Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Poor British Tactics Result in Italian Victory
Author dreierj
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2015-06-02
Language English
Scenario AfKo018

The British strategy was to approach the center of the Italian position between the hill to the east and salt marsh area. The goal was to force surrenders, find a gap, and move to Hill 2008. The Italian plan was to remain in place and rely on their AT guns to eliminate the 10 steps of British armor. In addition, infantry platoons would retreat and form a defensive position on Hill 2008.

Within the first 30 minutes, the British had broken through the line and were approaching the objective. The Italians were falling back to the hill to delay and make things difficult for the British. This included the Arditi Company, and they had no intention of surrendering. By 1600, Hill 2008 was surrounded by MkIVbs and armored cars, all taking shots at the tough Arditi unit. Two L3/35 platoons were on the hill too. Many Italians had surrendered, but AT guns had taken out two British tank platoons (8 steps lost). The A9 and A10 reinforcements were approaching from the south.

An hour later, the British still surrounded the Italians on the hill. MkIVb direct fire had resulted in two reduced Arditi infantry units. Now is was time to assault with the MkIVbs. For the next 45 minutes, the Britsh assaulted the hill, but with very unfavorable dice rolls, were unable to dislodge the remaining Arditi infantry platoon, leader, and a reduced L3/35. The British would likely have earned a draw if they had assaulted earlier and included an A9 or A10 to handle the L3/35. They were somewhat delayed by several shorted turns due to the fog of war. To me, this seemed critical. The delaying tactics of the Italians combined with limited maneuver in the shortened turns made it more difficult to get into position for effective attacks against the hill. The Italians won this time, but I believe a replay with a more aggressive British approach would at least earn a draw.

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