Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
I Feel Like Italian for Dinner Tonight
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2015-07-21
Language English
Scenario AAAD021

This interesting scenario played in the nailbighting mode right to the end, hence the 5. A large US force has to cross the width of 2 boards and take as much of the 3-hex town of Sened Station as possible. Casualty points means they have to do it with as few casualties as possible, because taking the town and losing their armor would still result in an Italian victory if they dont kill enough Italians along the way. Italians are spread pretty thin, so I defended the town in 2 of the 3 hexes with the Bersagliari, and set up the on-board arty and AT guns as a guantlet that US troops and armor had to run. Mines were placed in the two clear hexes direcly east of the town and blocking the space on board 78 between the two rocky ground hexes, making a less adventurous force go around rather than risk losses or delays on the road. The US sent the tanks in ahead, the M-6 on the north flank and the T-30 on the south (and as I write, I realize I missed getting out the M-3/81, but I didnt miss it in this game). A line of infanry centered on a captain entered in the north so they could take advantage of the wadi there, while another small force entered in the center, while the main infantry force, centered around the Major, entered south of the southern wadi and taking advanage of the hill to protect them from Italians taking cover in that wadi. The first blood drawn was one of the Stuarts when it lost a step to the Italian tank, but the other Stuarts quickly eliminated the Italian armor and ran through the limited AT fire, ending up at the west of the town where they could start pounding with DF from a place of relative safety. The Major moved his large force along, leaving behind the occasional demoralized infantry and a demoralized LT while maintaining the momentum, and with the central and northern forces moving forward, the Italians were pressured all allong the front, using OBA and the 2 on-board 75s with little more effect than the occasional disruption or demoralization. US troops succeeded in assaulting a dug-in Italian force on the south-central hill, destroying the Italian mortars, an AT gun and a 75 located there, but the Italian Major commanding managed to slip away with a disrupted LT and made his way around the large US force that had moved on to envelope the town from the south. With the central and northern US forces having cleared out the Italians on the north side of the valley with the loss of one step from the M-6, the southern force went for an assault on 2 of the 3 town hexes on the last turn, succeeding in taking one but leaving the other contested, while US OBA had demoralize and reduced the Bersagliaris in the 3rd hex, keeping them from being able to strike back. Italian losses were very high, so in the end, the US won, 25 to 7, countng one town hex for each side and the 3rd contested. A few more turns might have seen the town fall completely, but with the Italians having rolled an 11 on the 3 column a couple of times, it was also possible the US might have lost more troops if not the town hexes gained. Great game.

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