMG to catch up). Once within three hexes, German OBA and mortars were to concentrate on one corner of the Soviet perimeter. As soon as disruption or demoralization occurred in the intended assault hex, the air strike was sent in (missed), and the assault was launched from the apex of the target hex (where Soviets INF from only one hex could target the assaulting units). Led by the StuGIII with INF following, the assault cleared the perimeter hex, but the scenario time ran out before the farm could be assaulted.

It looked doubtful whether the Germans could have taken the farm, as the assault on the perimeter left them with very few good order units.

4th edition handles fields differently: they are limiting terrain that does NOT block LOS. Seemed strange to be able to see beyond the fields, but not be able to see a unit in a field unless within 3 hexes. These would be standing crops, so it seems counter-intuitive that they do not block LOS (as they do in 3rd edition) but I wanted to give 4th edition a try as written.

There was no provision for smoke in the scenario parameters; but it would help the Germans by allowing them to screen their advance and minimize the harassing OBA called in by the Soviet spotter in the farm. Might be worth adding for a little different flavour.

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