Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 30th:
An Army at Dawn #17 - Faid Pass Jungle Fighting #38 - The Pursuit: 30 January
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #4 - Faid Pass
The Test
Author PaperTiger
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2015-01-24
Language English
Scenario SiFo012

I looked into this scenario as a small, fast-playing one to get back into the system after a long absence. Never having had partisans in the OOB of anything I’d played previously clenched the deal. It was time to quite literally get back in the game.

What I soon found was that this scenario is not so much a test of leadership skill as it is a test of character. Given the victory conditions and the movement restrictions, about the only other thing that could add to the woes of the German player would be a set of dice loaded against him. This is not so much for the German player about winning (I don’t think he can), as it is about how you’re going to react to an impossible situation. How far will you push yourself and your units when bogged down in snow and the Soviet forces begin to close in like a pack of wolves?

The Soviets won this quite handily. They kept pressure on the German forces, slowing them down even more when they were forced to fight or recover morale. In the end, the Germans fell too far behind, making victory impossible.

I wouldn’t want every scenario I played to have such a forgone outcome. I am glad, however, that I fought this battle. It reminded me that you still have to give it your best even when everything indicates that it’s not going to be enough.

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